

Living Wills

Living wills are also known as advanced health care directives. The living will is a legal document that gives a person legal authority to make medical decisions for another specified person. These are commonly signed before surgeries, when a person is suffering from mental illness, or when someone is becoming very weak. However, a living will can be created at any time, even when a person is in excellent health, in case of unforeseen circumstances.

342 Questions

How do you profit an EU nationality?

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Asked by SkerdiGuacifb3467

This question is unclear, or I'm losing it. Here are my best tries:

Q1. How do you profit from having EU nationality?

A1. There's nothing especially profitable about having nationality in the EU.

Q2. How do you you profit on having EU nationals?

A2. Depends how you have them. If you kidnapped them, you have a variety of options, including selling for ransom. If they are particularly militant, you could attempt to overthrow a province in Italy -- it's worked for people in the past. If they are just your workers, and you don't have very many of them, then maybe get them working on producing some product. That last plan will work especially well if the product is needed by the community where you plan on producing the product.

Q3. How do you help an EU national to profit?

A3. You could work for them. If you have any innovative ideas, you can give them the IP. You could invest in whatever business they have, if any. If they don't have business then you need to get them into one first, probably. Or find some people and overthrow a province in Italy.

Q4. How do EU nations profit?

A4. They don't really. Basically, they trade resources with each other under the pretense that it will help them get out of debt -- and they use these resources as bargaining tools so the people will be kept interested by varying prices. None of them have completely favorable trade relationships, though, so eventually the money gets traced back to loans from major banks. Each country slowly loses money to these banks, but gains paper. That's not an issue as long as they can continue to take out loans.

Q5. How do you help an EU nation to profit?

A5. Buy up their resources. Pay taxes. Innovate and sell your innovations as a national of that place. Find ways to make the nation more economically independent. Conquer Italy, etc.

Q6. How do you profit all of the nationals of one EU nation?

A6. See A5.

Q7. How do I profit at the expense of an EU nation or national?

A7. You have a variety of options here. One method might include starting a political party based on some pretense which seems well intentioned enough to get backers; build hate for the opposition by saying that they are opposed to your good intentions and the good will of your backers, so they're obviously evil; be patient and consistent and a little dishonest (read up on radical revolutionaries in the past for some good ideas); gain power; profit. I recommend starting by reading The Prince, then moving to Italy.

Hope one of these was your question! Good luck!

Can a daughter notarize her mother's living will?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is usually considered a conflict of interests to notarize something that will benefit the notary. In the case of a living will, it may not be so important, but it is better to have a neutral third party notary do the work.

Can 2 persons be named to living will power of attorney?

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Asked by Wiki User

While a living will typically does not carry with it a power of attorney, the general rule is that a person can name as many people to have a power of attorney as he/she wishes, but it would complicate matters to name more than one.

What is another name for Living Will?

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Asked by Wiki User

health care proxy

advanced directive

medical power of attorney

Can a judgment lien force a sale of real estate if it is in a living will?

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Asked by Wiki User

A living will is the "pull the plug" medical document. You probably mean a living trust. If so, then it depends on the circumstances surrounding the trust & the lien.

Do all states have the same laws regarding health care proxies and living wills?

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Asked by Wiki User

Most states have passed laws that authorize people to draw up living wills, but it is important to get specific information about the laws in one's own state.

Why am living for what?

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Asked by Wiki User