



This category encompasses all questions about the composition, structure, properties, and reactions of matter.

500 Questions

What pattern or trend do you notice between atomic radius and electronegativity energy?

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As atomic radius increases, electronegativity generally decreases. This trend occurs because as the atomic radius increases, the distance between the nucleus and valence electrons increases, resulting in weaker attraction between the nucleus and outer electrons. Consequently, atoms with larger atomic radii tend to have lower electronegativities.

What substance acts as the final electron acceptor in the electron transport system?

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Oxygen acts as the final electron acceptor in the electron transport system, accepting electrons and combining with protons to form water.

What is a process of pulling apart an N molecule?

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The process of pulling apart an N molecule involves breaking the chemical bonds that hold the atoms together. This can be done through various methods such as applying physical force, heat, or chemical reactions. By breaking the bonds, the individual atoms within the molecule are separated from each other.

What is melting and boiling point of salt water?

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The melting point of salt water is lower than that of pure water due to the presence of salt. It typically ranges from -21.1 to -18.3 degrees Celsius, depending on the concentration of salt. The boiling point of salt water is higher than that of pure water and also varies with salt concentration, typically ranging from 100.2 to 107.4 degrees Celsius.

What element does thorium become if it emits an alpha particle?

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If thorium emits an alpha particle, it transforms into radium. This process is known as alpha decay, where the parent atom loses two protons and two neutrons to become a different element.

What properties of an ice cube will change when it melts?

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When an ice cube melts, its state changes from solid to liquid, it loses its rigid shape and becomes fluid, and its temperature rises to 0°C as it absorbs heat from its surroundings.

Does water changes temperature slowly?

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Yes, water has a high specific heat capacity, which means it can absorb and release heat slowly. This makes water temperature changes relatively gradual compared to other substances.

What is a substance that makes something dissolve?

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A substance that makes something dissolve is called a solvent. Solvents are typically liquids that are capable of dissolving other substances, known as solutes, to create a homogenous solution. Examples of common solvents include water, ethanol, and acetone.

How do you find the diameter of an asteroid knowing its density and mass?

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You can find the diameter of an asteroid knowing its density and mass by using the formula for volume of a sphere (V = 4/3 * π * r^3, where r is the radius) and density (density = mass/volume). With the asteroid's mass, you can calculate its volume using density, and then find the radius using the volume formula. Finally, double the radius to find the diameter.

Is Epsom salt a good desiccant?

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Epsom salt is not a good desiccant as it is hygroscopic, meaning it absorbs moisture from the air but does not have a strong capacity for removing moisture from materials. Other desiccants like silica gel or calcium chloride are more effective at absorbing moisture.

What is the name for the ionic compound CaSO4?

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The ionic compound CaSO4 is called calcium sulfate.

What is the name for the ionic compound FeO?

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The name for the ionic compound FeO is iron(II) oxide.

When 100. ml of when 100. ml of 0.125 m hcl is diluted to 250. ml the resulting molarity of the hcl solution i0.125 m hcl is diluted to 250. ml the resulting molarity of the hcl solution i?

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The moles of HCl in the initial solution is 0.125 mol/L x 0.100 L = 0.0125 moles. When diluted to 250 mL, the new molarity is 0.0125 moles / 0.250 L = 0.05 M. So, the resulting molarity of the HCl solution is 0.05 M.

In what situations would mass be conserved?

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Mass is conserved in a closed system where no mass is entering or leaving. This principle is typically applicable in processes like chemical reactions, nuclear reactions, and physical transformations where mass is neither created nor destroyed, but simply converted into different forms.

What is the opposite of combustion?

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The opposite compound in the carbon cycle is carbon dioxide. (We breathe in air, remove the oxygen, breathe out carbon dioxide.)

The opposites of reactions that use oxygen (aerobic) are those that don't (anaerobic).

What are Small molecules that also act as antigens?

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Small molecules that can act as antigens include drugs, environmental chemicals, and some food components. These molecules are recognized by the immune system as foreign, leading to the production of specific antibodies and immune responses. Examples include penicillin, bee venom, and certain metals like nickel.

What is the composition of linen?

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Linen is a natural fiber made from the flax plant. It is composed mainly of cellulose, which gives it strength and durability. Linen is known for its breathability, moisture-wicking properties, and natural luster.

What is the examples of extensive property of matter?

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An extensive property as a physical quantity whose magnitude is additive for subsystems.

The value of such an additive property is proportional to the size of the system it describes, or to the quantity of matter in the system. (Definition in '')

What is farm equipments?

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See the related link below.

Will hot or cold water make sugar dissolve faster?

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Hot water will make sugar dissolve faster compared to cold water because the increased temperature causes the sugar molecules to move more rapidly and interact with the water molecules more effectively.

What is the correct electronic configuration of magnesium Mg?

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The correct electronic configuration of magnesium (Mg) is 1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2. This configuration represents the arrangement of electrons in the different energy levels and sublevels of an atom of magnesium.

What is silicon tetrafluoride formula?

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The formula for silicon tetrafluoride is SiF4. It consists of one silicon atom bonded to four fluorine atoms.

How many atoms are in scandium hydroxide?

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Scandium hydroxide has one scandium atom (Sc), three oxygen atoms (O) and three hydrogen atoms (H) per formula unit. Therefore, there are a total of seven atoms in one molecule of scandium hydroxide.

When electron is added to unipositive ion we get?

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When an electron is added to a unipositive ion, the resulting atom gains a negative charge and becomes a neutral atom. The electron neutralizes the positive charge of the ion, balancing the overall charge of the atom.

What is the solubility of barium hydroxide?

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The solubility of barium hydroxide in water is approximately 3.3 g/L at room temperature.