

Flea Markets, Thrift Stores, Yard and Garage Sales

Every week, especially weekends, people hold garage sales or yard sales. The purposes range from clearing out old belongings to raising a bit of cash. Millions of people also consign, sell, or buy at thrift stores and flea markets for second-hand goods and manufactured goods 'with flaws'. While yard and garage sales are deemed outdoor events, most flea markets and thrift stores use permanent indoor venues and often offer food and drink vendors. Whether buyer or seller, these venues give opportunities for spending--or making--quick cash.

500 Questions

What is a flea market called in Australia?

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Flea Market is called 'Trash and Treasure Market' in Australia.

What is geographic phenomena and socio-cultural factors theory?

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This theory posits that geographic features and socio-cultural factors shape human behavior and societal development. It suggests that natural environments, such as climate and topography, interact with cultural norms, beliefs, and values to influence human activities, including settlement patterns, economic systems, and social structures. By considering how geography and culture intersect, this theory helps to explain variations in human societies across different regions.

Does Tennessee have Flea Market Laws?

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Tennessee does not have specific laws that govern flea markets, but they are generally considered to operate as temporary retail venues. Vendors must comply with state laws on sales tax and business licenses, and individual flea markets may have their own rules and regulations.

Is it illegal to have a yard sale in Texas?

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In Texas, having a yard sale is not illegal as long as you abide by local regulations, such as obtaining any required permits and following guidelines on hours of operation, signage, and noise levels. It's best to check with your city or county regulations to ensure compliance.

Laws concerning garage sales?

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Laws concerning garage sales can vary depending on your location. Generally, it's important to check with your local city or county government to see if you need a permit to hold a garage sale, if there are restrictions on where and when you can hold the sale, and if there are any specific rules you need to follow regarding signage or sales tax collection. It's always best to comply with local regulations to avoid any potential fines or penalties.

How are Goodwill thrift stores connected to Michael Miller OR the Mormon church?

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There is no direct connection between Goodwill thrift stores and Michael Miller or the Mormon church. Goodwill is a nonprofit organization focused on providing job training and employment services. Michael Miller is a common name and may not have a specific connection to Goodwill. The Mormon church, officially known as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is not affiliated with Goodwill.

Why did all of the Afghan people at the flea market stop and turn when Amir asks what Soraya is reading?

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The Afghan people at the flea market stopped and turned when Amir asked what Soraya was reading because they were intrigued by the interaction between the two. Reading was seen as an intellectual and respectable activity in Afghan culture, so their interest likely stemmed from curiosity about what Soraya was reading and what it revealed about her character.

Who wrote thrift shop?

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Agnes palacios. She got no fame from this song but she was only 12 when she wrote it.

What are the names of characters in market blues?

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Some of the characters in "Market Blues" include Sylvia, Henry, Mr. Johnson, and the Narrator. Each character brings a unique perspective to the story and helps explore themes of struggle, ambition, and the complexities of urban life.

How much would you sell a Reader's Digest Condensed Book for at a yard sale?

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I would typically sell a Reader's Digest Condensed Book for $1 to $3 at a yard sale, depending on its condition and popularity of the titles included. It's important to price it fairly to attract buyers while also considering the book's value.

Where could you sell a complete set of Corpus Juris Secundum?

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You could sell a complete set of Corpus Juris Secundum on online platforms like eBay or Amazon, or through specialized book marketplaces like AbeBooks or Alibris. Another option is to consult with local bookstores or legal libraries that might be interested in purchasing or consigning the set.

Does goodwill take books?

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Some Goodwill locations accept books as donations, but it's best to check with your local store to confirm their policy. Keep in mind that they may have restrictions on the types of books they can accept.

Can you find rARE books at flea markets?

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Yes, flea markets can be a great place to find rare books. It's possible to come across unique and valuable books that may be hard to find elsewhere. However, it requires patience and careful searching to uncover these hidden gems among the varied items typically found at flea markets.

Do flea markets sell pets?

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A lot of times if you buy a pet at a flea market they'll be very sick and likely to die. True, they are cheaper, but you should buy them from breeders or pet shops

Next date of the Rutledge Mo flea market?

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The opening date of the Rutledge Flea Market in Rutledge, Missouri is going to be Marcy 13th and 14th, 2009

Is thrift store open on Sunday?

