


Includes questions related to comparing different items using something known to explain the unknown.

500 Questions

What rhymes with hurrying?

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Curry, furry, jury, slurry, Murray, query, scurry, surrey, bury,
Kurry , furry, scurry, jury... There's more...

Who wrote the speech to the second virginia conference?

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Patrick Henry is credited with writing the speech delivered to the Second Virginia Convention in 1775, which included the famous line "Give me liberty, or give me death!"

Whirlwind is to breeze as downpour is to what?

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The analogy of whirlwind is to breeze as downpour is to 'sprinkle' or 'shower.'

What is analogy for walk?

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An analogy for walk could be "drive" - just as walking involves moving by foot, driving involves moving by using a vehicle. Both actions involve propelling oneself forward from one point to another.

What are years poem by Marianne Moore?

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"Marianne Moore's poem 'What Are Years' contemplates the fleeting nature of time and the search for meaning and beauty in a changing world. It explores themes of mortality, the passage of time, and the human experience of existence."

Swell is to swollen as melt is to what?

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Usually, analogy questions like these have a list of possible answers. Either "liquid" or "molten" could be appropriate answers here, depending on the context.

What is the analogy for picture is to frame as cream is to butter cup pitcher or whipped?

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The correct analogy is pitcher as in "a pitcher of cream" typically used when serving tea or coffee along with a sugar bowl. A picture goes in a frame, cream goes in a pitcher.

Good luck if this is for DC school homework. My daughter has this on her homework tonight also.

What is an endocytosis analogy?

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An analogy for endocytosis is like a cell "eating" or engulfing a particle, similar to how a person picks up food with a fork and "eats" it. Just like a person brings food into their body for nutrients, a cell uses endocytosis to take in substances for various cellular processes.

Critical appreciation of pb shelly' the cloud?

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"The Cloud" by Percy Bysshe Shelley explores the transient and unpredictable nature of clouds as they drift across the sky, drawing parallels to the transient nature of human emotions and experiences. The poem captures the beauty and power of nature while also emphasizing its impermanence. Through vivid imagery and personification, Shelley conveys a sense of awe and wonder towards the natural world, inviting readers to contemplate themes of change, mystery, and the interconnectedness of all living beings.

What is a hyperbole in Twilight?

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In Twilight, a hyperbole can be found when Bella describes Edward's beauty as "more perfect than any dream," implying that he is beyond ideal and flawless in her eyes.

Why is it there are lots of gender benders?

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Gender bending can be a form of self-expression or a way to challenge traditional gender norms. It allows individuals to explore and play with different aspects of their identity, contributing to a more diverse and inclusive understanding of gender. It can also be a way to advocate for gender equality and highlight the fluidity of gender.

Whats an example of a hyperbole in The Twilight Saga?

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I wore my knees to the bone planting 10 flats of flowers.

What does ASN stand for?

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There are several meanings:

Abstract Syntax Notation,



American Society of Nephrology,

Autonomous System Number,

Aviation Safety Network,

Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire (French: Nuclear Safety Authority),

Assistant Secretary of the Navy,

Access Stack Node (Baystream),

Augmented Social Network,

Adobe Solutions Network,

Associate of Science In Nursing,

American Society for Nutrition (Bethesda, MD),

American Society for Neurochemistry, (Windermere, FL),

Advance Ship Notices,

Aswan (Egyptian automobile license plate),

Advanced Shipment Notification,

American Society of Naturalists,

Average Sample Number,

Atlantic Satellite Network,

What is the relationship in the analogy palette paint bookshelf book?

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A palette is used to hold and mix paints, similar to how a bookshelf is used to hold and organize books. Both items serve as storage and display units for different kinds of items - paints for the palette and books for the bookshelf.

Which word set completes the following analogy librarian books farmer agriculture scientist microscope rescue emergency horse blacksmith?

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The word set that completes the analogy is:

Scientist - Microscope.

In this analogy, a scientist uses a microscope to perform their work or research, just as a librarian uses books in their profession.

What is a analogy for table of contents?

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A table of contents is like a roadmap for a book, showing the reader the main sections and chapters and helping them navigate through the content. It provides a quick overview of what to expect and where to find specific information within the book.

Is the child is happy as a lark an analogy?

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No, the phrase "happy as a lark" is a simile, not an analogy. It is comparing someone's happiness to the cheerful nature of a lark bird. Analogies draw comparisons between two things for the purpose of explanation or clarification.

Where could one find a list of analogies?

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You can find lists of analogies in books about writing, grammar, or rhetoric. Additionally, educational websites and resources often feature collections of analogies for different purposes such as education or entertainment.

What are the advantages of advertising by analogy?

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Advertising by analogy can help simplify complex concepts and make them more relatable to the target audience. It can also help create powerful visual and emotional connections that resonate with consumers. Additionally, using analogies in advertising can help differentiate a brand from competitors and make it more memorable.

What is the meaning of analogy of faith?

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The analogy of faith is a principle in theology that asserts the unity and coherence of biblical teachings. It suggests that as believers interpret Scripture, they should do so in a way that maintains harmony with the overarching themes and doctrines found in the Bible. In other words, all parts of Scripture should be understood in light of the whole.

What is the analogy to BibleJesusBhagahvad-Gita?

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The Bible is to Christianity as the Bhagavad Gita is to Hinduism. Both texts are considered sacred scriptures within their respective religions and contain teachings, stories, and guidance for followers. Jesus is a central figure in Christianity, while the Bhagavad Gita is a dialogue between Lord Krishna and the warrior Arjuna in Hinduism.

Admire is to respect as what is to envious?

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jealous would work I believe.

its kind of an odd analogy just because the first two are verbs and envious is an adjective

What is the analogy for height weight and inches?

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It is pounds.

An inch is the measuring unit for height.

A pound is the measuring unit for weight.

The logic is as follows.

height, weight -> (measuring unit for height), (measuring unit for weight)

Some similar examples,

If it were "height, distance and inches." the missing word would be "miles"

If it were "height, age and inches." the missing word would be "years"

Sailors are to crew as teachers are?

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Sailors are to crew as teachers are to school.