



Appendicitis, or inflammation of the appendix, is a medical emergency. It can lead to a rupture, and is a risk for peritonitis and shock. It can be life threatening.

500 Questions

Has anyone ever gotten appendicitis from eatting toothbrush bristles?

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Asked by Googledoodle

no u cant i tried it wen i was little but aluminum foil does the trick

Can guava seeds cause appendicitis?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes. You can get acute appendicitis due to guava seeds or seed of orange. At times the seed lodge in the lumen of the appendix and cause acute appendicitis.

Where does appendicitis come from?

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Asked by Wiki User

i want to know where the appendicitis come from? how do you stop the appendicitis?

How do you self induce appendicitis?

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I do not know for sure, but I do not believe you can "make yourself get appendicitis" it is often caused by an intestinal blockage or a bacterial or viral infection. Some people just seem to be more predispositioned to have such a blockage occur and trying to block your intestines in attempt to cause appendicitis is extremely dangerous and can not only lead to horrible pains that may require a more invasive surgery than an appendectomy it may cause other infections to set in or cause your bowel to burst leading to death. So if you are trying to "make yourself get appendicitis" to get out of an obligation, try taking a few pointers from Ferris Bueller and finding a less drastic approach.

You can eat a toothbrush bristle, that will get stuck in your appendix causing you to get appendictis, and also fish bones, only small ones so that it will get stuck in to it

What are the symptoms of appendicitis for children?

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Asked by FleetOfArchangels

Well, when the child's side(Right) hurts, and they get like a high fever, and it hurts too much for them to move, then these are the likely symptoms. Imidiatly take them to the hospital just in case!

What organs involve in appendicitis?

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Asked by Wiki User

The appendix is usually located in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen, near the right hip bone.
Its position within the abdomen corresponds to a point on the surface known as McBurney's point .While the base of the appendix is at a fairly constant location, 2 cm below the ileocecal valve (at the junction of the small intestine (ileum) and the large intestine, the location of the tip of the appendix can vary from being retrocecal (behind the cecum) (74%) to being in the pelvis to being extraperitoneal (occurring or located outside the peritoneal cavity).

Can appendicitis go away on its own?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well, I was just recetly diagnosed with appendicitis. I was having severe problems, but then a few days later I felt just fine. My doctor still told me to get a CT scan (which revealed i did infact have appendicitis), though the appendix doctor told me that my body had pretty much fought the infection, he gave me some antibiotics just to help anyways though.

In which abdominopelvic quadrant would the pain of appendicitis most likely be felt?

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Asked by Wiki User

You mean "pain in your appendix," but that's okay.

In most people, the appendix is in the lower right portion of the abdomen, but this is not 100%... it can instead be on the left in some individuals, though this is rare.

Is it possible to sleep if you have appendicitis?

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The patient will neither sleep nor he will allow his doctor to sleep.

Is the appendicitis found on the left or right side?

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Most people will feel the pain of appendicitis start around the navel and then move to the right side. Because of human variation, it is possible for some patients to feel the pain on the left.

Can a 60 year old get appendicitis?

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I am sure anybody can have appendicitis if they still have their appendix. The appendix is small at the end of the intestine, so as long as it is still in the body, there is a chance of something going wrong with it..

What are the side effects of an appendix exploding?

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Asked by Wiki User

My appendix ruptured when I was 16yrs old and I walked around for three to four days in pain (pretty much letting my body die from poison's I lost my appetite completely lost sleep (due to nightmares) and had turned ghost white. Got up and sat down like a woman in her third trimester of pregnancy It was bad. But this was all caused by me being afraid to go to the doctor. If I would have waited another 24 hours, I would have died. They misdiagnosed my ruptured appendix for a cyst on my ovary but when the started the surgery, poisons started flowing out of the incision. That is when they found out it was the appendix. Because I waited, I went through a longer surgery then I could have if I would have came in the first sign of pain, Instead of having to stay in the hospital for 24 hours and then going home I had to stay for two weeks, was fed through an IV, had a tube that went down my nose and throat to get the poisons out of my stomach, a tube coming out of my stomach to expel the blood, an IV in each arm, a catheter and ten staples in my stomach NOT FUN. Barely made it out of that one. If it wasn't for GOD and Dr.Harms, I wouldn't be here today. That is what can happen if you wait and your appendix bursts.

When your appendix bursts it spreads the infection to your entire abdominal cavity.

Antibiotics are very limited in what they can do with a massive infection such as peritonitis. You will almost certainly die. However, my sister lived through a burst appendix so I know it can be done.

