


Evony (once known as Civony) is a strategy game based in medieval times. It is free to play, but has charges attached for those who wish to advance faster.

500 Questions

How do you capture a level 2 city in evony?

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Asked by Wiki User

Get the loyalty down to zero

I say attack it first with 10k warriors and then do spam waves with 3k warriors

How do you defeat a level 9 NPC on Evony with few losses?

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Asked by Wiki User

You really should not attack a lvl9 npc as a level 10 has about the same losses and more resources. In doing so, I would send 1k transporters, 2k warriors, 2k workers, 1.5k scout, rest archers (93.5k). If you have a hero at lvl 70 or so, your losses should be about 7k archers and the other troops (minus transporters).

If you are attacking to take the city, replace transporters with archers. This wave will take out the troops, but you will want to have continuous waves following up every 30-45 seconds. These are called loyalty waves. The first loyalty wave should be large (maybe 40k archer/40k warrior) The rest of the loyalty waves should be about 20k archer/20k warrior mix. In order to have this kind of timing, you want to have your city about 1-2 miles away and be able to launch attacks with 9-10 heroes (Feasting Hall lvl 10).

How do you get the Aries Amulet in evony?

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You can win it on the wheel of fortune, or you can get it as a free gift.

How do you attack a lvl 8 npc in the game evony?

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This is my strategy with which I have taken 3 lvl 8's on three accounts:

initial blast: 100k wars

100k scout

20k arch

Aftermath: 10k wars

5k arch

10k scout

Keep sending these spam waves until loyalty is 0, then send 1-3 more waves

Total: 120k-150k arch

200k wars

200k scout

Total food needs: 1.2 million food per hour taken. good to spread out troops between your cities, then you would bring them into one city to lead all attacks.

And Heroes, first wave (wall defense and troops destroyer) must be atk 100 + highest ATK hero.

Other heroes preferably100+ atk also, but 85+ is acceptable

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How do you select the champions in evony age2?

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Asked by Wiki User

go to your avatar and select your champion

What is the archer tower to cavalry ratio in evony?

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AT : Cav

5 : 2

How do you conquer a historical city in evony?

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To conquer a HC

You gotta clear it defences then go for it troops

How long has evony been available?

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Just over 2 years

What does all the evony talk mean?

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Where you talk to everyone on your server.

How do you send troops to allies in evony?

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Click on their city then click reinforce

Select number of troops then click ok

Should you play Evony in school?

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Not really

How many troops do you need to take over a level 8 NPC on evony age 2?

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Asked by Wiki User

I sends a open wave of 100k archers with a lvl52 hero with 206 atk and i lost 8k plus lvl10 teach. Then i plunderd the NPC with 5k warriors,archers,scout,pike,swords

How do you add members to your alliance on evony free forever?

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Asked by Wiki User

If your a officer, presbyter, vicehost or host then go to alliance and click request, then you could add people

How do you get free cents in evony age 2?

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Win from amulet or get someone else to pay

How do you get vacancies for evony in feasting hall?

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Whatever level your feasting hall is is the amount of heroes you can have.

Who has the most prestige out of all the people on Evony?

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Asked by Win1236548

well i think your qustion is good because their are people over 200 mil i have seen them and i have one of them on my server so the most would be 200 300 mil and know one knows because there are so many people that every second of that game some builds 250k prestige every 5 to 10 minutes so we will never know

How do you get to the portal masters in Linion?

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There aren't portal masters or anything called Linion on Evony...

How do you create a game like evony?

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Asked by Wiki User

Massive amount of money needed (buy the game copy) buy Database servers to host from..

Employ 5-10 gfx designers

employ 5-10 Coders

atleast 2 coders per server

then you will need to invest in advertising on atleast 300-1k different websites

then try not to get sue'ed by Microsoft lol...

Good luck

How do you choose champions for evony age 2?

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Asked by Wiki User

click on youre portrait then click on the box on the right of youre heros name

What does hand over mean in evony?

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Asked by Wiki User

It usually doesn't have to do with you, it may be a part in your alliance, if you are not the leader, then don't worry about it.

How do you capture a hero in Evony?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can capture a hero several ways.

First and most likely is someone attacks you (probably a scout bomb) and loses. When you win the attack if you have a vacancy in your feasting hall you have the potential to capture the attacking hero.

Another way is the capture a city. When you do you sometimes capture the heroes that are in that city. Check in the feasting hall to see what you have captured. Also remember to check medic camp to get the troops out.

You can also capture heroes that are defending valleys or npcs if you capture them.

I have been told that you can also (but seldom) capture a hero from a failed scout however I have never seen the actually happen.

How do you become a vice host on evony?

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Asked by Wiki User

tell your host to promote you

Why did my account restart on Evony?

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There are many reasons, because u didn't log on for a long time, someone knew your account and deleted it or u deleted it.

How do you stop suppression in evony age 2?

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you have to have more troops than the suppressor to win when ur sure you do open your gates in rally spot