What are the subjects to be taken in stewardess?
Flight attendants must be certified by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). A high school diploma is the minimum educational requirement, but airlines increasingly prefer applicants who have a college degree. Experience in dealing with the public is important because flight attendants must be able to interact comfortably with strangers and remain calm under duress. Education and training. A high school diploma is the minimum educational requirement. However, airlines increasingly prefer applicants with a college degree and with experience in dealing with the public. Applicants who attend schools and colleges that offer flight attendant training may have an advantage over other applicants. Highly desirable areas of concentration include people-oriented disciplines such as psychology, communications, sociology, nursing, anthropology, police or fire science, travel and tourism, hospitality and education. Flight attendants for international airlines generally must speak a foreign language fluently. For their international flights, some of the major airlines prefer candidates who can speak two major foreign languages. Once hired, all candidates must undergo a period of formal training. The length of training, ranging from 3 to 8 weeks, depends on the size and type of carrier and takes place at the airline's flight training center. Airlines that do not operate training centers generally send new employees to the center of another airline. Some airlines may provide transportation to the training centers and an allowance for room, board, and school supplies, while other airlines charge individuals for training. New trainees are not considered employees of the airline until they successfully complete the training program. Trainees learn emergency procedures such as evacuating an airplane, operating emergency systems and equipment, administering first aid, and surviving in the water. In addition, trainees are taught how to deal with disruptive passengers and with hijacking and terrorist situations. New hires learn flight regulations and duties, gain knowledge of company operations and policies, and receive instruction on personal grooming and weight control. Trainees for the international routes get additional instruction in passport and customs regulations. Trainees must perform many drills and duties unaided, in front of the training staff. Throughout training, they also take tests designed to eliminate unsuccessful trainees. Toward the end of their training, students go on practice flights. Upon successful completion of training, flight attendants receive the FAA's Certificate of Demonstrated Proficiency. Flight attendants also are required to go through periodic retraining and pass an FAA safety examination to continue flying. Licensure and certification. All flight attendants must be certified by the FAA. In order to be certified, flight attendants are required to successfully complete training requirements, such as evacuation, fire fighting, medical emergency, and security procedures established by the FAA and the Transportation Security Administration. They also must perform the assigned duties of a cabin crew member and complete an approved proficiency check. Flight attendants are certified for specific types of aircraft, regardless of the carrier. Therefore, only 1-day or 2-day recurrent training, with the new carrier, is needed for those flight attendants who change airlines, as long as the type of aircraft remains the same. Other qualifications. Airlines prefer to hire poised, tactful, and resourceful people who can interact comfortably with strangers and remain calm under duress. Flight attendants must be in excellent health, and have the ability to speak clearly. Airlines usually have age, physical, and appearance requirements. Applicants usually must be at least 18 to 21 years old, although some carriers may have higher minimum-age requirements. Applicants must meet height requirements for reaching overhead bins, which often contain emergency equipment, and most airlines want candidates with weight proportionate to height. Vision is required to be correctable to 20/30 or better with glasses or contact lenses (uncorrected no worse than 20/200). Men must have their hair cut above the collar and be clean shaven. Airlines prefer applicants with no visible tattoos, body piercing, or unusual hairstyles or makeup. In addition to education and training, airlines conduct a thorough background check as required by the FAA, which goes back as many as 10 years. Everything about an applicant is investigated, including date of birth, employment history, criminal record, school records, and gaps in employment. Employment is contingent on a successful background check. An applicant will not be offered a job or will be immediately dismissed if his or her background check shows any discrepancies. All U.S. airlines require that applicants be citizens of the United States or registered aliens with legal rights to obtain employment in the United States. Advancement. After completing initial training, flight attendants are assigned to one of their airline's bases. New flight attendants are placed on reserve status and are called either to staff extra flights or to fill in for crewmembers who are sick, on vacation, or rerouted. When they are not on duty, reserve flight attendants must be available to report for flights on short notice. They usually remain on reserve for at least 1 year but, in some cities, it may take 5 to 10 years or longer to advance from reserve status. Flight attendants who no longer are on reserve bid monthly for regular assignments. Because assignments are based on seniority, usually only the most experienced attendants get their choice of assignments. Advancement takes longer today than in the past because experienced flight attendants are remaining in this career longer than in the past. Some flight attendants become supervisors, moving from senior or lead flight attendant, to check flight attendant, to flight attendant supervisor, then on to base manager, and finally to manager or vice president of in-flight operations. They may take on additional duties such as recruiting, instructing, or developing in-flight products. Their experience also may qualify them for numerous airline-related jobs involving contact with the public, such as reservation ticket agent or public relations specialist. Flight attendants who do not want to travel often for various reasons may move to a position as an administrative assistant. With additional education, some flight attendants may decide to transfer to other areas of the airline for which they work, such as risk management or human resources. For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section (U.S. Department of Labor) indicated below.
