


Evony (once known as Civony) is a strategy game based in medieval times. It is free to play, but has charges attached for those who wish to advance faster.

445 Questions

How do you get the Aries Amulet in evony?

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To get the Aries Amulet in Evony, you can purchase it from the in-game shop using game currency or real money. It may also be available as a reward from certain in-game events or quests. Keep an eye out for special promotions or sales that may feature the Aries Amulet as a prize.

What does swarm mean on evony?

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In the game Evony, a Swarm is a powerful attack strategy where multiple players coordinate their attacks to overwhelm a single target simultaneously. It is used to quickly defeat a strong opponent or to clear out powerful enemies in one coordinated strike.

How do you get the Aries amulet in evony age 2?

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To get the Aries amulet in Evony Age 2, you need to participate in special events or purchase it from the in-game shop using in-game currency. Keep an eye out for event announcements and offers to acquire the Aries amulet in the game.

How do you get spaces in your Evony name?

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To create a name with spaces in Evony, you will need to use special characters. You can try using underscore (_) or dash (-) to separate words in your name. Remember to keep the name within the character limit imposed by the game.

What are the coordinates of level 14 cities in evony?

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Level 14 cities in Evony typically have coordinates in the range of 100,100 to 200,200 on the game map. These coordinates can vary slightly depending on the world or server you are playing on. It's recommended to scout and explore the map to find level 14 cities for yourself.

What is the website that you can get player coordinates in evony?

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You can get player coordinates in Evony by using the in-game map feature. Simply click on a player's city to view its coordinates. Additionally, some player alliances may have external websites or tools that provide more detailed information on player coordinates.

What are the coordinates for a level 16 district city on evony age 2?

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The coordinates for a level 16 district city on Evony Age 2 can vary as they are not fixed. It depends on the specific layout and positioning of cities on the game map. You may need to explore the game world or refer to in-game resources to locate a level 16 district city.

What is the Coordinates for a level 16 state city in Evony?

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In Evony, a level 16 state city's coordinates can vary depending on the server and the positioning of other cities. It's recommended to scout around the state capital or ask alliance members for the specific coordinates of the level 16 city you're looking for.

How do you conquer a valley?

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To conquer a valley, one can typically employ military strategies such as capturing key strategic points, cutting off supply lines, and engaging in combat to defeat any resistance or opposition forces present in the valley. Additionally, maintaining control of the valley after conquering it involves establishing fortifications, deploying troops to deter any potential counterattacks, and securing the loyalty of the local population.

Are archer towers useful in evony?

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Yes, archer towers are useful in Evony for defending your city against enemy attacks. They provide long-range firepower to help weaken incoming enemy troops before they reach your walls or other defensive structures. Upgrading archer towers can further enhance their defensive capabilities in protecting your city.

How many archers to take a valley evony?

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It depends on the level of the valley and the strength of the defender's troops. It is recommended to have a mix of different types of troops, including archers as well as cavalry and infantry, to maximize your chances of success. Make sure to plan your attack carefully and consider using other tactics such as scouting and reinforcement from allies.

Evony How can you conquer a level 4 barbarian city?

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To conquer a level 4 barbarian city in Evony, you will need to gather a strong army composed of infantry, cavalry, and archers. Ensure your troops are well-equipped and have a high level of leadership before launching an attack. Coordinate your forces effectively and use strategy to overcome the defenses of the city. Victory will grant you resources and rewards.

How many warriors can 418 archers take out in evony?

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It depends on various factors such as the level of the archers and warriors, their equipment, and strategy. Generally, archers are stronger against warriors, so a group of 418 archers could potentially take out a considerable number of warriors before facing defeat.

In evony how many archers do you need to use to take a level 10 forest?

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To capture a level 10 forest in Evony, you typically need around 100,000 archers. However, this number can vary based on your hero's level, research, and other factors. It's best to scout the target to get a more accurate estimate.

How do you demolish a building in Evony?

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In order to demolish a buliding you can click on it, as if you were going to upgrade, and where the picture is there is a red 'no entry' symbol on it. Once you click on this you can demolish the building instantly using a item called dynamite or you can degrade it by one level at a time until its destroyed and recoup some resources.

How do you get stone in evony?

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You can gather stone in Evony by sending troops to gather from stone resource tiles on the map. You can also produce stone in your city by upgrading stone quarries and allocating workers to work in them. Finally, you can trade with other players, purchase from the market, or complete quests that reward you with stone.

How do you beat barbarian villages in evony?

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To defeat barbarian villages in Evony, you need to train a strong army by recruiting and upgrading different types of troops. Ensure you have a balanced army composition with a mix of infantry, cavalry, and archers. Use tactics like scouting the village, choosing the right formation, and using hero skills to gain an advantage in battles. Attack the barbarian village with your army, focusing on strategic targeting and utilizing your troops' strengths to defeat them efficiently.

How do you get informatics level 1 in evony game?

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To unlock Informatics Level 1 in the game Evony, you need to invest skill points in the Informatics research tree within the Academy. This research tree is typically found under the Economic category. Allocate skill points to unlock and level up Informatics.

