

Boy Meets World

Boy Meets World is a sitcom that aired on ABC's former TGIF block. Boy Meets World stars Cory as he's going through his normal life. Boy Meets World also stars his older brother Eric, Cory's best friend Shawn and Cory's eventual girlfriend/wife Topanga.

65 Questions

What happened to the first Morgan boy meets world?

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Asked by Wiki User

ohh u noo wat happened~!! don't be sassyyy~

<3 paige Morgan Katie kristaaa<333333333333

Ignore the idiot above me ^ As I hear it, they wanted the character to be more mature. I also heard that the original was a little brat on set...There really isn't a sure answer when it comes to recasting.

When will boy meets world seasons 4-7 come out?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bow Meets World was held by Buena Vista until recently, the lack of releases was due to poor sales of the DVDs dispite a strong, steady fan base, Buena Vista recently lost the rights to the show, and with that, there's a strong chance that the rest of the episodes may be released someday, somehow...

I spoke with a Lionsgate insider today 12/31/09 now thaty they own the rights and they have said they are going to release the rest of the seasons starting in the fall of 2010

What episode of 'Boy Meets World' do Cory and Topanga kiss?

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Cory and Topanga's first kiss is in Season 1, Episode 4, titled "Cory's Alternative Friends."

When did Boy Meets World end?

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"Boy Meets World" lasted for 7 seasons on ABC, from 1993-2000.

What are the lyrics to the boy meets world theme song?

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Asked by Wiki User

Actually, Ray Colcord did not "sing" the Boy Meets World theme. He wrote the first two themes. The final theme song with the vocals and lyrics was written and sung by Phil Rosenthal of the LA band Twenty Cent Crush. Fact!

What episode do Cory and topanga get married?

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Asked by Chavarria23

They did. But it says "briefly." It's a shame, I wanted more details and a nicer story. But it merely mentions it at the end.

What are the ratings and certificates for Boy Meets World - 1993?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes Man - 2008 is rated/received certificates of:




Canada:14A (Alberta)

Canada:PG (British Columbia/Manitoba/Ontario)

Canada:G (Quebec)


Czech Republic:12




Hong Kong:IIA


India:A (cinema release)




New Zealand:M



Philippines:PG-13 (MTRCB)



Singapore:PG (edited for re-rating)

South Africa:13LS

South Korea:15


Switzerland:12 (canton of Geneva)

Switzerland:12 (canton of Vaud)



USA:PG-13 (certificate #44749)

Did Fred savage star in boy meets world?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, his brother did

How old is Shawn from Boy Meets World?

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Shawn Wayans is 46 years old (birthdate: January 19, 1971).

Who is the boy meets world boy?

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The Boy Meets World boy is no longer a boy but he is a man,as he is older now.His name is Corey Mathews in Boy Meets World and Ben Savage in real life. He later did a documentary about his Homosexuality called Boy Meets Boy.

Who played Cory on Boy Meets World?

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Asked by Wiki User

The characters of Cory and Topanga in "Boy Meets World" got married to one another however their actors, Ben Savage and Danielle Fishel did not marry one another, Ben Savage is not only to have marry anyone as of December 13, 2015 whereas Danielle Fishel has been married to a fellow classmate of hers that she had met while she was attending CSUF also known in full as the California State University, Fullerton.

Who played Topanga on Boy Meets World?

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Asked by Wiki User

Danielle Fishel

What channel does boy meets world come on?

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Asked by Wiki User

it doest come on anymore, but u can still watch it. go to and you can watch any episode from seasons 1,2,4,5,6 and 7 :) ...... it doesnt have alot of season 3 episdoes, only a couple, but u can find those on other websites. so yeah go to and you can watch any episode u want from those seasons. hope this helps :))

Your right but wrong you can watch it on abc family at 6am

Who played tapanga on boy meets world?

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Asked by Wiki User

Topanga Lawrence was played by Danielle Fishel on the show "Boy Meets World."

Was Matthew Lawrence in boy meets world?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes he was. He was on from season 5 to season 7, the last three seasons of the show. His character was named Jack Hunter. He was Eric's college roommate aand Shawn's half-brother.

What is Danielle Fishel most known for?

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Asked by Wiki User

Danielle Fishel is most known for her works in the popular television sitcom Boy Meets World, cast as Topanga Lawrence. The Dish had Fishel as host from 2008 to 2011, but Fishel has had no other major television role since then.

What are the release dates for Boy Meets World - 1993 Father Knows Less - 1.3?

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Asked by Wiki User

Boy Meets World - 1993 Father Knows Less - 1.3 was released on:

USA: 8 October 1993

Japan: 23 August 2000