Are there private aviation companies currently hiring a flight attendant?
This is regarding an opening for an Air hostess job in Indigo Airlines.
We are Stryde Consulting Services Pvt Ltd, a pioneer in HR services and product domain is incorporated by young, dynamic professionals who have vast experience in Corporate industry which was started up in Hyderabad in the year 2005.Our Professional approach has made us grow rapidly where we only deal with top reputed firms in India, Middle East and the US. Infact we are growing at very fast rate with client acquisitions who are among the best in the corporate industry. Our client list includes top companies in the following list, we are presently concentrating on IT, Telecom, Manufacturing, Analysis, ITES, BFSI, FMCG, and Retail.
We are also in association with Indigo Airlines. Indigo Airlines current has openings for Cabin Crew Menmbers. If you are interested kindly forward your
- Updated resume,
- Full length photograph and
- Passport size photo
As soon as possible to soujanya@strydeconsulting.com or you can call me 040 â€" 40325067
kindly forward this mailer to any of your references who are looking for the same
Thank You and Regards
Stryde Consulting Services (P) Ltd.
Level â€" 5, SVR Towers
Opp. Axis Bank, Srinigar Colony Road
Punjagutta, Hyderabad â€" 500 082
Phone:- +91-40- 4032 5000/5050
Fax :- +91- 40- 4015 5000
There are many companies recruiting at the present time for cabin crew all over the world! Emirates and Etihad are just two in the UAE as well as Monarch and Flybe in the UK. There are many more... to see a full list visit the blog at:
Can you get a flight attendant job with a misdemeanor?
Probably not. You need to pass all the background checks for airport access
What should you say for a cabin crew interview for your hobbies?
Reading books related to mathematics and interested to know what's happens in the society through reading or watching news papers.
Why do you think grooming is important for a cabin crew?
Grooming is important because it helps an individual keep healthy. Matting in fur can cause a variety of skin diseases and rashes.
What exactly are flight attendant careers?
A career as a flight attendant is a very busy one full of adventure and responsibility. A flight attendant is required to fly to many locations all over the world while attending to the needs of on-board passengers.
How would a flight attendant handle a child running down the isle on a plane?
Flight attendants are responsible for maintaining order in the passenger sections, and are empowered to address issues with noisy or unruly passengers, including small children (who should seldom be left unattended during a flight, for their own safety). Parents can be given some latitude, but children cannot be allowed to run loose on the plane.
How many flight attendants on a Boeing 747?
It depends on the number of seats installed and the particular countries regulations pertaining to the ratio of flight attendants to passengers.
How many cabin crew is needed on an Airbus a318?
Captain, co pilot and sometimes an engineer to monitor pressure guages
Subjects at school you need to be a flight attendant?
There are classes but they do no certify you in most cases for the airlines, it might help to get you selected, but you will repeat most of it in the airlines' training class. Bottom line is NO, it is not required, but it can help by exposing you to the training. Pan Am offers classes in Miami which are a week long and financing is available
How does one apply for a Flight Attendant school?
Caribbean Airlines has a stringent recruitment process because most of the flight attendants are generally required to be FAA certified.
Unless the applicant has prior accredited training with a recognise institution, then a flight attendant job will be a challenging process for new applicants.
A good start may be by examining the training options from a reputable school such as the Institute of Travel and Tourism - Caribbean Centre, whose website is at: www.flightcourse.info
Their training program generally runs in collaboration with other large airline companies. So maybe their certification might be influential enough.
How much do cabin crew get paid?
Around £15 to 20k a year. The more experienced you are the more you will get paid.
On the Radio 4's Today programme (11/05/2010) someone just said that BA cabin crew earn an average of £31,500 and that Virgin cabin crew get around 14k (quite a difference) BA engineers, they went on to say, earn £37,400. The Times online confirms this with similar figures for July 2009.
What is the difference between cabin crew and air stewardess?
Bround staff do everything on the ground, e.g. mechanics and engineering, maintenance, refuelling, restocking, cleaning, training. Cabin crew are the pilot, copilot (plus any navigator and flight engineer) as well as the stewards and stewardesses.
What sort of questions should you expect in a cabin crew or flight attendant job interview?
