

Franklin Pierce

Franklin Pierce was the 14th President of the United States and served from March 4, 1853 to March 4, 1857.

233 Questions

What were Franklin Pierce's foreign affairs?

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During his presidency, Franklin Pierce focused on expanding American influence and trade abroad. He pursued diplomatic relations with Asian nations, particularly Japan, and successfully negotiated the Treaty of Kanagawa, which opened up trade between the two countries. Additionally, Pierce's administration sought to assert American dominance in the Caribbean by attempting to acquire Cuba from Spain, though this effort ultimately failed.

What is Franklin Pierce University's motto?

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Franklin Pierce University's motto is "Eximus Concordia," which translates to "Through Harmony, We Excel."

Who was Franklin Pierce most famous friend?

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Franklin Pierce had a close friendship with future U.S. President Nathaniel Hawthorne. They met while attending Bowdoin College in the early 1820s and remained lifelong friends. Hawthorne even dedicated one of his books, "The House of the Seven Gables," to Pierce.

How long as Franklin Pierce studying to be a lawyer?

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Franklin Pierce studied law for approximately two years. He attended Bowdoin College in Maine and then went on to study law at Northampton Law School in Massachusetts.

How was the economy during Franklin Pierce term?

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During Franklin Pierce's term as president from 1853 to 1857, the US economy experienced mixed performance. The period saw robust economic growth driven by westward expansion, industrialization, and increased international trade. However, the nation also faced various economic challenges, including high inflation, a banking crisis, and the Panic of 1857, which led to a severe recession towards the end of Pierce's term.

Is the Franklin Pierce Law Center open in the summer?

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Yes, the Franklin Pierce Law Center is open during the summer. However, it's always a good idea to check their website or contact the institution directly to confirm their specific summer hours of operation.

In 1825 Franklin Pierce moved to what part of NH?

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In 1825 he first went to Portsmouth, NH to read law under Levi Woodbury. In November, Woodbury left for Washington to take his Senate seat , so Pierce moved to Northampton to study at Judge Samuel Howe's law school.

How did Franklin Pierce's position on slavery affect the situation in Kansas?

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Franklin Pierce's position on slavery greatly influenced the situation in Kansas. He supported the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which allowed popular sovereignty in determining the slavery question. This led to violent conflicts between pro-slavery and anti-slavery settlers in Kansas, known as "Bleeding Kansas." Pierce's stance effectively exacerbated tensions and further divided the nation over the issue of slavery.

Is Paul Pierce related to Franklin Pierce?

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No, Paul Pierce is not related to Franklin Pierce. Paul Pierce is a former professional basketball player who played in the NBA, while Franklin Pierce was the 14th President of the United States.

When did Franklin Pierce approve the Gadsen Purchase?

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The treaty was signed by Pierce and submitted to the Senate on February 10, 1854. April 26, 1854 was the date that the final version of the treaty was ratified by the Senate. It became final June 8.1864 when Mexico agreed to the final version.

What is Franklin Pierce's birthday?

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Franklin Pierce was born on November 23, 1804

How did Franklin Pierce die?

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Pierce died on October 8, 1869 at 4:40 am, at home in Concord, New Hamphire from stomach problems and dropsy (congestive heart failure), likely alcohol related . He is thought to have had a lifelong struggle with alcoholism. He was about 6 weeks short of 65 when he died.

What is Franklin Pierces campaign slogan?

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Franklin pierce didn't have a signature campaign slogan. But he was the first president to put a Christmas tree in the white house.

What are some important people that were part of the Gadsden Purchase?

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The Gadsden Purchase was negotiated in 1853 by James Gadsden. Mexico sold the United States a piece of land in what is now Arizona and New Mexico, in exchange for $10 million.

This treaty helped to resolve some unsettled issues from the Mexican-American War and also strengthened the South's claim to the transcontinental railroad (there had been much debate about where this should be located).

Some key people include:

James Gadsden (the U.S. Ambassador to Mexico)

President Franklin Pierce (signed the treaty)

Jefferson Davis (Pierce's Secretary of War, who strongly influenced this agreement)

William Marcy (Pierce's Secretary of State, who instructed Gadsden as to what provisions to push for)

Santa Anna (Mexican president who signed the treaty)

What did Franklin Pierce do for your country?

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He was a leader of the Jacksonian Democrats while in Congress. He helped hasten the Civil War by signing the Kansas-Nebraska Act, although he did not know that his signing of the bill would speed the clash between North and South. By repealing the Missouri Compromise, the K-N Act opened up the territory for slavery and reopened up the debate regarding the spread of slavery. He appeased the South by backing up the pro slavery groups in the western territories, especially in "Bleeding Kansas." He became the only elected president to be denied his own party's renomination. During the war he criticised the Emancipation Proclamation and was almost lynched by angry New Englanders.

What was Franklin Pierce's occupation before he became president?

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Pierce earned his living as a lawyer when was not serving in government or in the army. He served in the state legislature including two years as speaker, two terms as a US Congressman and a US senator, serving only five years, resigning due to the health of his wife and a need to make more money. He also served in Mexican War, rising to the rank of brigadier general.

How did Franklin Pierce's life affect his Term of Office?

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Pierce had many personal problems while he was President besides the difficulties facing the nation over slavery. His last child, a son, was killed in a freak train accident in January before he took office. His wife, who had decided when he has a senator years before that she did not want to live in Washington, could not cope with her grief. She was never a strong person either physically or in mental balance so she pretty much shut herself up in the White House. Pierce had a long standing drinking problem and the pressures of his job seemed to make it worse.

As for his job. He had not been active in Washington and he found it hard to get any support from Congress, even from his own party. The party bosses who nominated him and got him elected did not expect or want him to be a leader.

Did Franklin Pierce and his wife divorce?

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No- he was never divorced.

Did Franklin Pierce have a family?

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Franklin and Jane Pierce had three sons. All died as children.

  • Franklin Pierce, Jr. (February 2, 1836 - February 5, 1836), cause of death unknown.
  • Frank Robert Pierce (August 27, 1839 - November 14, 1843), died from typhus fever.
  • Benjamin "Bennie" Pierce (April 13, 1841 - January 6, 1853), died in train accident in front of his parents, weeks before his father was inaugurated.

Where did Franklin Pierce go to school?

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He got the basics from the local grade school at Hillsborough, NH.

Pierce attended Hanover (NH) Academy and Francestown (NH) Academy

and learned enough to pass the entrance exam at Bowdoin College in 1820.

He graduated from Bowdoin College in 1824 at age 20. He studied classical languages, mathematics, history, mineralogy, chemistry and philosophy. He learned law by reading with various lawyers until he could pass the bar exam.

Who influenced Franklin Pierce to be Prsident?

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Andrew Jackson was his hero when he was a young man.

What were Franklin Pierce goals before he was elected president?

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As a politician he believed in the US Constitution and took a literal approach. He believedin the preservation of the federal union was worth making compromises over slavery. He believed that political parties were a necessary part of government in the United States. He was baptized into the Episcopalian church later in life.

What did Franklin Pierce introduce to the white house tradition in 1856?

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I would not say that he started a tradition, but he had an outdoor tree decorated for Christmas on the White House lawn. It was about 20 years before anymore White House Christmas trees appeared.

What is the road Franklin Pierce voted against to built the National Road called now?

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It was called the Cumberland Road. Later, it became US Route 40.

What states were added during Franklin pierce presidency?

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No states were added to the union while Pierce was president.