


Glue and Adhesives

Glue or adhesive is a liquid or semi-liquid mixture that bonds items together. It can be natural or synthetic, one part or two part, the latest development or an ancient recipe that still works. This is the place for glue/adhesive questions, such as - how to use it successfully, what it's made of, or how to get it out of your hair!

500 Questions

How heavy is Elmer glue?

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A standard bottle of Elmer's white glue typically weighs about 7.625 ounces or 215 grams.

Can krazy glue get me high?

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No, inhaling or ingesting Krazy Glue can be extremely dangerous and toxic, and it will not get you high. It can cause serious health issues such as respiratory problems, damage to the digestive system, and potentially lead to death. It is important to use products like Krazy Glue as intended and to seek help if you or someone you know is misusing substances.

How do I thicken white glue?

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To thicken white glue, you can add a small amount of cornstarch and mix it thoroughly until you reach your desired consistency. Another option is to add a small amount of borax solution to the glue, stirring continuously until it thickens. Remember to add these ingredients gradually to avoid over-thickening the glue.

What happens if you put a glue stick in the microwave?

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It is not safe to put a glue stick in the microwave as it can cause the glue stick to melt and release toxic fumes, potentially causing harm to your health and damaging the microwave. It is important to always follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

What happens if you swallow crazy glue?

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Swallowing crazy glue can lead to irritation of the throat, mouth, and digestive tract. It can cause blockages that may require medical intervention to remove. It is important to seek medical attention immediately if you or someone else has swallowed crazy glue.

What does adhesive mean in water?

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Adhesive in water refers to the ability of a substance to stick or bond to the surface of water. This property allows the substance to form a film or layer on the water's surface, such as surfactants or certain types of proteins.

Is epoxy glue flammable?

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Epoxy glue is typically not flammable once it has cured and dried. However, some epoxy resins and hardeners may be flammable in their liquid form before they have set. It's important to always refer to the manufacturer's safety data sheet for specific flammability information.

Does glue contain water?

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Some types of glue do contain water, such as water-based glues like white glue or wood glue. Water is used as a carrier for the adhesive components in these types of glues. Other types of glue, like super glue or epoxy, do not contain water.

How do you remove glue stick glue from paper?

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You can try gently scraping off the glue with a dull knife or your fingernail. Alternatively, you can try dabbing a cloth or cotton swab with a small amount of rubbing alcohol or acetone and gently rubbing the glue stain until it lifts off the paper. Be careful not to use too much liquid to avoid damaging the paper.

Can you make slime with flour and glue?

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the answer is yes because you have to put glue in anything slimy

What quantity of glue is dangerous if swollen?

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Swallowing even a small amount of glue can be dangerous, especially if it expands in the stomach causing blockages or other complications. It is important to seek immediate medical attention if someone has swallowed glue.

What the two requirements for glue to work?

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It must be at a suitable temperature. The surfaces to be glued must be clean and grease free.

What happens when liquid starch and glue mix together?

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When liquid starch and glue mix together, they create a smooth, thick mixture that can be used for various arts and crafts projects. This mixture is commonly used for making slime, as the starch helps to thicken the glue and give it a stretchy, squishy texture.

What is synthetic adhesive?

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Synthetic adhesive is a type of glue or bonding agent that is made from chemically synthesized substances rather than natural ingredients. This type of adhesive is designed to create strong bonds between materials such as metal, plastic, wood, or fabric. Synthetic adhesives offer a wide range of properties and applications depending on their composition and intended use.

What is the glue adhesive in a Elastoplast band aid consist of?

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The adhesive in Elastoplast band aids typically consists of a blend of synthetic rubber and resin. These materials help the band aid stick securely to the skin while being flexible and gentle enough for everyday use.

What is the density of School glue?

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The density of school glue can vary depending on the brand and formulation, but it typically ranges from 1.1 to 1.3 grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm^3).

Can crazy glue cause burns?

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Crazy glue, also known as cyanoacrylate adhesive, can cause skin irritation or burns if it comes into contact with the skin. The adhesive can create a chemical reaction that generates heat, potentially causing burns. It's important to seek medical attention if you experience skin irritation or burning after using crazy glue.

Is glue stronger than tape?

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It depends on the type of glue and tape being compared. In general, glue tends to create a stronger and more permanent bond than tape, especially if the materials being joined are heavy or under stress. However, there are industrial tapes designed for specific applications that can be as strong as some types of glue.

Is superglue and styrofoam reaction harmful?

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Yes, superglue can dissolve styrofoam because it contains a chemical solvent that breaks down the styrofoam's structure. This reaction can release harmful fumes, so it is best to avoid using superglue on styrofoam.

How do you get sticky tape residues off skin?

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To remove sticky tape residue from skin, you can try using a mixture of warm water and mild soap to gently scrub the affected area. If that doesn't work, you can also try massaging some oil, such as olive or coconut oil, onto the residue to help dissolve it. Avoid using harsh chemicals or scrubbing too vigorously to prevent skin irritation.

How do you glue cork to aluminum?

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The best way to glue cork to aluminum is to use adhesive specially designed for bonding these two materials, such as a strong epoxy or contact cement. Make sure to clean and sand the surfaces for better adhesion, apply the adhesive evenly on both materials, then firmly press them together and allow it to dry as per the manufacturer's instructions.

Why is epoxy strong?

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Epoxy is strong because it undergoes a chemical reaction when mixed, forming a highly cross-linked polymer structure. This structure provides excellent mechanical properties like high strength and resistance to chemical and environmental factors, making epoxy a popular choice for various applications requiring durability and structural integrity.

Why is hot glue a good insulator?

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Hot glue is a good insulator because it is a poor conductor of heat and electricity. Its chemical composition and structure prevent the transfer of heat or electric current, making it ideal for insulating applications. Additionally, hot glue forms a tight seal when it cools and hardens, further enhancing its insulating properties.

What is the technical name for the force which holds glue to its bonding material?

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The technical name for the force which holds glue to its bonding material is adhesion. Adhesion is the attraction between molecules of different substances, causing them to stick together.

Why does tide and glue make slime?

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Tide contains certain ingredients, such as borax and sodium borate, that can act as activators to change the consistency of glue. When mixed with glue, these ingredients create a chemical reaction that leads to the formation of slime through the cross-linking of the polymers in the glue.