



Diarrhea is a loose watery stool that passes more than three times a day. Questions about treatments, symptoms, causes, abdominal cramps and dehydration can be found here.

500 Questions

How many percentage of diarrha in Makati Philippines?

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I do not have real-time data on the specific percentage of diarrhea cases in Makati, Philippines. Rates can vary based on various factors including sanitation, hygiene practices, and access to clean water. It is recommended to refer to updated statistics from local health authorities or organizations for accurate information.

What is the root word for diarrhea?

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The root word for "diarrhea" is the Greek word "diarrhoia," which means "a flowing through."

Can not eating solid foods cause diarrhea?

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Yes, not eating solid foods or following a liquid diet for an extended period can potentially cause diarrhea. Diarrhea is characterized by loose, watery stools and can be a result of various factors, including changes in diet.

When you consume only liquids and lack solid foods, your digestive system may not receive the usual bulk and fiber it needs to regulate bowel movements. A sudden shift to a liquid-only diet can lead to an imbalance in the digestive process, potentially resulting in diarrhea. Additionally, certain types of liquids, such as those high in caffeine or artificial sweeteners, can have a laxative effect and contribute to diarrhea.

It's important to note that diarrhea can also be caused by infections, certain medical conditions, medications, or dietary intolerances. If you experience persistent or severe diarrhea, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment.

Maintaining a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods, including solids, is generally recommended for overall health. If you are considering making significant changes to your diet, especially if it involves eliminating solid foods, it's best to do so under the guidance of a healthcare provider or a registered dietitian to ensure that your nutritional needs are met and to minimize the risk of digestive issues.

Is yogurt good for dogs when they have diarrhea?

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Not particularly - yogurt is a dairy product and it can exacerbate the diarrhea by adding a lactose-intolerance component on top of the pre-existing diarrhea. A better option is no salt added beets or pumpkin - a small amount of this in the dog's food can help increase the soluble fiber which tends to help resolve diarrhea.

Does ketchup give you cancer?

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no, it does not

Does popcorn give you diarrhea?

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YES! i just ate Popcorn And i have Diarrhea And I dont feel to great.

Can ketchup give you diarrhea?

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Ketchup has a long shelf life. It lasts up to 2 years unopened and a year opened and refrigerated. It has a lot of vinegar in that preserves it. But mold can grow on the lid. If the bottle looks bloated or makes a popping sound when opened, throw the bottle away.

Do bananas help with diarrhea?

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Bananas help in a very important way, but not because they bind you or actively stop the diarrhea. Bananas are a good source of potassium, an important element for the health of the nervous system and for other things. And you lose a lot of potassium when you have serious diarrhea. I am not a physician, so if this is inaccurate I am counting on others to edit.

Can to much baking soda cause diarrhea?

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Yes. Take two tablespoons of baking soda, mix it into an eight ounce bottle of water, and drink it within four to ten minutes. Within 15-30 minutes you should be in the restroom with a tummy ache and explosive diarrhea.

Can you eat soy sauce if you have diarrhea?

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I am no expert but soy milk is very good for the digestive system as well as the heart.


I feel this is solid and sound but again I am no expert in the area.

Is tomato soup ok to have when you have diarrhea?

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  1. Salty chicken soup helps with diarrhea symptoms by increasing the body's ability to absorb water. Proteins, starches and grains increase the body's ability to absorb salt and water during digestion. The protein,salt and grains act as a solute to stimulate H20 absorption

Can non dairy creamer cause diarrhea?

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I was unable to find the ingredients list for "non equals dairy creamer", but I have found that I get (ahem!)..."shooting diarrhea" from Coffee-Mate. I finally read about the ingredients, and the "dipotassium phosphate", used to prevent clumping ( liquid form??) can cause diarrhea. Coffee has an issue with promoting diarrhea in some consumers, due to stimulating a certain area of the gut. I have never had the issue with regular coffee, instant coffee, or French Press or other "strong" coffees of any brand, unless I have used Coffee-Mate.

Nestle, the maker of Coffee-Mate, also make "Natural Bliss"--with only milk, cream, sugar and "natural flavors"--only four ingredients, and all are pronounceable to readers of the English language. I have never had any problems with that product. In fact, often I make my own creamer with the same ingredients--there are recipes all over the web to do so.

What makes me wonder about Nestle is why they "need" the dipotassium phosphate to "prevent clumping" in one product but not the other. I personally think it is a cheap filler to help fill their bottles faster. Natural Bliss costs more, so that seems like a fair assessment to me--they add cheaper fillers to keep their costs down.

