

Fireflies (Insect)

Fireflies (also called lightning bugs) are a subspecies of beetles, and are known for producing a chemically-induced light on their lower abdomen. They utilize the light to attract their mate.

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How do fireflys make light?

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The light that a firefly creates is the result of a combination of four different ingredients. This light is produced through a chemical reaction involving Luciferin, which is a substrate, Luciferase, an enzyme, ATP, and oxygen . The light producing section of the body is located in the sixth or seventh abdominal section of the firefly. It is within this cavity that the two compounds Luciferin and Luciferase are stored. A firefly will draw oxygen in through its complex system of air tubes and expose the oxygen to the Luciferin and the Luciferin will then oxidize and activate the Luciferase. This will generate a light that will shine through the skeleton of the abdomen. It is important to note that scientists disagree about the method that the fireflies use to control the duration of their flashes. One theory, known as the "Oxygen Control Theory", explains that fireflies can control the length and duration of their light by regulating the amount of oxygen that they intake . If little or no oxygen reaches the part of the firefly known as the phonic organ, the chemical reaction will not be extremely strong and the light of the firefly will not shine very brightly or for a lengthy duration. Another theory, known as the "Neural Activation Theory" states that fireflies have neural control over the activity of structures called "tracheal end cells" . These structures aid in the initiation of the chemical reaction. Whether or not the fireflies have physical or neural control over their ability to produce light, their method of creating the light that emanates from their bodies is extremely efficient. Very little heat is given off of this light which means that not very much energy is wasted at all. This "cold light" has a 96% efficiency rating; which, when compared to an incandescent light that has only 10% efficiency, is rather impressive.

Are fire flies really called lightning bugs?

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Yes, and the larva are referred to as glow worms. Not all lightning bugs produce light but all larva do and this light is one of the most efficient in producing energy with very little waste. The light is thought to attract mates but can also be used to attract other lightning bugs and the one will eat the other.

Do lightning bugs eat plants?

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Asked by Wiki User

They don't bite, they have no pincers, they don't attack, they don't carry disease, they don't even fly very fast.

What happens to lightning bugs in winter?

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Asked by Wiki User

Like many other insects, fireflies reach adulthood by metamorphosis. The adults lay eggs on or under the ground in the spring, and the larvae hatch within 2-4 weeks. The larvae feed on snails, slugs, and cutworms by injecting digestive enzymes into the prey and slurping it up once it liquefies. The larvae continue to feed until fall, when they burrow underground for the winter. They emerge the following spring, eat until summer, pupate for roughly two weeks, and then emerge as adults.

Depending on the species, the larvae may overwinter for two or three seasons before metamorphosing into adults. The adult diet varies depending on the species. It may have the predatory habits of the larvae; but some species feed only on pollen and nectar. Some do not eat at all, because they live for only a few days, just long enough to mate and lay eggs.

The firefly is beneficial ecologically. Gardeners value fireflies, because the larvae and adults of some species eat so many snails, slugs, and cutworms. Could they also be indicators of environmental changes? Perhaps research might find a correlation between decreases in their population with habitat loss or the use of pesticides.

Why are there no lightning bugs in South Florida?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes. I live just north of Orlando, Florida and there's a lightning bug flashing on my back door right now. However, I've never seen more than one or two at a time in the past ten years I've lived here. When I lived in Ohio, as a child, there used to be thousands in the yard at night. I don't know if there naturally aren't as many lighting bugs in Florida, or if they're disappearing everywhere.

How do you take care of a lightning bug?

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Now i am no expert, but i would suggest getting a rather large jar, say about 8 inches high and 3-5 inches wide and poking a bout 5 SMALL holes. Make sure the holes are smaller than the flies you catch. Now as to what they eat. I am unsure but what i do know is that some adult fireflies will eat other insects but many eat pollen and other parts of plants. Stella

How have fireflies adapted to there habitat?

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Fireflies live in various habitats. Many species thrive in forests, fields or the margins between them. Some live in more arid areas, but they typically follow the rainy season. Fireflies are found all over the world, from North and South America to Europe and Asia.

What is an insect that looks like part bee and part lightning bug?

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The male lightning bugs are the only ones who flash, so that's a good tell. The males will also have yellow stripes running down the length of the back. The females are black except for pink trim around the head.

How do lightning bugs have babies?

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Asked by Wiki User

yes they do have Baby's ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

What do fire flies and lightning bugs eat?

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Asked by Wiki User

fire flys eat grass lots of lots of grass i had a fire fly once and i always feed them grass and some water and they survive its cool leran more a bout it its intresting and cool evey time i mistaken a fire fly with a grass hoper its weird i know

How many eyes does the firefly have?

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thay have no eyes the see by their other senses.

Why are there no lightning bugs in the west?

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Asked by Wiki User

there are less lightning bugs, because of habitat destruction and light pollution. light pollution is where there is to much artificial lights outside. The artificial lights mess up their signals and they can't find mates. Also, lightning bugs need a good bit of water and tree litter to have babies and survive. Humans are destroying all of the lightning bug habitats.

Can you sell Lightning Bugs?

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Asked by Damnnearfonzie

I sold lightning bugs as a child 1976-1979. I do not remember who I sold them to, but here is the process. I was sent a container with a drying agent in the bottom. I would catch the bugs with a net that I purchased from the company and store the bugs in the refrigerator until I had enough to mail off. I would count the bugs put the total on a form, insert it into the container and mail them off at my expense. I would receive a check for the bugs (1 cent per bug) along with reimbursement for the postage. The company also had plans to build a jar enclosure that was similar to a wasp trap. The lightning bugs would fly into the jar and become trapped. I did use this method.

What does it mean when a firefly crosses your path?

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Asked by Wiki User

Nothing. It means you saw a frog.

What makes fireflies and glow worms luminescent?

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Asked by Wiki User

They glow due to a chemical reaction in their body. The link at the bottom of this page will take you to a good article on fireflies.

check out the link bellow:)

Fireflies glow because they have different chemicals in their bodies. When combined, there's a chemical reaction and they glow.

To be more specific, cells in the firefly's abdomen produce luciferin and that creates luciferase, an enzyme. The luciferin combines with oxygen and forms oxyluciferin, which is inactive, but luciferase speeds up the reactions. Luciferin combines with ATP (adenosine triphosphate) and luciferyl adenylate and PP(pyrophosphate) are produced.

Oxygen and luciferyl adenylate mix to produce oxyluciferin and AMP (adenosine monophosphate). Finally, it starts to glow.

There are also uric acid crystals produced by the abdominal cells that help the light reflect away.

Read more: How_do_fireflies_glow