Appendicitis is an infected and inflamed appendix. If left untreated it can burst. This results in peritonitis, an infection of the entire abdomen and the organs it contains. Unless quickly treated it leads to death.
If you don't receive immediate medical attention you may die of toxic shock !!!

How dangerous is appendicitis?

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Asked by Wiki User

It could be. Instead of having a nice laparoscopic surgery to get the infected appendix removed with very little recovery time and pain, you could risk it rupturing and then the surgeon has to make a 4 to 6 inch cut to visualize your abdominal cavity. Then he will do a "wash" to suck out all of the infection out of your adb cavity, that, if it had been caught in time, would have been encapsulated in one piece in your intact appendix. Then after a few days of recovery from your open abdominal surgery, you may or may not have issues with healing as there is no guarantee that all of the infection has been cleaned out. Believe me, as a nurse I have taken care of patients that have lived through both of these scenarios, and if you suspect you are having issues with your appendix, do not hesitate to seek medical attention immedicately.

When your appendix bursts are you going to have lots of pain or will it go away?

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Asked by Wiki User

My appendix burst right before surgery. I was asleep by then, but my friend said it was EXTREMELY painful. The pain will go away when surgery is over and the aftermath of the appendix exploding is cleaned. You will of course, need some time to recover from surgery. Hope this helped, and good luck!

Why does appendicitis causes loss of appetite?

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Asked by Wiki User

I had appendicitis about 2 months ago and when i went in for surgery i weighed about 225...rite about now i weigh 190, which is a loss of 35lbs....I have always had problems with loosing weight but after the surgery i have lost more weigh than i ever don't get me wrong i love the weight loss and loss of appetite, i only eat maybe once a day and its a small meal....does this result from the surgery or will i start to gain all my weight back soon ?

Would appendicitis show up on a blood test?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes.And the white blood cell will count very high due to the infection of apendicsus.

What causes an appendix attack?

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Appendicitis: inflammation of the appendix. In a male they will experience sharp pain in the lower right side of the abdomen. Within 12 to 24 hours they will have a very difficult time moving in which they will not want to move. They (most likely will) experience nausea, loss of appetite, possibly throwing up, and maybe even constipation or diarrhea. On first feeling this pain immediate medical attention is needed. If not taken care of, the appendix could rupture, leaking blood into the abdomen resulting in death. Now, the same will happen to a woman, although, a woman may be experiencing a pain called Mittelschmerz. It is the German word for mid-cylce pain. Between a woman's menstrual cycle when she is ovulating she can have a very uncomfortable pain which will feel worse than cramps. This pain can last for a few minutes or for 6-8 hours. Occasionally, the pain will last for up to 48 hours. If any stinging, stabbing, or pinching pain it may not be Mittelschmerz. Please seek medical attention right away. I hope this information has helped you. :)

Are there any long term effects from your appendix bursting?

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Asked by Wiki User

My appendix burst and I almost didn't make it through surgery because I have asthma and my breathing problems caused complications during surgery while under anesthesia. I spent one week in intensive care where they didn't expect me to make it with a button to push for pain meds to make it easier for me. I made it obviously or I wouldn't be writing this now.

From what I have learned since then, the body has a way of healing itself but sometimes it can "over-heal" which can cause other problems. I have a "mass" of tissue that has grown over the years in my abdominal area that is about the size of a soccer ball now. It is not like anything else, it is solid and hard. (Has weight to it.) I'm sure it is causing other problems but I have no insurance and can't afford the high costs of medical care on my own so it lives with me and I jokingly refer to it as "the twin who was never born" from my last pregnancy 11 years ago... LOL (He was a twin by the way, they said one dissolved into me or him and I had one child instead of two.) Anyway, apparently tissue grew to fill in the gaps left from the surgery and appendix bursting but it over-grew. Now I look pregnant even though I'm not.

I have been losing weight and wonder if this type of tissue can be lost the same as fat tissue can?

Can appendicitis cause blood in mans urine?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes. Both blood tests, and urine tests are ways to discover appendicitis, yet I'm pretty sure they won't just find it in a random test. I think you have to take a specific test to find out.

How can you tell if there is something wrong with appendix?

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Classically, this presents as right lower quadrant abdominal pain, worsened with movement and increasing in severity over time. Appendicitis can progress to rupture, if untreated. In this instance, although rare, sepsis and death could occur.

Is there a connection of colon cancer with appendicitis?

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As far as I can tell, there does not seem to be any study or any scientific papers on the appendix and it's helpfulness of preventing any cancer.