How many troops do you need to conquer a lvl 14 historical hc on evony Age 2?

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The number of troops required to conquer a level 14 historical holy city in Evony Age 2 will depend on various factors such as the type and level of troops you have, the strategies and tactics you employ, and the defenses of the holy city. It is recommended to have a strong army with a mix of different troop types and high-level generals, along with sufficient siege weapons and resources for reinforcement and healing.

How do you donate stone in evony?

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In Evony, to donate stone to another player, go to the Embassy building and click on it. Then click on the "Donate" button and select "Stone" as the resource you want to contribute. Enter the amount of stone you wish to donate and click "Donate".

What does throng mean on evony?

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In the context of Evony, "throng" refers to a large group or gathering of players typically seen in busy areas of the game, such as cities or alliance meetings. It represents the active player community and is often used to describe the bustling activity and social interactions happening within the game.

How many archers you need for a lvl 12 history city in evony?

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The number of archers needed for a level 12 history city in Evony would depend on various factors such as the size of the city, the strength of your opponents, and your preferred strategy. It is difficult to provide an exact number without these details. However, it is recommended to have a balanced army composition with a mix of archers, cavalry, and infantry units.

What do you do if your food production goes in negative in Evony?

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If your food production is negative, the best thing you can do is make sure you FARM A LOT of NPC's around you for the food. So your city does not run out of food.

Or you can cut down on the troops in the city.

Or you can split the troops over the amount is city's that you have so they can have a positive production of food.

How do you capture a LVL12 HC on Evony?

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Theirs many ways but here's the 2 most common and easiest ways.



The easiest method I have come across to take a LV 12 doesn't require high hero attack but only a good number of ballista. You will only lose about 4,000 ballista on the breaker. The spam waves before will eliminate the traps causing them to miss your important troops.

Hero level and attack does not matter for loyalty and spam waves.

Wave 1 to 30 - 2,000 warriors / 2,000 scouts (spam waves)

Wave 31 - 2,000 workers / 3,000 warriors / 122,000 ballista and hero attack of 285 (breaker wave)

Waves 32 and on - 10,000 archers / 20,000 warriors (loyalty waves)

__________________________________________________ ______



If you don't have the ballista and need to use other troops, your losses will depend on your hero attack. Your going to use a mix of archer rainbows and pikemen.

With Hero attack 200

Launching from a Lv10 city without war ensign

Wave 1 to 30 - 2,000 warriors / 2,000 scouts

Wave 31 - 33 - 100,000 pikemen

Waves 34 - 35 - 100,000 archers

Wave 36 - 42 (7 waves) - 1,000 workers / 1,000 warriors / 1,000 scouts / 1,000 swordsmen / 95,000 archers / 500 cataphracts / 500 cavalry

Waves 43 and on (loyalty waves) - 10,000 archers / 20,000 warriors

How do you LOOT level 10 NPCs on evony?

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Asked by Wiki User

well you need alot of troops and there are many ways of doing it most people say to use ballista but don't i like the way of warriors and archers but like i said there are many easier faster ways if you got the time

Okay first you need a hero with high attack about 115 mine was 176 attack but it will differ and 8 or 9 (depending on your rally point and feasting hall) heros with 95-115 attack

Next you need about 300,000 warriors and 150,000 archers and 10,000 calvary and/or cat. about 1000 of everything else

Your first attack will be with 200,000 warriors and 1 of everything else, (and what i mean by that is send 1 scout 1 warrior 1 archers you know 1 of everything else) this is basically battle Tech. this should wipe out the defenses but not the troops but don't worry this is what the archers are for....

Next send in waves with all your other heros send like maybe 15 seconds apart (gives you a chance of a medal) send in waves of 15,000 archers and 1 of everything else (again battle tech.) and maybe send some workers along for the resources but you don't have to if you don't want to

^^^This should take out Troops^^^

Then with those calvary send about 10 seconds apart and lower the loyalty down to 0 so you can take the city ..... (on a side note with that last attack of calvary send a hero with high politics and again with that last attack send some food and gold lots of gold about 500 thousand)

The reason i say this is because someone in another alliance was scouting that lvl10 npc and took it from me on the last attack so remember be ready you don't want to lose what you worked hard for

When that last attack hits and your jumping around because you captured your first lvl10 NPC just calm down and follow this okay lower your tax rate to 0 and first use the comforting to bring back up your loyalty and then when your loyalty is about 30 send some food to feed the city and make sure the population is in the green okay then what you do is the walls should have abatis still there destroy them and use the lumber to build Archer Towers build them in lumps of 500 keep doing it and so on and so fourth

The best thing in my own opinion is to use a lvl10 npc to keep your army because they can hold a massive army while staying in the green in food production and use it to make army and send off attacks and use your first city as a production machine and make troops there too or what ever you want to do

Hope i helped,

AbelG aka "StarKiller" alliance 4Told server 104

"It has been 4Told that we will kick your a##"