


Cocaine is an addictive brain stimulant that is injected, snorted or smoked. Its control, cultivation, and distribution, if not for non-government and non-medical purposes, are strictly prohibited in all parts of the world.

500 Questions

What are some ways people try to quit using cocaine?

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Asked by Wiki User

There's always "cold turkey' by sheer will power, but that is seldom sucessful. Rehab in a facility would be best if you can afford it or you can ask to be put in a court ordered program if you have already run afoul of the law. The most viable alternative for the not-wealthy and non-criminal is NA, Narcotics Anonymous ,a program based on the 12-step AA program.There is info in your local phone directory or thru a church outreach. The fact you enquired for help is a good omen for a good outcome. Best Wishes.


Is crack bad for you?

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Asked by Wiki User

Crack is actually an amazing thing that was unfortunately made illegal due to the messed up government. Just like Marijuana. Pretty soon there will be Medical Crack, just you wait. It makes you feel good, sweeps all your problems away, and connects you with a really good community of friends. Now, doing cocaine is bad, I agree with that. Never snort a line. That's disgusting, things are not supposed to go up your nose. Smoking is fine, smoking cigarettes is legal... crack... cigarettes? same thing.

In the words of Steveo: "Snortin' lines is like skating in the rain, don't be a fool take a rock to your brain!"

What illegal drug secretes a bad body odor?

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Asked by Wiki User

Many legitimate and prescribed medications can cause bad or strange body odor. Among them, antidepressants such as Zoloft and Effexor are known for this. Medications that have dehydration as a side-effect or meds that in any way disrupt intestinal homeostasis may crete unpleasant body odor. Of course, someone who is abusing drugs may well be neglecting personal hygeine, as is the case with "meth mouth."

Can crack go bad?

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Asked by Wiki User

QUESTION does cocaine ever go bad?

ANSWER If stored improperly, yes. Cocaine is extremely hydrophilic, and will absorb a noticeable amount of moisture (among other elements) if exposed to open air for more than a few days or a week. If "left out," the cocaine may take on a yellow or brown tint.

To properly store cocaine, seal it in a container after removing as much air as possible, and put this in a cool place (out of sunlight). Silica packets and other methods are sometimes used to remove excess moisture from the surrounding air. Some suggest the refrigerator because it contains extremely dry air.

What is a brick of cocaine?

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Asked by Wiki User

it is 5 bundles of dope... 5 bundles is 50 packets of dope

Will nicion clean your system?

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While niacin can have a flushing effect on the skin, this does not necessarily mean that it is effectively removing toxins from the body. In fact, taking large amounts of niacin can be dangerous and has been associated with side effects such as liver damage and increased risk of bleeding.

If you're concerned about the presence of substances in your body and the results of a drug substance, the best approach is to stop using these substances and allow your body time to naturally detox. Drinking plenty of water and engaging in regular physical activity can help support your body's natural processes and promote overall health.

alternatively you can use products that are organic to clean your system like;🍎 ⋆ 🍦 🎀 𝒽𝓉𝓉𝓅𝓈://𝓌𝓌𝓌.𝒹𝒾𝑔𝒾𝓈𝓉♡𝓇𝑒𝟤𝟦.𝒸❀𝓂/𝓇𝑒𝒹𝒾𝓇/𝟦𝟨𝟨𝟤𝟫𝟥/𝓉𝒶𝓀𝒶𝓉𝓈🍩𝟣/ 🎀 🍦 ⋆ 🍎

Is it possible to use half and ounce of cocaine daily?

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Asked by Wiki User

that's 14g yes? Well the average lethal dose in mice was 95.1 mg/kg. So a human weighing 80kg could handle 7608mg or 7.608g.

Since cocaine has a half life of 1 hour it would be possible to use a half ounce of cocaine in one day without overdosing but why on earth would you want to do that much?

What are the effects of cocain?

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Cocaine is a stimulant that effects the central nervous system, giving users a quick, intense feeling of Euphoria, power and energy mostly resulting in addiction.

A list of effects of taking cocaine is given below.

  • Elevates heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, and body temperature.
  • Heightened awareness
  • Ability to be highly productive: Peruvian farmers chewed on "cocoa leaves" and were able to work 20 hours a day. The down side was they burned out young and life expectancy was late thirties.
  • Extra energy, followed by lethargy, unless you continue to inject the drug.
  • Paranoia : Psychological symptoms such as delusions of persecution or grandeur; Can make you have suicidal thoughts.
  • Lack of appetite
  • Lack of logical reasoning
  • Sweating
  • Constant runny, red nose
  • Destruction of the septum (cartilage in the nose)
  • ADDICTION: Even after one use, cocaine and crack can create both physical and psychological cravings that make it very, very difficult for users to stop.
  • Destruction of family values: you think you are so slick and discreet; the kids know exactly whats going on and lose trust in you for the constant lying
  • Injecting cocaine can give you hepatitis or AIDS if you share needles with other users.
  • First-time users - even teens - of both cocaine and crack can stop breathing or have fatal heart attacks.
  • Using either of these drugs even one time can kill you.

What is the street cost of an eight ball of powder cocane?

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Asked by Wiki User

depending on qaulity it could range from 140-240

What happens if you have hep c and you used cocaine?

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Asked by Lizavinc


General effects of crack use include?

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Did Coca-Cola have cocaine in it?

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Asked by Wiki User

Coca-cola had Cocaine long time ago but it had been removed (nearly a century ago).

How do you crack codes?

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Asked by Wiki User

By being smart.

How much does a pound of chronic cost?

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that's gonna depend on the quality and where you are living...prices are different all over the place.

Can you receive a plea bargain of attempted possession of cocaine in the state of Louisiana?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes u can!! Me and my b/f got busted with at least two eight balls of cocaine all in separate baggies in Baker LA and he went to court on it and was fighting it. Well on one of the court dates he failed a drug test for cocaine and opiates. They were going to keep him in jail for 6 months unless he took the plea. Which was attempted possession of cocaine. It is still a felony but once u are finshed with 3 yrs probation u can get it exponged!!

Why do crack heads turn into crack heads?

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Asked by Arnae34

It's highly addictive.

How to crack a Hazchem Code?

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Asked by Wiki User

Why do people chop their weed up?

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What's the alternative? Not chopping it up and trying to roll a big bug of grass into a malformed joint, or shove it down a tiny pipe piece? Realistically, you have to break it down to use it practically: cooking, smoking, and rolling.

Will a methadone user test positive for cocaine?

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Asked by Wiki User

NO.....I am mdone and know for a fact no methdone use will not show as cocaine

If you use cocaine on occasion what kind of effects does it have on the baby?

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Asked by Wiki User

cocaine will really help your baby develop a cocaine addiction.

Does crack cocain leave a residue?

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Asked by Wiki User

Does crack cocain leave a residue