What is the brat diet this is to do with diarrhea?

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Asked by Diane57

One of the best known diarrhea diets is the BRAT diet because it works. BRAT stands for bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. Rice, applesauce and toast should be plain with no added sugars or fats. All of these foods are high in fiber, which adds bulk to the stools. They are gentle on the stomach to allow your upset stomach and intestines time to heal. The BRAT diet is recommended for both children and adults, but talk to a doctor for diarrhea in children or diarrhea that lasts more than a few days for adults.

Should you eat tuna while you have diarrhea?

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No, eating tuna while under the sad spell of diarrhea is not healthy for your stomach. When experiencing the tension and and displeasure that is diarrhea, always ensure that you're eating what is known as the "BRAT" diet, which is a pseudonym for a diet that consists of bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. Sticking to this diet while under diarrhea's uncomfortable wraith should help settle your stomach.

How can diarrhea kill someone?

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Diarrhea can easily cause dehydration, serum potassium depletion and electrolytes imbalances especially in children. Critically low serum potassium level and electrolytes imbalances will result in tachycardia and premature ventricular contractions that may lead to cardiac arrest without immediate and proper treatment.

What should you give a person who has diarrhoea and vomiting?

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If the vomiting is not too severe, you can treat it at home with little difficulty.

For the first two hours of the attack, do not try to put anything in your stomach. Small sips of water to keep the mouth moistened may be used, but do not try to ingest large amounts.

During the third hour, try to ingest water and a bland edible, such as a soda cracker. Do this very slowly, paying attention to the feelings of nausea.

If the cracker stays down, then add ginger ale to the mix because ginger does help calm the stomach. More crackers to add salt to the sugar in the ginger ale.

The biggest danger with this condition is dehydration, so it is important to consistently try to keep water coming in. After the two hour period, intake as much as will keep you comfortable. The important thing is to get salt and sugar into the system. Jello is a good second food to add.

If the diarrhea or the vomiting contains blood, see your health care provider immediately as this can be a serious condition that cannot be self treated. Also see the provider if the patient is lethargic, has skin that does not spring back when pinched, or has pain other than the nausea as this can be a sign of dehydration.

What is the diagnosis for continuous upper abdominal pain and diarrhea?

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I think may be its a gas problem, indigestion or kidney-stone. I need more details about the pain to figure it out. Gas problem and indigestion can be solved by oral medications also. But if its kidney stone or something else sorry to say you need to go a hospital or consult a doctor.

Why do people get diarrhea when walking or running?

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The intestines work normally by pulling fluid from the body to keep the intestinal content "mushy" but within a balance. The extremes are: too much liquid (diarrhea), or too hard (causing constipation).

But the intestines and stomach also have a normal balance of flora -- normal bacteria and yeast -- and normal acids in the stomach to promote digestion. When the gallbladder is not functioning correctly, it produces less bile salts so digestion is poor, and there can be symptoms of gallbladder disease such as pain in the side or back, burping, flatulence (gas).

When the normal balance of flora is disrupted, for any reason, that can cause diarrhea. Antibiotics can disrupt the normal flora.

Some foods are very harsh on the intestinal wall and can irritate the tissues. The intestines cope by pulling in more fluid from the body, in order to "bathe" the intestinal wall and rid itself of the irritant.

Laxatives work along the same premise-- they pull in more fluid to the intestines. Overuse of laxatives can cause bouts of profuse diarrhea.

When a person has diarrhea it may help to use the BRAT diet, which is used for babies who have the runs. BRAT stands for Banana, White Rice (with nothing added_, Applesauce, and Plain Toast (no butter, no jam etc). BRAT helps to rest the intestines with foods that promote normal balance of fluid, flora, and help decrease the stomach's acidity. If you use a BRAT diet for several days, your diarrhea should slow down and become formed stool again. It's important to slowly add in other non-irritating foods. Avoid laxatives; speak to your doctor if you are taking an antibiotic.

What is diarrhea vaccine?

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Diarrhea is a symptom of several diseases, not a disease itself. Therefor there is no vaccine for diarrhea. But there are vaccines for some of the diseases that cause diarrhea as a symptom. However there are also non-disease causes of diarrhea and for these there will never be a vaccine, as there is nothing to vaccinate against.

Diarrhea is also a symptom of several types of poisons as well as radiation sickness and although these can be considered "diseases" or "illnesses", there is no disease causing organism to vaccinate against so there will never be a vaccine.

What type of oil that was used in potato chips caused diarrhea?

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Normal cooking oils. They use mostly sunflower oil now because there is less saturated fat.