


A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens is a classic Christmas story that has been made into dozens of movies and television specials. Scrooge's "Bah, Humbug!" and Tiny Tim's "God bless us, every one!" are a part of the English and American Christmas cultures.

500 Questions

Who did Bob Cratchit toast during their Christmas meal?

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Bob Cratchit toasted to Mr. Scrooge during their Christmas meal as a way to express gratitude and goodwill, despite Scrooge's harsh treatment towards him throughout the year. This scene in "A Christmas Carol" showcases the spirit of forgiveness and generosity that embodies the holiday season.

What is Scrooges first reaction on seeing the cratchits family?

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Scrooge's first reaction upon seeing the Cratchit family is one of surprise and compassion. He is taken aback by their joyful spirits despite their struggles and is moved by their love for each other. This encounter prompts Scrooge to reflect on his own attitudes toward generosity and kindness.

What does Scrooge do at his nephew's party?

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Scrooge refuses his nephew's invitation to the party and belittles the celebration, criticizing Christmas as a "humbug" and showing his disdain for festivities and merriment.

What happy memories do Scrooge have?

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Scrooge's happy memories include being in love with a woman named Belle, and a time when he was left alone over Christmas as a child but felt a sense of freedom and independence.

Why was Scrooge taken out of school to be an apprentice?

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Scrooge was taken out of school to be an apprentice because his family was struggling financially and his father could not afford to continue paying for his education. It was a common practice during that time for children to leave school and start working to help support their families.

What passes Scrooge on the stairs?

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The ghost of Marley, Scrooge's former business partner, passes Scrooge on the stairs. Marley's ghost is burdened with heavy chains and warns Scrooge of the consequences of his selfish and greedy behavior.

Why did the two men visit Scrooge Christmas carol?

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The two men, charity workers, visited Scrooge in "A Christmas Carol" to ask for a donation for the poor and destitute during the holiday season. Scrooge dismisses their request and refuses to contribute, demonstrating his lack of compassion and empathy towards others.

Are there any uses of the literary element of cliche in A Christmas Carol?

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Asked by Zeffman

Yes, "A Christmas Carol" does use cliches, such as in the characterizations of Scrooge as a "stingy old miser" and Bob Cratchit as a "poor but happy clerk." These cliches help establish familiar character types that resonate with readers and reinforce the themes of the story.

What characters they do for Scrooge?

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The characters in the story "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens do things like show Scrooge the consequences of his actions, offer him opportunities for redemption, and ultimately help him become a kinder and more compassionate person. The Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet to Come play a significant role in guiding Scrooge through his transformation.

What does the spirit of the present teach Scrooge?

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The spirit of the present teaches Scrooge the importance of living in the moment and appreciating what he has now, rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. It shows him the joy and warmth in embracing the present and connecting with others during the holiday season.

How is the weather in stave five A Christmas Carol?

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In Stave Five of "A Christmas Carol," the weather is described as crisp and cold, but bright and joyful. It signifies a new beginning for Ebenezer Scrooge as he embarks on a fresh start after the transformative events of the story. The weather reflects the hopeful and positive tone of the ending.

Describe the scene where Scrooge meets up with the same portly gentleman from the beging?

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Scrooge meets the same portly gentleman at his counting house, who is seeking a charitable donation for the poor. Scrooge initially dismisses him but eventually has a change of heart and promises a generous contribution, signifying his transformation from a miserly to a charitable person.

Who in A Christmas Carol helped other people?

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In "A Christmas Carol," Ebenezer Scrooge's nephew Fred tries to help him see the joy in the holiday season, while Bob Cratchit, Scrooge's employee, cares for his family despite their poverty. The Ghost of Christmas Present also shows Scrooge how others celebrate and enjoy Christmas.

Why wouldn't Scrooge permit the fire in the counting house?

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Scrooge wouldn't permit a fire in the counting house because he was obsessed with saving money at all costs. He viewed spending on things like heating as wasteful and unnecessary, preferring to keep the workplace cold to save on expenses.

Why does Tiny Tim Ride in his dads shoulders?

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Tiny Tim rides on his father's shoulders because he is physically weak and unable to walk long distances on his own. This allows him to keep up with his family while also providing him with a better view of his surroundings. It's a way for his father to care for him and make sure he can participate in family activities.

What did Fred's wife say about Scrooge?

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Fred's wife described Scrooge as a "squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous old sinner!" during a conversation with Fred in Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol."

What does Scrooge observe Bob Cratchit family doing in act 2?

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In act 2, Scrooge observes Bob Cratchit's family having a cheerful Christmas dinner despite their financial struggles. They express gratitude for what they have and share love and warmth with each other. Scrooge is moved by their joy and closeness.

What happened to Scrooge in the years after his experience?

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After his transformative experience, Scrooge became generous, kind, and compassionate towards others. He helped those in need, rekindled relationships with his family, and embraced the spirit of Christmas. Scrooge lived a fulfilling life filled with joy and happiness.

When Scrooge is asked to donate money to the poor he refused and asks are there no prisons?

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Scrooge's response reflects his callousness and lack of compassion toward the poor. By referring to prisons as an alternative to helping the less fortunate, he demonstrates his belief that social issues can be resolved through punishment and isolation rather than genuine support and charity.

Why does Ebenezer Scrooge want to say a word or two to his old clerk?

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Ebenezer Scrooge wants to speak with his old clerk, Bob Cratchit, to express his newfound generosity and to make amends for his past mistreatment of him. Scrooge is seeking to mend their relationship and improve Cratchit's working conditions.

What did the spirit look like in stave 2?

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In Stave 2, the spirit of Christmas Past is described as a childlike figure with a glowing head. It seems to radiate warmth and kindness, with a simple tunic and bare feet. The spirit's appearance is ambiguous, allowing Scrooge to focus more on the memories it brings him rather than its physical form.

What is an example of dialogue for Ebenezer Scrooge?

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"You were always a good friend to me," said Scrooge. "Thank'ee!"

"You will be haunted," resumed the Ghost, "by Three Spirits."

Scrooge's countenance fell almost as low as the Ghost's had done.

"Is that the chance and hope you mentioned, Jacob?" he demanded, in a faltering voice.

"It is."

"I-I think I'd rather not," said Scrooge.

"Without their visits," said the Ghost, "you cannot hope to shun the path I tread. Expect the first to-morrow, when the bell tolls One."

"Couldn't I take 'em all at once, and have it over, Jacob?" hinted Scrooge.

What was on Scrooges cheek?

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In "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens, Scrooge had a tear on his cheek after seeing his past. This tear symbolized his emotion and regret over his previous actions and choices.