


Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux is also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). It can be caused by a variety of reasons, but results in acids escaping from the stomach and moving up the throat.

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What are the available types of acid reflux medication?

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There are many treatments for acid reflux, not every treatment will work for everyone. Popular treatments include antacids and a variety of prescription and non-prescription medications as well as changes in diet. It is recommended you speak with your doctor to get help finding the right treatment.

Is acid reflux the same as heartburn?

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Heartburn is a symptoms of acid reflux that shows up as tightness, pain or discomfort in the chest area. Acid reflux occurs when acid in stomach regurgitates up into the esophagus. Heartburn follows by the acid reflux. Heartburn can not happen without acid reflux.

What is the disease associated with acid reflux?

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Stress can be a factor with this + my wife tells me I eat too quick!

When gastic juices back up into the esophagus because of poorly functioning lower esophageal?

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GERD is Gastroesophageal reflux disease.

It is also known as acid reflux disease.

There are several other variations of medical terminology for this.

Basically, it is experienced as heartburn.

It is the result of stomach acid coming into the esophagus.

The lower esophageal sphincter muscle has not closed to keep the stomach acid out.

This is usually a chronic and important condition. If one has it, other serious problems can develop. Treatment is usually a simple matter of a pill.

What scanning techniques is used to diagnose GERD?

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Asked by GaleEncyofSurgery

The most accurate test for diagnosing gastroesophageal reflux disease is ambulatory pH monitoring. This is a test of the pH (a measurement of acids and bases) above the lower esophageal sphincter over a 24-hour period.

Where can I find online resources for help with acid reflux problems?

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You can find information about the symptoms of acid reflux disease online. There are many websites you can go on to find information about the symptoms of acid reflux disease. A good website to go on to find information about acid reflux disease would be Webmd.

Can you drink apple juice for acid reflux?

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Try to avoid any acidic foods/drinks if you are suffering an acid reflux. The best thing you can do is use aan alkaline/basic medicine for indigestion to neutralise the excess acid and to avoid futher damage. If your symptoms become serious or are persistant, you must see a doctor/GP as soon as possible.

Is apple cider vinegar good for acid reflux?

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Vinegar is not meant for babies. This is a strong liquid that would take the breath away from a baby if they inhale it. It is safe enough to use for washing clothes or for bathing of the skin in a diluted manner however.

What is Grade I reflux esophagitis of the gastroesophageal junction?

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I am suffering from Grade I reflux esophagitis since two months. Is it permanently curable?

What can you do about acid reflux?

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Alot of people have heart burn and think it is acid reflux but it really is just an imbalance of stomach acid. Taking a probiotic with bifidus culture can prevent reoccuring indegestion. Another way to battle heart burn is by eating natural yogurt. You need to regulate your digestive system not cause an imbalance in your stomach acid which causes more heart burn.

How can a person tell if they have acid reflux?

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Usually you feel a burning sensation in the chest (heartburn). It can also go up to the throat, cause chest tightness, cause intermittent swallowing problems, cause a chronic cough and throat clearing. If the symptoms resolve with antacids (Maalox, pepto-bismol, tums etc) then it is probably reflux.

If you get it rarely and it goes away with antacids then that is fine. Intermittent symptoms that go away with antacids but return a few hours later can be treated with Zantac, Pepcid, or Prolisec (or generics).

If the symptoms persist for more than 2 weeks, are severe, are worsening, are accompanied by shortness of breath or palpitations, occur with exertion (like walking), have constant swallowing problems, wake you up from sleep, are associagted with weight loss or if you have blood in the stool or black stools you should go see your doctor.

Can you take paracetamol if you have acid reflux?

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Can paracetamol help heartburn

What food is good for acid reflux?

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No (added NaCl) salt diet! What doctors constantly ignore is, without chloride, stomach acid (HCl) canNOT be produced. Stop feeding your body salt and you will reduce acid production within 2 days. Some (simple, single=mono) sugars eaten with your salt can bond the chloride. Things like glucose, dextrose, maltodextrine (but strangely not normal sugar, sucrose which is a double sugar. Frutose has too many calories).

