


Angry Birds

Angry Birds is a popular smartphone game originally developed for the iPhone and now available on most smartphones. It has sold 10 million copies since its release.

500 Questions

Can you play Angry Birds game in your samsung duos 3312 mobile?

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If it is a smart phone it will definitely have Angry Birds in it .

How much do the Angry Birds plush dolls cost?

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According to, the 8'' Angry birds and Pigs are $14.99, plus a $7-8 shipping fee. The birds are purchasable right now, however the Pigs will be shipped next year. The store also has 4" plush dolls of just the birds, price range from $19.99-29.99.

Where can you buy Angry Birds playing cards?

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Google Chrome has the Angry Bird app and add-ons

What are the feathers in Angry Birds?

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The red bird is a cardinal, it crashes. The yellow bird is a canary, it speed up when you tap the screen. The blue bird is a finch, it splits into three smaller birds when you tap the screen. The black bird is a loom, it blows up most of the level when you tap the screen. The green bird is a toucan, it acts like a boomerang when you tap the screen. The white bird is a chicken, it lays an egg when you tap the screen. The big red bird is a hawk, it is like a giant wrecking ball.

How do you download Angry Birds without harming it your PC?

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Well I did it by seeing a commercial for it on Facebook and I clicked it and it took me to my e-mail and all I did was sign in and it downloaded. I have had it for about a year and it still hasn't harmed my computer.

Why they make Angry Birds rio?

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Angry birds is a very popular game and Rio is a very popular movie. Since their both popular and have birds, they would go great together.

What is the blue bird on Angry Birds called?

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The Blue Birds (also known as the Triple Threat Bird, Cyan Bird, Multiplier Bird, Light Blue Bird, Splitter Bird, Glassjaw Bird, Blue Ice Bird, Trio Bird, Shotgun Bird, Cluster Bird, or Glass Breaker Bird) are a species of Birds in the Angry Birds series. First debuting in Theme 1-10, these birds are the second to fourth weakest of the twelve, but have the unique ability to huddle to look like one and split to 3 birds again to fly into the pigs and their buildings. Like most abilities, it is triggered by clicking the screen with your mouse or finger (depending on the tablet)

The Blue Bird's splitting ability can be exploited in different ways. By splitting just before impact with an obstacle, the three birds' force on impact is concentrated for maximum force. Or the birds can be split early allowing them to spread out and hit more obstacles at once. While a Blue Bird has difficulty with most obstacles, it does have a unique strength against glass: able to penetrate glass walls with surprising ease.

The Blue bird is based upon the Red-cheeked Cordon Bleu or the Eastern Bluebird. It is also classified as very small for size.

What is the name of smalest bird?

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A small bird can be called many things, depending on its species. Some examples of small birds are hummingbirds and sparrows.

What is the game unlock code for angry birds on PC?

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Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Enter

What are the names of the 3 Angry Birds?

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Big Red/ Red Bird- A normal bird that you begin the game with. It has no special powers.

Splitter/ Blue Bird- A small bird that splits into three when you touch the screen.

Speedy/ Yellow Bird- An average bird that blasts itself much faster when you touch the screen.

Soko/ Black Bird- A big bird that has two effects: it will turn red after hitting something and then explode three seconds later, or it will explode when you touch the screen.

White Bird- A medium bird that no one understands because they are trying to get their eggs back, this one lets them down when you touch the screen.

Boomerang Bird/ Green Bird- A long bird that you launch past the pig's castle, then touch the screen and it will fly backward.

Big Brother- A large bird that will plow straight through anything in its way. It is the older sibling of the "Red Bird".

Mighty Eagle- A gigantic bird that eliminates everything. It costs 99 cents at the app store.

Balloon Bird/ Orange Bird- A recently added bird that is very small but it eventually puffs up like a balloon.

What is the activation key for angry birds full game?

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Go onto Google play or the app store ect. Then search Angry Birds and pay 69p or for HD pay £1.99. download if you wish to pay* then play.

*there are free versions available for each angry birds, rio, seasons, space and original.

How do you unlock the code on Angry Birds star wars part 2 android?

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vstb-jfcz. Keep in mind that once used by someone, a registration code will probably no longer work. More and more games are becoming harder to hack and have protections against using a registration code more than once.

When did Angry Birds start getting popular?

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Yes, in fact its one of the five most selling games.

How do you use the mighty eagle?

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To unlock the Mighty Eagle in Angry Birds, you must pay 99c in the app store. It has to recharge for 1 hour after each use.

What is the activation code of Angry Birds mighty hoax?

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Questions regarding software license violations - to include key generation codes to enable one to get for free services which are intended to be paid for - are not permitted on this side.

When was the first Angry Birds game released?

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The first anniversary of the game angry birds is on 10 December 2010

What colours of Angry Birds are there?

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black bird

red bird

blue bird

yellow bird

white bird

green bird

big brother bird

mighty eagle

blu which is only on angry birds rio

How do you download Angry Birds on the PS vita?

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Go to the App Store and go to search. Type in "Angry Birds" and tap enter. Wait for it to load and pick any version you like. If you iTunes money or a credit card, you can purchase the full version of it. :)

Where do Angry Birds live?

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at the toilet while watching animal planet via iPhone