


Includes questions related to generating electricity through the use of naturally occuring heat sources.

500 Questions

Where does all energy on earth come from?

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Asked by Wiki User

The majority of energy on Earth comes from the sun. Solar energy is captured by plants through photosynthesis, which is then passed on through the food chain to other organisms. Additionally, the Earth's internal heat also contributes to energy sources such as geothermal energy.

Why is geothermal energy unlikely to become a major energy source?

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Asked by Wiki User

Geothermal energy is site-specific, meaning it is not universally accessible. It requires specific geological conditions and is limited to certain regions with volcanic activity or hot springs. Additionally, the high upfront costs of exploration and drilling can make geothermal projects less economically viable compared to other renewable energy sources like solar or wind.

What are the good and bad points geothermal power?

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Asked by Wiki User

Good points: Geothermal power is a renewable energy source that produces low greenhouse gas emissions, has a small land footprint compared to other power generation methods, and provides a consistent and reliable source of energy.

Bad points: Geothermal power can be limited by geography, with suitable sites only available in specific regions, and drilling and exploration costs can be high. There is also a potential for seismic activity and subsurface water contamination in some cases.

Does the weather impact geothermal power?

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Asked by Wiki User

The weather can impact geothermal power generation to some extent, particularly during extreme conditions such as heavy rain or snow which can affect access to geothermal resources. However, geothermal power is generally considered a consistent and reliable source of renewable energy as it is not dependent on weather patterns like solar or wind power.

In europe which countries produce geothermal energy?

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Some European countries that produce geothermal energy include Iceland, Italy, and Turkey. These countries have significant geothermal resources that they harness for electricity generation and heating purposes. Iceland, in particular, has a high reliance on geothermal energy for its electricity and heating needs.

What are three presence of geothermal activity?

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  1. Geysers: Hot water and steam periodically erupt from the ground.
  2. Hot springs: Natural pools of warm water heated by geothermal activity.
  3. Fumaroles: Openings in the earth's crust that release steam and gases.

How much energy is produced by geothermal energy?

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Geothermal energy can produce a significant amount of energy, with power plant capacities ranging from tens of kilowatts to hundreds of megawatts. The actual energy produced depends on factors such as the size and efficiency of the geothermal plant, as well as the heat source beneath the Earth's surface.

How could you convert nuclear energy to geothermal energy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Nuclear energy and geothermal energy are fundamentally different sources of energy. To convert nuclear energy to geothermal energy would not be possible as they involve different processes and technologies. Geothermal energy harnesses heat from the Earth's core, while nuclear energy involves splitting atoms in a controlled reaction to generate heat.

What is geothermal steam?

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Asked by Wiki User

Geothermal steam refers to steam that comes from deep in the earth. Certain areas of the earth have a lot of heat trapped only a mile or two below the earth. Any water in that area will be turned into steam. Geysers are an example of some of this energy escaping from the earth. Geothermal power plants also use this energy to generate electricity.

Where is a good place to build a geothermal energy power plant?

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A good place to build a geothermal energy power plant is in regions with active tectonic activity, such as along the Ring of Fire in the Pacific Ocean. These areas have high geothermal gradients and abundant heat sources close to the surface, making them ideal for geothermal power generation. Additionally, regions with existing geothermal infrastructure and supportive government policies are good locations for building geothermal power plants.

Does geothermal energy destroy the surrounding land?

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Geothermal energy typically has minimal impact on the surrounding land compared to traditional fossil fuel extraction. The drilling process may disturb the immediate area, but once operational, it has a small physical footprint and emits very low levels of greenhouse gases. Overall, geothermal energy is considered a relatively environmentally-friendly source of renewable energy.

What are the effects of geothermal energy use on the environment?

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Geothermal energy has lower environmental impacts compared to fossil fuels as it produces lower emissions and consumes less water. However, it can lead to land subsidence, induced seismic activity, and the release of greenhouse gases if not managed properly. Overall, when properly developed and managed, geothermal energy is considered a relatively clean and sustainable energy source.

What is the source of heat in the Earth's interior?

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Asked by Wiki User

The main sources of heat in the Earth's interior are residual heat from the planet's formation, radioactive decay of elements like uranium, thorium, and potassium, and heat generated by ongoing processes like mantle convection and core formation. This heat leads to processes like plate tectonics, volcanic activity, and the Earth's magnetic field.

How long will geothermal power last?

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Geothermal power relies on the Earth's natural heat, which is estimated to last as long as the planet exists. This makes it a renewable and sustainable source of energy.

How much does geothermal costs to install?

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The cost of installing a geothermal system can vary depending on factors such as system size, location, and site characteristics. On average, installation costs can range from $10,000 to $30,000 for a residential system. However, these costs can be offset by energy savings over the long run.

What are two benefits you use geothermal for?

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Asked by Wiki User

Two benefits of using geothermal energy are its renewable nature, as it harnesses heat from the Earth's core which is continuously produced and sustainable, and its low environmental impact compared to fossil fuels, as it produces very low emissions and has minimal impact on the environment.

What Northern European country uses geothermal energy?

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Iceland is a Northern European country that extensively uses geothermal energy for heating and electricity production. Iceland's unique geological features, including geysers and hot springs, provide abundant sources of geothermal energy that have been harnessed for various purposes.

List two Geothermal energy uses from a volcano?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Geothermal power generation: The heat from a volcano can be harnessed to generate electricity through geothermal power plants, which convert the natural steam and hot water from the underground reservoirs into usable energy.
  2. Geothermal heating: Heat from a volcano can be utilized for direct heating applications, such as heating buildings, greenhouses, spas, and swimming pools through geothermal heat pumps or district heating systems.

Where does energy on earth come from?

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Asked by Wiki User

The majority of the energy on Earth comes from the Sun. Sunlight is converted into various forms of energy that power life on Earth, such as in photosynthesis for plants or solar power for electricity generation. Other sources of energy on Earth include geothermal energy from the Earth's heat and the energy stored in fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas.

What is the start up time for geothermal power station?

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The startup time for a geothermal power station can vary depending on the specific design and technology used. Generally, geothermal power stations can be started up fairly quickly, within a few hours to a day, as they do not require the same level of heat up time as traditional fossil fuel power plants.

Why is geothermal energy impractical as an energy source in Maryland?

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Geothermal energy is impractical in Maryland because the state does not have significant geothermal resources such as hot springs or volcanic activity. The cost of drilling deep enough to reach suitable temperatures for geothermal energy production is prohibitively high in areas with low geothermal potential like Maryland. Additionally, the relatively small land area and population density in the state make it challenging to find suitable locations for geothermal power plants.

Does Australia use geothermal energy?

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Yes, Australia does have some geothermal energy projects, but they are limited in comparison to other forms of renewable energy like solar and wind. The country has potential for further development of geothermal energy due to its geothermal resources.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of geysers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Advantages of geysers include producing clean and continuous hot water for various household uses, such as bathing and cooking. However, geysers can be expensive to purchase and install, and they require regular maintenance to ensure efficient operation. Additionally, geysers can contribute to energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions if not operated sustainably.

How long ago did geothermal energy start being used?

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Asked by Magsbella

Geothermal energy has been utilized for thousands of years, dating back to ancient civilizations such as the Romans and Native Americans who used hot springs for heating. However, the modern use of geothermal energy for electricity generation began in the early 20th century.

Why don't people use more geothermal energy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Geothermal energy requires specific geological conditions to be viable, limiting its widespread use. Initial high costs and risks associated with drilling deep into the Earth are barriers to its adoption. Additionally, lack of public awareness and investment in infrastructure may also be reasons why geothermal energy is not more commonly used.