

Coffee Makers

Coffee makers are a cooking appliance used to brew coffee. Typically, grounded coffee is added into a paper or metal filter in a funnel above a glass or ceramic coffee pot. Cold water is added into a separate chamber, which is then boiled and automatically directed to the funnel, producing fresh, hot coffee.

500 Questions

How hot does the coffee maker get?

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Exactly how hot a kettle popcorn maker gets is dependent on the particular model of the appliance. Most of these items, however, reach temperatures of at least 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

In a 30 cup coffee maker how many pounds of coffee do you need?

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in a 42 cup coffee maker how many pounds of coffee do you need

How do you clean a burned glass coffee carafe?

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Asked by Wiki User

Try adding a tablespoon of table salt and a half cup of hot water. This will create a course sludge that will (with a little elbow grease) power through the burnt carafe. If this fails, run some vinegar through your coffeemaker - a good preventative maintenance task for any coffeemaker - and let the carafe soak for a bit with the cycled vinegar. The acid should help break up the burn. Try adding a dryer sheet to some warm water and let sit over night.

How do you prepare a cup of coffee?

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Asked by Sainathgr

There are a great many ways to brew a great cup of coffee.

The basics, however, are universal.

You've heard it before... maybe you've even said it. " I make terrible coffee!" Don't panic. Brewing delicious coffee isn't difficult, you simply need to mind a few details. The following tips cover most every thing you need to know.

Buy whole bean coffee. Buying and storing our coffee in whole bean form keeps delicate oils and aromas where they belong - in the bean - safely locked away from their primary enemy, oxygen.

Store unopened bags of coffee in a cool, dry place. After you open the bag, store unused beans in an air-tight canister.

Don't buy more coffee than you'll use in a matter of weeks.

Always grind your beans just before brewing... and be sure to choose a grind appropriate for your brewing method. Grind coarsely for use in a coffee press, less so for a vacuum pot. Grind the beans fairly fine for auto drip.

Always use fresh, good-tasting, cold water. Brewed coffee is about 98% water, after all. Measure your coffee. Tastes vary widely, but a good place to start is between 1 and 2 tablespoons for each 6 ounces of water. Too little coffee won't make a weaker brew... it'll make a bitter brew. If your coffee is stronger than you like, you can always dilute it with additional hot water. Brew your coffee using clean equipment. Whatever your method of brewing, start with sparkling clean gear. Enjoy your coffee immediately... or store it for an hour or two in a thermal carafe. Don't let your coffee sit on a warming plate.

What is the average cost of a Breville coffee maker?

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The prices vary for the Krups coffee maker depending on what type of maker it is. The average price for a regular coffee maker range from $60 to $180. For their Espresso coffee makers the prices are higher at approximately $400 to $650.

What do you do if your coffee maker has cockroach?

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Asked by Wiki User

Just boil a bottle water in a microwave or have your mom or dad to boi it on the stove and put suger if you like and coffee milk and pour it in but i think the best if you boil the water on the stove because it makes it nice and hot but if your parents aren't here and you do it with the bottel you have to reheat it but only if you put it 30 sec or less

Where can someone buy a Dualit Coffee maker?

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There are many companies and websites that offer Dualit coffee makers for sale. Some of these websites that offer coffee makers are eBay, Pricefalls and Amazon.

How much does a Braun coffee maker cost?

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It will depend on what type of Braun coffee maker you are interested in purchasing. A basic coffee maker from Braun will cost around 90$. For one with more features then the basic the sot would be approximately 150 .

Where can a Tassimo coffee maker be purchased?

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Tassimo coffee makers can be purchased from a number of well-known and convieniently located stores nationwide. Some of those retailers include Bed Bath and Beyond, Macy's and WalMart.

What materials were originally used to make the first coffee maker?

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It was made out of plastic and glass.

How many tablespoons of coffee for a 48 cup coffee maker?

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Asked by Wiki User

Depends a lot on the strength of the coffee, and the coffee, you want.

As a general rule, one tablespoon per cup.

How do you use inalsa coffee maker maxi cream-heat resistant lid-stainless steel filter-black-4 cups?

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Asked by Wiki User

the filters on the above is to set temperature and rest there is nothing to do but you only have to push on button present on the above and how much glasses below the surface...............