

Epic of Gilgamesh

Recognized as the oldest written piece of literature, the Epic of Gilgamesh is an epic originating from Mesopotamia. It revolves around the adventures of Gilgamesh, the king of Uruk, as he battles monsters and search for immortality.

500 Questions

Why is the epic story Gilgamesh used by historians?

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Historians use the Epic of Gilgamesh as it provides valuable insights into ancient Mesopotamian society, culture, and beliefs. The epic helps historians understand the worldview, governance, and social structures of the time, shedding light on daily life, relationships, and religious practices. Additionally, it offers a glimpse into the literary and storytelling traditions of the ancient world.

Why was the story Gilgamesh lost for thousands of years?

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The story of Gilgamesh was lost for thousands of years because the ancient civilization of Mesopotamia where it originated fell, leading to the dispersal and eventual decay of its written records. It wasn't until the 19th century that archaeologists rediscovered fragments of the epic in the ruins of the ancient city of Nineveh.

What was the purpose of utnapishtim wife baking bread everyday gilgamesh slept?

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Utnapishtim's wife baked the bread to show Gilgamesh how quickly time passed and that he needed to stay awake if he wanted to achieve his goal of immortality. By baking fresh bread every day, she illustrated the passage of time and the importance of staying vigilant in his quest.

What did Gilgamesh look like while he was wandering?

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In the Epic of Gilgamesh, after the death of his friend Enkidu, Gilgamesh wandered the wilderness in grief. He was described as wearing animal skins and having long, unkempt hair as a sign of his mourning and sorrow.

Why do Enkidu and Gilgamesh kill the Bull of Heaven?

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Enkidu and Gilgamesh kill the Bull of Heaven as vengeance for Ishtar's rejection and to establish their own power and defiance against the gods. Additionally, they see the bull as a direct threat to their kingdom and people, and by defeating it, they prove their strength and heroism.

When the heroes pause briefly in their attack what does humbaba do?

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When the heroes pause briefly in their attack, Humbaba takes the opportunity to plead for mercy or attempt to escape before ultimately being defeated.

What is the difference between epic of Gilgamesh and Noah and the ark?

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The Epic of Gilgamesh is a Mesopotamian myth that predates the biblical story of Noah and the Ark. Both tales involve a catastrophic flood that wipes out most of humanity and the hero tasked with building a vessel to survive, but the characters and details differ between the two narratives. The Epic of Gilgamesh features the hero Gilgamesh and his quest for immortality, while Noah and the Ark is a story from the Book of Genesis in the Bible.

How were the reactions of the gods and of utnapishtim similar?

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The reactions of the gods and Utnapishtim were similar in that both were displeased and sought to punish humanity. The gods sent a flood to destroy humanity, while Utnapishtim was granted immortality as a result of surviving the flood. Both instances reflect a belief in divine punishment for human actions.

What quality or behavior do you think is most helpful to Gilgamesh in overcoming obstacles on his journey?

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Compassion and humility are qualities that prove most helpful to Gilgamesh on his journey. Through his encounters and trials, Gilgamesh learns the importance of empathy and understanding towards others, which ultimately leads him to a deeper self-awareness and personal growth. These qualities help him connect with others and navigate challenges more effectively.

Why is epic of Gilgamesh's a first known in literary works?

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it was the first known piece of writing

Which character from Gilgamesh is an example of a supernatural force who intervenes?

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The character of Shamash, the sun god, in the Epic of Gilgamesh is an example of a supernatural force who intervenes in the story. Shamash provides guidance and protection to Gilgamesh on his journey and helps him overcome challenges.

Who was the most famous Sumerian priest-King?

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The most famous Sumerian priest-King was Gilgamesh, who was also the legendary hero of the Epic of Gilgamesh. He ruled the city of Uruk and was believed to be two-thirds god and one-third human. His story is one of the oldest known works of literature.

What is the purpose of the various trials that Gilgamesh mus pass in order to reach utnanapishtim?

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The trials that Gilgamesh must pass in order to reach Utnapishtim test his strength, courage, and determination. They serve as challenges that Gilgamesh must overcome in order to prove himself worthy of seeking immortality and gaining wisdom from Utnapishtim. Ultimately, these trials help Gilgamesh grow and develop as a character throughout his journey.

What is the same about Gilgamesh and Sargon?

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Both Gilgamesh and Sargon were legendary figures from ancient Mesopotamia. They were historical figures who became mythologized over time for their accomplishments and exploits. Both are remembered as powerful rulers who left a lasting impact on the history of the region.

Which best dribes the importance of the epic of gilgamesh?

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The Epic of Gilgamesh is considered one of the oldest works of literature in the world, offering valuable insights into ancient Mesopotamian culture, religion, and societal values. It explores themes such as friendship, mortality, and the search for immortality, making it a significant literary work that continues to influence storytelling and mythology. Additionally, as a foundational text, it provides a window into the development of storytelling and the human experience.

Who dies in the flood in epic of Gilgamesh?

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In the Epic of Gilgamesh, many people die in the flood. However, the main character, Utnapishtim, along with his family and selected animals, are saved by the gods. The flood is sent by the gods to cleanse the earth of humanity's corruption.

What does Gilgamesh do in anger?

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In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh's anger often leads to destructive actions, such as challenging and defeating the gods, or causing harm to those around him. His anger is often portrayed as a negative force that blinds him to reason and leads him into conflict.

What similies are used to describe Humbaba?

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Some similes used to describe Humbaba in the Epic of Gilgamesh include comparing him to a great roaring storm, a ferocious lion, and a great bull. He is also described as having a mouth like fire, teeth like a dragon, and breath like death.

Who is upset about Gilgamesh's victory over humbaba?

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The gods are upset about Gilgamesh's victory over Humbaba because they had originally appointed Humbaba as the guardian of the Cedar Forest. Gilgamesh's actions were seen as defying their will and upsetting the natural balance.

What are some lessons Sumerians would have learned from the Epic of Gilgamesh?

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Some lessons the Sumerians might have learned from the Epic of Gilgamesh include the importance of friendship and companionship, the inevitability of death, the balance between power and humility, and the significance of seeking knowledge and wisdom.

What human emotion seems to seize Gilgamesh at the beginning of the epic of gilgamesh?

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Gilgamesh was expressed as hopeless and demanding for help to Shamash. He must have been expressing the human expression for command and begging.

Does gilgamesh pass the first test?

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Yes, Gilgamesh passes the first test in the Epic of Gilgamesh. As a key figure in ancient Mesopotamian mythology, Gilgamesh proves his strength and courage by defeating Humbaba, the monstrous guardian of the Cedar Forest. This victory demonstrates his ability to overcome challenges and become a renowned hero.

What was Gilgamesh unable to do in his first dream?

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In Gilgamesh's first dream, he was unable to pick up a mighty axe that was at the bottom of the river.

How did Gilgamesh's many adventures change him?

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Gilgamesh's many adventures, especially his encounter with Enkidu and his quest for immortality, ultimately led him to reflect on the meaning of life, death, and his own mortality. Through these experiences, Gilgamesh evolved from a tyrannical ruler to a more compassionate and wise leader, recognizing the value of human connection and the inevitability of death.