

Cupid (Eros)

The son of Venus, Cupid was the Roman god of romantic love. His Greek equivalent is Eros. There are many exploits associated with Cupid throughout mythology, but the most popular is his relationship with Psyche. In modern culture, Cupid is heavily associated with Valentine's Day, although usually in a diapered baby form.

1,034 Questions

What are some allusions to eros?

Allusions to Eros, the Greek god of love and desire, can be found in various forms of literature, art, and popular culture. For example, references to Cupid, the Roman counterpart of Eros, often symbolize romantic love and desire. Additionally, the concept of "Eros" as a driving force behind human relationships and passions can be seen in works such as Shakespeare's sonnets or the poetry of Sappho. In modern contexts, allusions to Eros may appear in advertising, music lyrics, or film titles to evoke themes of love and attraction.

Who is the Egyptian equivalent of Eros?

The Egyptian equivalent of Eros would be the god Horus. Horus was often associated with love and fertility in ancient Egyptian mythology, much like Eros in Greek mythology. So, if you're looking for the Egyptian cupid, Horus is your guy.

Has the novice cupid or the veterans cupid delivered more valentines?

Oh honey, the veterans cupid has been around the block a few times and knows all the tricks of the trade. They've probably delivered more valentines than the novice cupid could even dream of. Experience wins this one, darling.

What did the cupid say when asked were is there a honey underground Math worksheet answers?

The question appears to contain a typographical error or is nonsensical. However, it seems to be a play on words related to finding answers to math worksheets. Cupid, being a mythological figure associated with love, might respond with a playful quip such as, "Love is the answer, not underground but within your heart."

What is the significance of the Eros and Psyche story in Greek mythology?

The story of Eros and Psyche in Greek mythology symbolizes the power of love, the journey of self-discovery, and the overcoming of obstacles to achieve happiness and fulfillment. It teaches lessons about trust, perseverance, and the transformative nature of love.

Who did cupid fall in love with?

In mythology, Cupid is most commonly known for falling in love with Psyche. Psyche was a mortal princess with whom Cupid fell in love after accidentally pricking himself with his own arrow. Their love story is a well-known myth in Greek mythology.

Name of cupid's mother?

In Roman mythology, Cupid's mother is Venus, the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. Cupid is often depicted as her son, and he is known as the god of desire, affection, and erotic love. Venus is also associated with passion, prosperity, and victory.

Who is the girl in Daniel powter's cupid video?

The girl in Daniel Powter's "Cupid" music video is actress and model Amanda Righetti. She is known for her work in various television shows and films, including "The Mentalist" and "Friday the 13th." Righetti's appearance in the music video added to the visual storytelling of the song's narrative.

What is the answer to page 5.7 in Punchline Algebra book A what happens when cupid shoots an arrow?

The problems weren't provided. I found an example of a problem that has angles. The answer is "He Mrs. Someone."

How does Apollo offend cupid?

Oh honey, let me break it down for you. Apollo offends Cupid by thinking he's all that and a bag of chips, showing off his archery skills and trying to outdo the god of love. Cupid ain't having none of that, so he shoots Apollo with one of his love arrows, making him fall head over heels for someone and causing all sorts of chaos. Love hurts, baby!

What is baby cupids mom name?

A mãe do bebê Cupido é Vênus, a deusa do amor na mitologia romana. Ela é frequentemente associada ao amor e à beleza. Na mitologia grega, Vênus é equivalente a Afrodite.

What words are derived form the Greek gods Cronus Gaea Eros and Chaos?

Oh, dude, words like "chronology" and "chronic" come from Cronus, "geography" and "geology" from Gaea, "erotic" from Eros, and "chaos" from Chaos. So, like, next time you use those words, you can totally impress people with your knowledge of Greek mythology without even trying.

Who is cupid's son?

