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NO.....I am mdone and know for a fact no methdone use will not show as cocaine

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Q: Will a methadone user test positive for cocaine?
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Will someone who is on methadone maintenance test positive for opiate or is it nessesary to include methadone on the list of drugs to be tested for?

Yes it is. Methadone is often sold to people other than the user. So it is 100% necessary to include methadone on the list of drugs they test for to make sure that you are taking it. Giving methadone to somebody else can easily kill them. Your dose is designed for you, what is OK for you could kill somebody else. And if that should happen, you would be charged. You would be responsible for that. I am on methadone and they test us for it. METHADONE IS AUTOMATICALLY TESTED AT METHADONE CLINICS ALONG WITH OPIATES, BENZODIAZEPAM, COCAINE, ECT.

Can you test positive for cocaine through sweat of another cocaine user?

no, unless you snort the cocaine off the back of someone sweaty you will not test positive, im bein sarcastic, what im sayin is if it doesnt go up your nose or railed into you your gucci

What drugs would make methadone show up on a drug test if you are not using methadone?

For methadone, the only thing that could cause a "false" positive is if you are a heroin user and methadone had been used to cut the heroin you'd been using recently. As strange as it sounds, this is actually not uncommon at all. I suppose the same would go for cocaine, but I have never heard of coke being cut with met.

Can you become cocaine positive by kissing a user?


Can you be tested positive for cocaine if your partner is a user?

not enless you use

Why do they test for methadone at a methadone clinic?

Testing exists to ensure that methadone patients are actually taking their medication and not selling it on the black market. I'd like to elaborate on the above answer. Testing for Methadone assures that patients are taking their medications because most people that are taking Methadone are on a previous medication that is causing the withdrawal alot of Methadone users will sell the drug to get their drug of choice. Also they want to make sure the user is not abusing the drug by taking too much.

Can you drink a gallon of water for up to 5 days and pass a drug test for cocaine im a frequent user?

No, but you can not use cocaine and pass a drug test for cocaine.

How does a regular heavy user clear cocaine out of their system prior to a drug test?

A bare minimum of 72 hours. Depends on the type of drug test. They are looking for the metabolite not the actual cocaine.

What does methadone read as in a drug test?

Unfortunately, < Methadone > registers as an opiate, It will show A DIRTY result. THE one giving the drug test should be made aware of Methadone use. Because the nature of Methadone use is that it is prescribed to bring a Heroin user to safely Kick or stop using Heroin. For if the user is to stop abruptly, it more than likely cause a fatality the cannot handle the abruptiveness. Of course the shock and pain is quite strong.

Why would methadone show up on your urine test while taking suboxone?

It wouldn't, unless methadone was one of the drugs being abused/used and was still in the person's system at the time of the urine test. It takes some time for methadone to be "flushed" out of a user's system due to its very long half life.

Can you fail a drug test by having unprotected sex with someone who uses cocaine?

No, you can not fail a drug test for having sex with a person who is a drug user.

Will swallowing seaman of a cocaine user give you a positive urine for cocaine?

nope. keep on swallowingI would like to add that you are more likely to get HIV or an STD from a drug user, so if that doesn't bother keep up what you are doing because you can get it that way.