


This category covers questions about decomposers, organisms that break down other dead or decaying organisms to obtain energy for growth and development. Decomposers are formally known as saprotrophs.

500 Questions

How do decomposers obtain their carbon?

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Asked by AlvaroTorresgp3910

Decomposers, when they break down dead organic matter, release carbon dioxide into the air also. Decomposers are essential because without them, all of the carbon on the planet would eventually become locked up in dead carcasses and other trash. Decay permits carbon to be released back into the food web. Carbon is also stored in fossil fuels, such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas.

What is producers and decomposers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Producers are organisms that make their own food using sunlight (photosynthesis) consumers are organisms that eat producers or other consumers and decomposers are organisms that return the dead organisms to their primary components such as oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide

Are turkeys decomposers?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, a Turkey Vulture feeds on dead animals not decaying matter. Hope this helps!

Are echinodermata's decomposers?

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Asked by Wiki User


What are decomposers in the plains?

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Asked by Wiki User

no cuna

How do humans utilize decomposers?

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Asked by Wiki User

to make a compost heap

By Key Nob ... bhs xP

Is HERRING a decomposer?

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Asked by Wiki User

Are rolly pollies decomposers or consumers?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes they are they break up food and eat it

Is slime molds and water molds are important decomposers?

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Asked by Wiki User

I Have 0 idea what you're talking about

Is a hares a decomposer?

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Asked by Wiki User

The arctic hare is a primary consumer.

Are cattails a decomposer?

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Asked by Wiki User


How long does it take for a bat to decompose?

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Asked by Wiki User

About as long as it takes for any small mammal to decompose. But this depends significantly on the condition of the body (e.g. have scavengers gone over it) and the environmental conditions (e.g. humidity, temperature, insects) around the body.

What does decomposer help with?

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Asked by Wiki User

De composers make nitrates and other minerals from the plants and animals they decomposed, and this helps the animals live longer. The nitrates and other minerals are very nutritious.

hope it helps:p

Are protists parasites and decomposers?

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Asked by Wiki User

a slime mold

What decomposers live in the desert?

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Asked by Wiki User

Decomposers that break down dead animals and plants and that live in the desert include termites and dung beetles. Ants, bacteria, yeast, and fungi are decomposers that are found in the desert.

Is a spider a decomposer?

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Asked by Wiki User

its a consumer

Which decomposers are key decomposers in the soil?

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Asked by Vdarsi

The FOUR soil decomposers are..





What kind of decomposers live in the seashore?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sea animals the main sea animals that are decomposers are crabs and shrimp. Both crabs and shrimp comb the sea floor in search of things to eat.

What is the role of-- decomposers in the environment?

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Asked by Wiki User

They process dead matter down to the simpler substances that plants can use to synthesize fresh, new life. and if they were not living our earth would be filled with dead plants and animals and the jungles and every thing would stink

What is decomposer or Detritus?

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Asked by Wiki User

Detritus means any rock fragments or disintegrated material that has been broken or worn away from a larger mass. This breaking away may occur by accident or by erosion, through wind, water or glacial ice.

What is another term for decomposer?

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Asked by Wiki User

Another word for decomposer is biodegrater.