Cupid's son is named Anteros. In Greek mythology, Anteros is considered the god of requited love and is often depicted as a companion to Cupid, representing the importance of mutual love and affection in relationships.

What do Eros and Hades have in common?

Eros is the Greek god of love and passion, while Hades is the Greek god of the underworld. Both have significant roles in Greek mythology and are considered powerful deities in their respective domains. Additionally, both Eros and Hades are often depicted as having a connection to the realm of the dead – Eros as a symbol of the emotional bonds that transcend death, and Hades as the ruler of the underworld where souls go after death.

What does Comet and Cupid mean?

Comet and Cupid are two of Santa's reindeer in the classic Christmas song "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer." Comet is known for being fast, while Cupid is known for being the most polite and romantic of the reindeer.

What is the albedo of 433 Eros?

The albedo of 433 Eros, a large near-Earth asteroid, is approximately 0.16. Albedo is a measure of the amount of sunlight reflected by a surface, with higher values indicating greater reflectivity. Eros has a relatively low albedo compared to some other celestial bodies.

Why is eros' symbol the arrow?

The arrow is a symbol of attraction and desire, which are central themes of Eros, the Greek god of love and desire. It represents how Eros' actions can ignite feelings of passion and draw individuals towards each other. Additionally, the arrow is associated with the idea of piercing the heart or causing someone to fall in love, reflecting the power and impact of Eros' influence.

-aurora -Diana -cupid -venus -jove -dido -Juno -titan What are these roman gods and goddesses in charge of and what are their characteristics?

  • Aurora: Goddess of dawn; typically depicted as a personification of the sunrise, with rosy fingers spreading light.
  • Diana: Goddess of the hunt, the moon, and nature; known for her independence, strength, and connection to wild animals.
  • Cupid: God of desire, erotic love, and affection; commonly portrayed as a winged youth who shoots arrows to inspire romantic love.
  • Venus: Goddess of love, beauty, and fertility; associated with charm, seduction, and the transformative power of love.
  • Jove: An alternate name for Jupiter, king of the gods; presides over the heavens, thunder, and lightning.
  • Dido: Queen of Carthage; known for her love affair with the Trojan hero Aeneas as depicted in Virgil's "Aeneid."
  • Juno: Queen of the gods, protector of marriage and women; recognized for her power, jealousy, and association with domestic concerns.
  • Titan: Primordial gods preceding the Olympians; known for their immense strength and role in the creation of the world.

Why was Psyche left alone on the summit of a rocky hill?

Psyche was left alone on the summit of a rocky hill because she was destined to marry a serpent as a punishment decreed by Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. This was a test of her worthiness to be united with her beloved Eros, the god of love.

Why does Venus send cupid to shoot Pluto?

In Roman mythology, Venus is upset with Cupid for causing chaos and mischief with his love arrows. She sends Cupid to shoot Pluto, the god of the underworld, as a way to assert her power and influence over the gods. This action is meant to demonstrate Venus's authority and to showcase Cupid's ability to affect even the most powerful figures in the Roman pantheon.

Why did Eros get the name Cupid?

Eros, the Greek god of love, was known as Cupid in Roman mythology. The name Cupid comes from the Latin word "cupido," which means desire. The Roman version of Eros retained many of the same characteristics and attributes as the Greek god.

Why does cupid have an arrow in his back?

In Greek and Roman mythology, Cupid is depicted as being mischievous and unpredictable. Having an arrow in his back could symbolize the idea that even the god of love himself is not immune to the power of his own arrows, causing him to fall in love unexpectedly.

Why did cupid shoot Apollo and Daphne with a bow and arrow?

Cupid shot Apollo and Daphne with a bow and arrow because Apollo had mocked his archery skills, and Daphne had vowed to remain unmarried and chaste. By shooting Apollo with a golden arrow of love and Daphne with a lead arrow of aversion, Cupid caused Apollo to fall in love with Daphne, who in turn rejected his advances and was transformed into a laurel tree.