



Diamonds are the hardest mineral on earth. Ask questions about famous diamonds, mining, production and buying.

500 Questions

How can you tell it is a diamond?

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You can tell if a gemstone is a diamond by examining its physical properties such as its hardness (it should scratch glass), brilliance, and fire (dispersion of light). Additionally, a diamond's exceptional clarity and colorlessness are key characteristics that distinguish it from other gemstones. Conducting tests such as the fog test (diamond disperses heat quickly) or the 'sparkle' test (diamond's high refractive index creates intense sparkle) can also help identify a real diamond.

How much did the raw diamond weigh in milligrams?

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This depends entirely on the diamond in question.

How diamonds are refined?

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Diamonds are refined through a process called cutting and polishing, where rough diamonds are shaped and faceted to enhance their brilliance and beauty. This is typically done using precision tools and machinery operated by skilled professionals. The final steps involve assessing the quality of the cut diamonds based on factors like clarity, color, and carat weight before they are ready to be set in jewelry.

How much is a half carat diamond ring worth w 18kt G E Diamond shape stamp?

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The value of a half-carat diamond ring will depend on the quality of the diamond (including cut, color, clarity), the overall design and craftsmanship of the ring, and market conditions. Certification from a reputable grading laboratory (such as GIA or AGS) can help determine the specific characteristics of the diamond and thus its value. The 18kt stamp indicates the purity of the gold used in the ring.

Are diamonds explosive?

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No, diamonds themselves are not explosive. They are a form of carbon that is highly stable and does not react explosively under normal conditions.

What is a one-fourth carat I1 I color diamond worth?

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It is difficult to provide an exact value without knowing more details, as diamond prices can vary based on factors like quality of cut and market demand. However, generally speaking, a one-fourth carat diamond with an I1 clarity grade and I color would be considered lower on the quality scale and may be valued at a few hundred dollars to around a thousand dollars.

Why are diamond considered as very valuable gems?

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Diamonds are considered very valuable because of their rarity, hardness, and brilliance. They are formed deep within the Earth's mantle over billions of years under extreme pressure and heat. The combination of these factors makes diamonds highly sought after for use in jewelry and as a store of value.

Why can diamonds cut through almost anything?

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Diamonds are the hardest known natural material due to their unique atomic structure, which makes them exceptionally resistant to scratching or cutting. The strong covalent bonds between carbon atoms in a diamond lattice create a rigid structure that allows diamonds to maintain their integrity and hardness when used to cut through other materials. Additionally, the sharp edges on a diamond's surface enable it to easily cleave or scratch other substances.

What is carat and how it formed?

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A carat is a unit of weight used to measure gemstones, particularly diamonds. It is equivalent to 200 milligrams. Carats originated from the use of carob tree seeds in ancient times, which were uniform in weight and used in balancing scales to weigh gemstones.

What are the 4 C' of diamonds?

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The 4 C's of diamond grading include the carat weight, cut, color and clarity. When one decides to buy a 4 C's diamond, one should consider the cut of the diamond, which is how the diamond appears in terms of proportions and brightness.

What mineral hs a greasy luster when uncut?

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Sphalerite is a mineral that can exhibit a greasy luster when uncut. It is a zinc sulfide mineral that can vary in color and is commonly found in ore deposits.

Do diamonds and graphite have the same chemical structure?

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No, diamonds and graphite both consist of carbon atoms, but they have different atomic arrangements which result in their distinct properties. Diamonds have a network structure with each carbon atom bonded to four others in a tetrahedral arrangement, making them hard, while graphite has a layered structure with each carbon atom bonded to three others in flat sheets, making it soft and slippery.

Are diamonds able to scratch quarts?

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Yes, diamonds are harder than quartz on the Mohs scale, so diamonds can scratch quartz.

Is a diamond a atom?

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No, a diamond is not an atom. A diamond is a crystalline form of carbon, where each carbon atom is bonded to four other carbon atoms in a tetrahedral structure.

What is the treatment called when you burn a tiny channel ointo a diamond to reach an inclusion and inject bleach?

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The treatment you are referring to is called laser drilling. This process involves using a laser to create a tiny channel into a diamond to reach an inclusion, which can then be treated by injecting a bleaching agent to improve the diamond's clarity.

What causes fluorescence in diamond?

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Fluorescence in diamonds is caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light which excites the atoms within the diamond, causing them to emit visible light. Certain impurities or defects within the diamond crystal lattice can also contribute to fluorescence, resulting in different colors such as blue, yellow, or white fluorescence.

Do diamonds have more substances than coal?

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Yes, diamonds have a more pure and crystalline structure compared to coal, which is composed of multiple carbon-containing compounds. Diamonds are composed of pure carbon atoms arranged in a crystal lattice structure, whereas coal is formed from the remains of plant material that have undergone heat and pressure without the same level of purification.

How are diamonds and coal different?

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Diamonds are formed deep within the Earth's crust under high pressure and temperature conditions, while coal is formed from the remains of plants that have been compressed over millions of years. The carbon atoms in diamonds are arranged in a crystal lattice structure, making them the hardest natural substance, while coal is significantly softer and is primarily composed of carbon, along with other elements. Diamonds are valued for their rarity, beauty, and durability, whereas coal is used primarily as a source of energy through combustion.

How do you breake a diamond?

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A diamond is one of the hardest natural substances and can only be broken by a forceful impact or blow. However, breaking a diamond is extremely difficult due to its hardness and typically requires specialized tools and techniques.

Why does diamond used as gemstone and not calcite?

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Diamond is used as a gemstone due to its exceptional hardness, brilliance, and rarity. Diamond's superior durability and fire make it highly desirable for jewelry. In contrast, calcite is much softer and can easily be scratched or damaged, making it unsuitable for use as a gemstone.

Is a diamond a gem or an ore?

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A diamond is considered a gemstone, not an ore. Ores are naturally occurring materials that can be mined for their valuable elements, while gemstones are rare and precious minerals that are typically used in jewelry or for decorative purposes.

Are diamonds made in laboratories considered real?

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Yes, diamonds made in laboratories are considered real because they have the same chemical and physical properties as natural diamonds. They are made using processes that mimic the natural conditions in which diamonds are formed in the Earth's mantle.

How much are flawless clean white diamonds per gram?

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The price of flawless clean white diamonds can vary widely depending on factors such as size, color, cut, and clarity. However, as a general guide, you can expect to pay anywhere from $5,000 to $50,000 per gram for high-quality, flawless white diamonds.

Why are diamonds is considered as very valuable gems?

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Diamonds are considered valuable due to their rarity, hardness, unique optical properties, and association with luxury and status. Their scarcity in nature, long history of being used in jewelry, and successful marketing campaigns by diamond companies have all contributed to their high value in the market.

How much is a one half inch round cut diamond worth?

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The value of a half inch round cut diamond will depend on its quality (cut, color, clarity, and carat weight). To determine an accurate value, you should have the diamond assessed by a professional appraiser or jeweler.