

Corrie ten Boom

Cornelia "Corrie" ten Boom was a Dutch Christian who helped many Jews escape the Nazis during World War 2, harboring them as refugees. Her autobiography, The Hiding Place, was released in 1971 and she died in 1983.

253 Questions

Who are the characters of The Hiding Place?

Betsie, Corries Ten Boom, Peter, Pickwick and Flip

What happened to corrie ten boom's mother in chapter one of the hiding place?

i dont know if this happened in chapter one or not but corrie ten boom's mother died of a stroke when corrie was little.

The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom?

She wrote it in order to pass on what she had learned during her imprisonment. She wrote it to show that there is nothing that cannot be forgiven.

She probably didn't want that story to be forgotten. I suspect it was also her way of moving on and putting that piece of history behind her.

What did Corrie ten Boom do to be Righteous Among the Nations?

Corrie ten Boom and her family risked their lives to protect multiple Jews.

How tall was Corrie ten Boom?

Corrie ten Boom was born on April 15, 1892 and died on April 15, 1983. Corrie ten Boom would have been 91 years old at the time of death or 123 years old today.

What are some of the things Corrie ten Boom did in her early life?

Well, one accomplishment is that she hid all the Jews in her house (Beje). Another is that she came out of Ravensbruck Concentration Camp alive.

When did Corrie ten Boom get out of prison?

According to the Wikipedia article, Corrie ten Boom was arrested by the Gestapo on 28 February 1944, sent first to prison, then to Vught and Ravensbrück - and released on 25 December 1944.

When did Corrie Gardner die?

Gerty Cori died on October 26, 1957 at the age of 61.

Is Corrie ten Boom a Jew?

Corrie ten Boom is deceased. She died in 1983. But no, she was not Jewish. Her father wore the Jewish star at one time because he wanted to identify with the Jews in their suffering, and because the Savior was Jewish. But the ten Boom family was Dutch.

What is below the green corrie about?

The poet describes descending a mountain in bad weather. Rather than being fazed by his experience, he realizes the mountains 'enriched' his life.

How old was Corrie ten Boom when she got taken to jail?

She was 47 years old when Germany invaded Poland in 1939, although Holland was not invaded until 1940, after she had recently turned 48.

In what years did corrie ten booms aunts and mother die?

Corrie ten Boom was born in April of 1892 in the Netherlands. Her mother's name was Cornelia. Cornelia died in 1921 of a brain hemorrhage.

Does frank seem to encourage taplow's comments on crocker harris?

no, he doesn't as he believed that there was a rule that form the results should only be announced by the headmasters on the last day of term.

What did Corrie ten Boom do after war?

Corrie Ten Boom found peace in the LORD through Jesus Christ. Her hardest trial was forgiveness of those who had hurt her sister. She met the guard that had beaten her sister years later. The guard had given his/her life to the LORD. By the grace of God Corrie was able to forgive. Forgiveness is essential to peace.

Why is Corrie ten Boom famous?

Corrie ten Boom and her family were Dutch Underground workers during World War II, saving hundreds of Jews. They were caught 4 years into their operation and she and sister Betsie were sent to three concentration camps over the course of 10 months. After she was released from prison, Corrie traveled the world spreading the Gospel. Her ministry eventually led her to Germany to minister to the very people who had caused her sister to die. Corrie followed God all through her life and was very blessed because of it. She finally died in her home in California of multiple strokes.