

Flemish Language and Culture

Known as Belgian Dutch, Flemish is one of two official languages of Belgium. East Flemish, West Flemish and French Flemish are the southwestern dialects of Dutch. Flemish are the ethnic group speaking Flemish and living in northern and western Belgium. This category is all about the Flemish people, their language and dialects, their history and culture.

500 Questions

How many people speak flemish?

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Approximately 6 million people speak Flemish, a dialect of Dutch primarily spoken in the northern region of Belgium known as Flanders. Flemish is one of the official languages of Belgium alongside French and German.

How do you say goodbye in Flemish?

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Goodbye can be 'tot ziens' (until I see you) or 'dag' which can also be used as a greeting. It's a question of tone.

What physical features do Flemish people have?

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Flemish people typically have fair skin, light hair, and blue or green eyes. They tend to have a tall stature with a relatively strong build. However, like any population, physical features can vary widely.

Where would you hear Flemish being spoken?

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Flemish is primarily spoken in the northern region of Belgium, known as Flanders. It is one of the official languages of Belgium, alongside French and German. Flemish is a dialect of Dutch and is the most widely spoken language in Belgium.

Do the Walloons speak Flemish?

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No, the Walloons do not speak Flemish. Walloons primarily speak French in the Wallonia region of Belgium. Flemish is spoken in the Flanders region of Belgium.

How do you say Happy Anniversary in Flemish?

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"Vrolijke verjaardag" is how you say Happy Anniversary in Flemish.

How do you say lets go in Flemish?

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"Let's go" in Flemish is "Laten we gaan."

What does flemish speak?

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Flemish is a variety of Dutch spoken in the northern part of Belgium known as Flanders. It is one of the official languages of Belgium along with French and German.

How do you say hug in flemish?

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In Flemish, you can say "knuffel" to express the word hug.

What is girl in Flemish?

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The word for "girl" in Flemish is "meisje".

What nationality is Flemish?

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Flemish refers to people from the Flanders region in Belgium. They are considered to be Belgian nationals.

What is the name given to a mayor of a dutch German or flemish town?

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In Dutch, the mayor of a town is called a "burgemeester." In German, the equivalent term is "Bürgermeister," and in Flemish, it is "burgemeester" as well.

How do you say thankyou in flemish?

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In Flemish, you can say "dank u" to say thank you.

How do you say Brother in Flemish?

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In Flemish, you say "broer" to mean brother.

What country is referred to as Flemish?

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Belgium is the country that is often referred to as Flemish. Flemish is one of the official languages of Belgium, along with French and German. It is spoken primarily in the northern region of Flanders.

How do you say dog in flemish?

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The word for "dog" in Flemish is "hond."

Is there a rivalry between the Dutch and the Flemish?

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Asked by Nirel

There is historical rivalry between the Dutch and Flemish stemming from political and cultural differences, but today they generally have good relations. Flemish people mainly reside in Belgium, while Dutch people live in the Netherlands, but they share a common language. Both regions have distinct identities and differences, but they also have many similarities and collaborate in various fields.

What is Saturday in Flemish?

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Saturday in Flemish is "zaterdag."

How do you say eye in Flemish?

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In Flemish, "eye" is translated as "oog".

What is the flemish word for pig?

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The Flemish word for pig is "varken."

How do you say welcome back in flemish?

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In Flemish, you say "welkom terug" to say welcome back.

How do you say see you soon in Flemish?

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In Flemish, you say "tot binnenkort" to mean "see you soon."

How do you say Happy New Year in Belgian?

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In Belgium, you can say "Gelukkig Nieuwjaar" to wish someone a Happy New Year.