


Metallurgy is the study of metals and compounds. It includes the technology and advancement of refinement and casting techniques.

500 Questions

What are the fields of metallurgy?

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Some fields of metallurgy include extractive metallurgy (extracting metals from ores), physical metallurgy (studying the physical and mechanical properties of metals), and metallurgical engineering (applying metallurgical principles to the design and production of metal components).

What are the three major steps involved in metallurgy?

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The three major steps involved in metallurgy are mining, beneficiation or ore dressing, and extraction of metal. Mining involves the removal of ore from the Earth's crust, beneficiation involves processing the raw material to improve its quality, and extraction of metal involves obtaining the pure metal from its ore through various methods like smelting or leaching.

What is the electrode potential of aluminium?

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The standard electrode potential of aluminum is -1.66 V. This means that in a standard electrochemical cell, aluminum tends to be oxidized (lose electrons) rather than reduced.

Is metallurgy good course to study in nit?

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Yes, metallurgy is a good course to study in NIT (National Institute of Technology) for those interested in materials science and engineering. NITs typically offer high-quality education in this field, with opportunities for research, internships, and career advancement in industries such as manufacturing, aerospace, and automotive.

How are metallurgy and alloys connected?

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Metallurgy is the study of metals and their properties, while alloys are mixtures of two or more metals. Metallurgists use their knowledge of metallurgy to create and manipulate alloys, taking advantage of unique properties that result from combining different metals. Alloys are commonly used in various industries due to their improved mechanical, electrical, or chemical properties compared to pure metals.

Why was metallurgy important?

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Metallurgy was important because it allowed humans to extract, purify, and manipulate metals to create tools, weapons, and other objects that improved their quality of life. This technological advancement marked the transition from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age, enabling societies to advance in agriculture, warfare, and trade.

Were there times in metallurgy grew slowly or quickly?

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Metallurgy has experienced periods of both slow and rapid growth throughout history. Advances in metallurgy occurred slowly in ancient times as techniques were developed through trial and error. However, the Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries led to rapid advancements in metallurgical processes due to increased technological innovation and scientific understanding.

What is flotation in metallurgy?

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Flotation in metallurgy is a process where finely ground ore particles are separated from the gangue material using a combination of chemicals and air bubbles. The ore particles attach to the bubbles and rise to the surface, forming a froth layer that can be skimmed off for further processing. This method is commonly used to concentrate valuable minerals from lower grade ores.

What is segregation index in metallurgy?

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The segregation index in metallurgy is a measure of the extent of uneven distribution of alloying elements within a metal casting. It quantifies the variation in composition across the cross-section of the ingot or casting, which can affect its mechanical properties and performance. A high segregation index indicates a higher level of non-uniformity in the distribution of alloying elements.

What is hardness in metallurgy?

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Hardness in metallurgy refers to the ability of a material to resist deformation, scratching, or abrasion. It is an important property in determining the suitability of a material for specific applications, such as tools, machinery parts, and structural components. Hardness can be measured using various scales, such as the Rockwell or Vickers scales.

Why wasn't metallurgy used to make coins in the Indus valley civilization?

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Metallurgy was not used to make coins in the Indus Valley Civilization because the civilization did not have a standardized currency system like coins. Instead, they used a barter system where goods and services were exchanged directly. The absence of a standardized coinage system suggests that other forms of trade and exchange were more prevalent in this ancient society.

Why are the graphite rods replaced periodically in the metallurgy of aluminium?

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In the metallurgy of aluminum, graphite rods are used as electrodes in the electrolysis process to extract aluminum from its ore. Over time, these graphite electrodes degrade due to the harsh operating conditions, which include high temperatures and chemical reactions. Periodic replacement is necessary to maintain efficient production and ensure proper functioning of the electrolysis cells.

What is conclusion 0f powder metallurgy process?

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Powder metallurgy process involves compacting metal powder into desired shapes and then sintering them at high temperatures to bond the particles. The process offers advantages such as high material utilization, complex part shapes, and improved material properties. In conclusion, powder metallurgy is a cost-effective and efficient method for producing high-quality metal parts with excellent precision and control over material properties.

What is the primary function of the solvent extraction in Metallurgy extractive industry?

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The primary function of solvent extraction in the metallurgical extractive industry is to selectively separate and concentrate specific metals or minerals from a solution. This process allows for the extraction of valuable metals from ores or solutions by using a solvent that can selectively dissolve the desired metal, separating it from impurities.

What are the steps in metallurgy of mercury?

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Mercury is typically obtained through the process of roasting cinnabar ore (HgS) to form mercury vapor, which is then condensed and collected. The collected mercury is then typically purified using distillation to remove impurities and improve its quality. Finally, the purified mercury can be further processed and utilized in various applications such as in thermometers, electrical equipment, and chemical processes.

What size is -20 mesh in metallurgy?

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In metallurgy, -20 mesh refers to a particle size where the material can pass through a screen with 20 holes per linear inch. This means that particles larger than the openings on a 20-mesh screen are retained on top. The actual size will vary depending on the specific screening standards used in metallurgy.

What are the process involved in metallurgy?

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Metallurgy involves several processes, such as mining and extraction of ores, crushing and grinding of the ore, concentrating the ore through physical or chemical methods, and finally refining and purifying the metal through various techniques like smelting, electrolysis, or thermal processes. The extracted metal is then shaped into usable products through casting, molding, rolling, or forging.

How reducing agent used in metallurgy?

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A reducing agent is used in metallurgy to remove oxygen from metal ores during the process of extraction. It provides electrons to the metal ions in the ore, which reduces them to their elemental form. Common reducing agents include carbon, carbon monoxide, and hydrogen.

What are the two types of flux used in metallurgy?

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The two types of flux used in metallurgy are acidic flux and basic flux. Acidic fluxes are used to remove impurities by forming acidic slag, while basic fluxes are used to form basic slag and improve the flow characteristics of the molten metal.

Why are coke and flux used in melting process of metallurgy?

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Coke is used as a fuel to provide high temperatures needed for the melting process in metallurgy, while flux is used to purify the metal by removing impurities and protecting it from oxidation during the melting process. Together, coke and flux help create a suitable environment for the efficient melting and refining of metals.

Why calcium chloride is added with sodium chloride in metallurgy of sodium?

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Calcium chloride is added to sodium chloride in the metallurgy of sodium because it helps lower the melting point of the mixture, making it easier to separate sodium metal from the molten mixture. This lower melting point allows for better efficiency in the electrolysis process.

What is origin of science of metallurgy in ancient India?

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Metallurgy in ancient India is believed to have originated around 1200 BCE in the Indus Valley Civilization. Archaeological discoveries such as bronze artifacts suggest an advanced understanding of metallurgical techniques during this time. The knowledge and innovation in metallurgy continued to evolve in subsequent civilizations such as the Mauryan and Gupta Empires.

What Is Corrosion in Metallurgy?

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Corrosion in metallurgy refers to the deterioration of metal due to a chemical reaction with its environment. This reaction can lead to the formation of rust and weakening of the metal's structure, compromising its integrity and functionality. Various factors such as moisture, oxygen, and pollutants can accelerate the corrosion process.

Why do some metal corrode while others do not?

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All metals corrode under the right conditions only some more easily then others. as it turn out the metals that corrode most easily are usually also the most abundant.

What element was named from the latin word fluere because its compounds are often used as a fluxes in metallurgy?

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The element is named Fluorine. It comes from the Latin word "fluere" because its compounds, known as fluorides, are frequently used as fluxes in metallurgy due to their ability to lower the melting points of metal oxides.