Mono-sodium glutamate also helps. It has excess sodium (to neutralize acid) and no chloride(!), but unfortunately makes people forgetful with their short term memory. Milk+(fat blocker)Cactus-FigThistel also helps, but don't overdose, otherwise gallbladder acid side-pain from a too low-fat diet. The gall bladder needs some fats or oils to work on, otherwise it painfully stores its acid. Milk has (natural, biological) calcium to neutalize acid. Chemical bases are unstable & excess usage produces cramp syndromes within 2 days, for things like Calcium carbonate, magnesium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, etc. If you have to use those chemicals, then mix them with (food acids, like) lemon juice, to fizz away their instability for about 15minutes. All biological life is made of optically left molecules; chemicals are made of left & right, meaning 50% junk. Food decays to 50/50% after 4years, called racemization. Good luck! Because most foods are salted.


You need salt to live.

Might be argued, but we don't eat just pure sugar or protein or fat. Instead,

we eat food (=living organisms) which have salts, e.g. minerals, not just sodium or chloride. Sea fish & birds have a salt gland e.g. near the nose, which gets rid of extra salt. Overdose of salt is unhealthy. Cows get enough minerals from the grass_roots' extraction. You don't need more. I don't see cows salting their pastures, & they are still alive. Some (1 sided) medical misconceptions have hypnotized & brainwashed the public into believing the wrong thing. Balance is what we need; not fanatic extremes. Salted chips, cola, sugared water pop etc. is all that going to help the mineral balance? No! Meat (&/or fish, milk, eggs), vegetables & fruit do.

Please don't tell me they don't have minerals. They do.

Even lake or stream water has minerals, without chloride.

Correctly stated: You need natural minerals from fresh food & water to live;

not added table salt (NaCl).

I make the distinction between common "salt" (NaCl), versus (mineral) "salts" which encompass the whole chemical periodic table. A little bit of chloride is present & useful, but too much causes excess stomach acid.

How do you prevent gerd?

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stop smoking (or stop taking nicorette), drinking anything with bubbles and avoid all tanins except wine and due pushup to strengthen abdomen. eat potatoes frequently and fast once a week. Stomach can heal within 6 months.

What foods can you eat with an acid reflux diet?

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moringa can help. Then there's also what you need to avoid, which is the following:

* citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, etc.) and their juices

* tomatoes and related sauces, salsas, etc.

* tea and coffee, both caffeinated and decaffeinated; however, decaffeinated, non-mint herbal teas can be used

* peppermint and other mints

* alcohol

* fats, particularly animal fats

* chocolate

* soft drinks, particularly caffeinated, but even caffeine-free ones put carbonation in the stomach, which then pushes the acid out into the esophagus

* large servings and/or meals, which both generate a lot of stomach acid and also leave little room for the acid, forcing it into the esophagus

What are some acid reflux remedies?

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it is better if you take natural remedies such as an apple a day. i have had the same problem for over 3 years, the doctors always give me different medication but it doesn't help for long. I have started eating an apple a day for like 2 weeks now, i have noticed that my stomach has gone better, i can digest food properly and eat everything Answer 1/2 teaspoon of backing soda in a glass of water ,then add just a touch of vinegar . this will cause it to foam . drink it quickly . the was used by my grandma she is 90 + years old and i use it also .it will kill the acid instanty. kinda like a liquid form of alkaselzer Answer That depends how severe the reflux is. Avoidance of spicy foods, coffee, peppermints, and so on certainly can help some people. Others, however, need medication for the condition, as it can certainly be severe. Starting with over the counter medications such as Pepcid are a good option; stronger medications require a prescription. It's important to treat reflux, not just for symptom relief, but also to prevent any damage or cancerous changes to the esophagus that occur when the acid comes into it. Hope this helps! Dr. B. Answer YOu also need to get a definitive diagnosis from a doctor if your reflux is severe.

Answer2: I suffered for years taking prescription and over the counter remedies. There is a lot yiu can do if you change the way you eat and what you eat. Avoid heavy meals at any one time, choose smaller meals throughout the day. Avoid foods that create acid, heavy red meats, certain carbohydrates, tomato sauce, caffeine, peppermint tea and gum. Buy Braggs or other apple cider vinegar and when you feel the symptoms, mix a teaspoon or two in a small glass of water and drink.

What is palm acid?

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What is acid ingestion?

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