

Captain America

Captain America is a Marvel comic. It is based on the character Steve Rogers. Although thin and sickly, the military did experimentation on him to make him an ultimate soldier.

500 Questions

Can Captain America fly?

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No, flying is not one of Captain America's abilities.

How long was Captain America frozen?

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Captain America became frozen in ice in the final days of World War 2, in 1945. He fell from an experimental drone plane into the North Atlantic where he became frozen in the ice. He then spent decades frozen in a block of ice in suspended animation. He survived because of his enhancements from Project: Rebirth. This explanation is found in The Avengers #4 (March 1964).

What is captain America's eye colour?

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It's usually blue in most comics. But, it really depends on what the writer wants it to be. I think it was blue in the movie though.

Hope this helped.

What is the name of captain America's girlfriend?

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Captain America`s love interest was Peggy Carter, but she died when the years past.

When was the first captain America comic book?

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The first ever comic book by Marvel Comics is Marvel Comics #1 (October, 1939).

It shows the human torch and the first generally available appearance of Bill Everett's anti-hero Namor the Sub-Mariner. After the comic, the series changed to Marvel Mystery Comics.

What is the name of captain America's daughter?

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Yes, he has a son named James Rogers, but he has yet to have any children in the MAIN MARVEL Continuity. James Rogers exists, only in MARVEL's Earth-555326. MARVEL's MAIN Contiguity is Earth-616 (this "Main-Continuity," is the ONE world/universe, of MANY, that is their MAIN/CENTRAL world, and the one that most focus on--in essence the one that "really counts"). Cap. has NO children (yet) in the main continuity. ...And, in the main continuity, he is currently dating S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent, Sharon Carter, not Black Widow.

Who are captain Americas partners?

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Captain America has a lot of friends some of them would be:

Dum Dum Dugan


Iron Man



Howard Stark


Bucky Barnes

Hope this helped.

Can Captain America run very fast?

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Faster than a speeding bullet....obviously.

It's been shown that Superman can move faster than light before. He has reached one of Saturn's moons, from Earth, in under 4 minutes. It takes light 20 minutes to reach the moon.

So, about 5x Faster than Light.

When was Thor Meets Captain America created?

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Captain Mar-Vell The Alien Kree Officer of the Kree Empire in the marvel universe was created in 1967 by Stan Lee and Gene Colan. The first issue came out in December. The DC version of Captain Marvel came out in 1940, but the character itself was created a year earlier in 1939 by Beck and Parker

Who would win Captain America or black panther?

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green lantern becouse batman cant touch him well he has the ring

What is the value of Captain America issue 195 published in March 1976?

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Captain America 1 published march 1941 is worth well over 18,000 if its in near mint condition its actually one of the top ten most valuable comics I believe worth probably over $100,000

Original mint condition is worth $125,000

Who will win a fight Captain America or spider man?

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Hands down Captain America, Spiderman is quick and may be able to evade or avoid Cap but if there was nowhere to run Cap would knock him out. K.O. victory to Captain America

acutally it depends on the battle ground for instance, if it were at a subway cap might have thrown his shield at spidey and spiderman would be able to dodge it and either 1) web it back at him so hard it could slice cap in half or 2) he could dodge the shield and web it to a moving subway. leaving cap shieldless.[but hed still have to deal with caps super strength]

but if they were fighting in ruins cap would probobly kick your "freindly neghborhood" spider-mans butt.

How tall is Captain America?

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In the Comics, Captain America was billed at 6'2" and 240 lbs. (5'2" before taking the super serum). In the 2011 film "Captain America: The First Avenger," actor Chris Evans, who plays Captain America, is roughly 6'0" tall.

How many pounds can Captain America lift?

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More than Sam Payne. Less than Spider-Man.

What is Captain America's IQ?

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he has genius level intellect (IQ 192) Batman is a brilliant, virtually peerless, detective, strategist, scientist, tactician, and commander.He is my favorite superhero.

What are the ratings and certificates for Captain America The First Avenger - 2011?

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Captain America The First Avenger - 2011 is rated/received certificates of:




Canada:PG (Alberta/British Columbia/Manitoba/Nova Scotia/Ontario)

Canada:G (Quebec)











Philippines:G (MTRCB)



South Korea:12



Switzerland:12 (canton of Geneva)

Switzerland:12 (canton of Vaud)


USA:PG-13 (certificate #46937)

What is the name of the actor who plays Captain America?

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The actor for captain America the avengers is Steve Evans

When was the first appearance of Captain America?

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Captain America first appeared in Captain America Comics 1 which was released in December of 1940 and had a cover date of March 1941.

Where was Captain America born at?

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Do you really need to question where Captain Americacomes from

When was Captain's Peril created?

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Captain's Peril was created in 2002.

When does Captain America come out at cinemas?

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Captain America: The First Avenger comes out July 22, 2011 (USA release date).

Is captain America in love with black widow?

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Yes, Captain America DID get to the woman he loves, Peggy Carter, he first saw her in the middle of a training exercise in the movie Captain America The First Avenger, but in the end of the movie, he woke up in a recovery building in present day , so when he joined the Avengers in Avengers Assemble, he met Black Widow.

Did Captain America have a tv show?

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cartoon show yes