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This all depends on the Store operations and the owners. Usually, there is no need for a business to close specifically on a Sunday. However, the owner can close the store on a Sunday if they have Religious duties, have ordeals outside the business to take care of, or simply wish to do so. Usually, Liquor stores will be open on Sundays, just like most other businesses.

Where did flea markets get their name?

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It originated in France...there were the outdoor markets full of used furniture, clothing, household items and such and then there were the fleas (in the stuff) so it eventually was dubbed a "flea market". Hope this helped!

What products does thrift store sell?

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In a thrift store you can find many things. There, you can find clothes, shoes, books, accessories, furniture, toys and many other things you would find in normal stores, other than food. Some things you find in a thrift store are second hand items, but not all of the items are. The thrift store is a great place to go when you are low on funds or you just want to get more for your dollar. Thrift stores specialize in marking their clothes to a very reasonable price. And don't worry, thrift stores ALWAYS makes sure their items are clean and looking as good as new. In my opinion, you should go to the thrift store and shop because you can find more for your money at a really good price.

What permits do you need to sell at a flea market in Florida?

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Texas is just like any of the other 49 states where most vendors don't ever bother getting a permit before they set up and sell at flea markets.

But if you want to be legit, get the permits.

You'll need a business license and a resale or tax permit/license.

Having an actual business license will allow you to apply for small business loans and also give you certain tax benefits as well.

Having a resale/tax permit/license means the state wants you to collect the sales tax on every purchase and send it to them every three months, just like any other retail establishment (WalMart, Burger King, the local tire shop, etc.), so you'll need to find out how much to charge people. This is above and beyond your price for the item.

Contact your State Revenue Department. Do a Google search and get the info online.

Many shoppers at flea markets are put off by being charged sales tax, especially if you sell them a used item. To get around this, simply raise your prices enough to cover the sales tax and tell them tax is included if they ask about it. (Most won't.) This way you won't risk alienating your customers and many of them will buy from you again. Repeat customers are the most valuable kind.

Keep in mind that, to know exactly how much to send in to the state, you will need to record each and every sale, and without a cash register it'll be a bit of work. You may give someone a discount for buying a lot of different items at one time, you may decide to put some but not all of your items on sale, etc., so the amount of each purchase and how much tax you charge will vary greatly. It'll be hard to keep track of, and if you are writing it all down by hand and you get really busy, you won't have time to keep up with the writing, especially if you get paid in cash.

Don't tell the state, but most vendors who have resale permits simply send in enough to keep the state happy. The chance of your small business ever being audited is very slim and unless the taxman is standing there watching each and every one of your sales, they'll never know for sure exactly what you owe the state. They would take an average of every vendor at that particular flea market and say you owe this much, but everyone sells different types of merchandise and the state would be way off on their estimate. You'd most likely be overpaying if you went along with what they estimated.

Like I said, most vendors don't even bother with permits and licenses and those that do send the state enough to keep them happy. I have permits and am legit but I have never had a taxman come by my space and ask to see them and I've been selling for more than 12 years, each and every weekend of each year.

I make thousands of dollars each and every month selling at flea markets on weekends, and I always get paid in cash! It's fun, it's so easy.

Can thrift stores sell mattresses?

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Yes, they can. But the mattress must be new or have been professionally sterilized. There are specific requirements, and they are generally careful about observing them. (It is cheaper to avoid a fine or a lawsuit than to risk one.)

Is the san Jose flea market closing down anytime soon?

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The San Jose Flea Market is still running lots of business so it's not cosing down anytime soon.

Can you sell spices at a flea market without a license?

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You do not need a license to sell homemade spices but you could be looked into if you become too large. It is important to check the local laws.

Is the flea market open on Easter?

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When is the flea market open?

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Most flea markets are open only on Saturdays and Sundays, usually from 6 or 7 am to as late as 5 or 6 pm. In Arizona, where it becomes quite hot by noon, there are flea markets that open as early as 4 am.! Buyers will come equipped with flashlights. By noon, many of the buyers and vendors have already went home because of the heat. In northern climates, many flea markets are indoors, and have regular business hours, opening around 8 or 9 am. and staying open until 6 or 7 pm., and some are also open on weekdays as well. I am a professional flea market vendor and make a very good income just working weekends.