Cabin Crew Interview Questions
1. Tell us about yourself?
2. Why do you want to join us?
3. What would you like to do in five years' time ?
4. Do you prefer working with others or alone?
5. What are your biggest accomplishments?
6. What are your favorite subjects?
7. Why should we hire you?
8. What are your hobbies?
9. What is the worst feedback you have ever got?
10. What is the most difficult situation you have faced?
11.How do you measure talent?
12.How do/would you optimize performance and lift standards in a team?
13.Have you ever dealt with a customer making an unrealistic demand?
14.How would you respond if you were offered the job?
15.What would you do if you had to deal with an angry customer?
16.What will you bring to the job/company if we employ you?
17.Tell me about the culture at your last company/employer.
18.Tell me about your life at College or University (or even your time in your previous job).
19.What do you want to be doing in 2/5/10 years time? Or: Where do you want to be in 2/5/10 years time?
20.What is your ideal job?
21.What did you achieve in your last job?
22.What are your strengths?
23.What are your weaknesses?
24.Tell me about something recently that really annoyed you.
25.Give me an example of when you've produced some poor work and how you've dealt with it.
26.How do you plan and organize your work?
27.How many hours a week do you work/prefer to work?
28.Do you make mistakes?
29.What do you know about our company?
30.Why do you want to leave this job after only four months?
33.What do you think the employee's responsibilities are to the company?
34.Why do you want to change jobs?
35. How would you handle a drunk passenger.
36. Would you seat an incapacitated person in an exit row if the passenger wanted to move to that seat.
37. Would you seat a child in an exit row.
38. Would you ever upgrade a person for first class and if so, for what reasons.
39. How would you handle an upset passenger., or an angry passenger.
40. Would you accept a tip? What would you do if someone asked for your phone number?
41. Why do you think some passengers take their frustrations out on cabin crew, even though the cabin crew are trying
to help them?
42. What would you do if you saw one of your colleagues being deliberately rude to a passenger?
43. What would you do if a commercially important passenger complained that another commercially important
passenger is snoring too loudly behind him?
44. If, for example, there are 60 children on the flight, but you only have 40 toys. How would you deal with this
45. What would you do if the seat belt signs were on and the aircraft is about to take off, but a passenger insist that he
has to kneel down to conduct his prayer due to religious reasons
Responsibilities of a cabin crew trainer?
Cabin crew are primarily responsible for the safety of passengers and crew onboard the aircraft and secondly their welfare.
How do cabin crew deal with passengers sickness?
Find "Heimlich Maneuver" in medical encyclopedia/dictionary
What are the 3 top skills a flight attendant must have?
first of all, flight attendant are friendly. they enjoy greeting passengers and making them feel comfortable. second, flight attendants are self confident, they give instructions to passengers. Third, they are physically strong
What is the role of a flight attendant?
Main responsibilities The cabin crew then has to greet the passengers as they board the aircraft, direct them to their seats and ensure that the entire luggage is safety stored away in the over head cabins. Once all the passengers are on board then the cabin crew demonstrate the emergency procedures whilst the plane is preparing for take off. During a flight the crew members assist passengers, make calls on behalf of the captain and serve food, drinks and sell duty free goods. In case of emergencies, cabin crews are there to reassure passengers so that they follow the correct emergency procedures. The crew may have to deal with several emergencies such as cabin fires or first aid situations. At the end of a flight cabin crew members are there to make sure that passengers disembark the aircraft safely. The crew members are then asked to complete a written report that records all details of the flight. For instance; duty free sales, food and drinks sales, any unusual incidents and customs and immigration documentation. Working environment The hours of work for cabin crew can be extremely variable including weekends, nights and public holidays. Depending on the job, cabin crew may spend a considerable amount of time away from home. Hours can also be affected if there are a number of delays and cancellations to flights. Cabin crew members work extremely and spend a lot of time on their feet. They are expected to wear a uniform, be smart and well groomed at all times. Vital skills * Must be able to deal with difficult passengers in a firm but friendly manner. * Enjoy team work * Be calm under pressure * Be a good people person * Should be able to work quickly and efficiently
What is the opposite gender of the word stewardess?
The male equivalent of a stewardess is a steward, although for airline flight crews, the genderless form is now "flight attendant."
One's weaknesses and strengths as a cabin crew?
why you want to be cabin crew?
what s your skills?
what s your ambitious?
why do you want ti join fly dubai?
have you ever lost your temper ?
whats your weaknesses and strenghts? s
What are the advantages of being an airline stewardess?
the proposional Body - nice - can speak English & other language.