


Lord of the Flies

Questions and answers relating to William Golding’s allegorical novel about a group of schoolboys marooned on a tropical island and their descent into savagery.

500 Questions

What does Ralph shout when he stand on his head in the lord of the flies?

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Ralph shouts "Wacco!" while standing on his head in "Lord of the Flies." This moment is a demonstration of his playful side and desire to maintain a sense of humanity and normalcy amidst the chaos on the island.

What is an example of Consonance from lord of the flies?

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Consonance is the repetition of consonants or a consonant pattern, especially at the end of words. It's like an alliteration, but with the sounds being repeated in the middle or end of words instead of only the beginning.

He struck a streak of bad luck.
D. River birch and upland beech : The words birch and beech are examples of a consonance.

Who is Wilfred and what is going on with him lord of the flies?

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In "Lord of the Flies," Wilfred is one of the boys stranded on the island. He is mentioned briefly in the story, as being one of the boys tortured by Jack and his tribe. Wilfred represents the theme of violence and savagery that emerges among the boys as they regress into savagery without adult supervision.

Why is the rules so important to Ralph and what is the consequences of breaking them?

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Rules are important to Ralph because they provide structure, order, and a sense of security within the group. Breaking the rules can lead to chaos, disorganization, and conflict among the group members. It can also undermine Ralph's authority as a leader and jeopardize the group's survival on the island in "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding.

What weapons have jack and the choir boys devised for hunting game on the island in?

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Jack and the choir boys have devised spears for hunting game on the island. They have also resorted to using rocks as weapons for hunting.

Who is the only boy that is helping Ralph build the shelters?

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Simon is the only boy helping Ralph build the shelters in William Golding's "Lord of the Flies."

What is occurring at ten miles height above the island lord of the flies?

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At ten miles above the island in "Lord of the Flies," there would likely be nothing significant happening because that height is well above the earth's surface where most of the action takes place. The island and its inhabitants are located on the ground, so there would be no direct impact from up there.

Can you describe the effect the face paint has on jack and write a quote?

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The face paint serves as a mask, allowing Jack to conceal his true self and embrace the freedom and power that comes with anonymity. This alteration brings out his primal instincts and unleashes his inner savagery. A quote to describe this effect could be: "His face painted in bold streaks of color transformed him into a creature of the wild, shedding his humanity and succumbing to the untamed forces lurking within."

How do jack and the hunters react to the fear on the beach?

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Jack and the hunters tap into the fear on the beach by using it to their advantage to gain power and control. They exploit the fear to manipulate the other boys and establish themselves as leaders through intimidation and violence.

What is jumber jacks?

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It seems like there might be a typo in your question. If you meant "lumberjacks," they are workers in the logging industry who cut down trees for timber. They are skilled in using axes, saws, and other tools to fell and process trees. Let me know if you were referring to something else.

Why do the boys attack Robert what does this signify about the boys at this time?

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The boys attack Robert because they are scared of the unknown and see him as a threat or outsider. This signifies that the boys are giving in to their primitive instincts and are becoming increasingly violent and unpredictable as they struggle to survive on the island.

Who is the bully in the lord of the flies chapter 4?

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In chapter 4 of "Lord of the Flies," the bully is Roger. He displays aggression and cruelty towards the younger boys, using his power to intimidate and control them. Roger's behavior foreshadows the darkness within the group as they descend into savagery on the island.

What does the tribe of savages steal from Ralph?

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The tribe of savages steals Piggy's glasses from Ralph. These glasses are used to start fires in the story.

What are jacks reasons for why he should be chief?

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Jack believes he should be chief because of his strong leadership qualities, his ability to hunt and provide food for the group, and his assertiveness in making decisions quickly and effectively. Additionally, he feels that he can offer a sense of security and protection to the group in times of danger.

What indicates that the fat boy has a talent for organizing in lord of the flies?

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In "Lord of the Flies," Piggy demonstrates his talent for organizing by providing intellectual ideas and suggestions that help the boys survive on the island. He also takes on the role of creating a system for order and structure within the group, such as coming up with the idea of using the conch shell as a symbol of authority. Additionally, Piggy's attention to detail and practical mindset showcase his organizational abilities.

What are some Qoutes on how the fire is important to Ralph in lord of the flies?

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One quote that highlights the importance of fire to Ralph in Lord of the Flies is when he says, "We can help them find us. If a ship comes near the island they may not notice us. So we must make smoke on top of the mountain. We must make a fire". This demonstrates Ralph's understanding of the fire as a means of signaling for rescue and maintaining hope for being rescued. Additionally, when the fire goes out and a ship passes, Ralph reflects, "There was a ship. Out there. You said you'd keep the fire going and you let it out". This emphasizes the sense of betrayal and disappointment Ralph feels when the fire, representing their connection to the outside world, is not maintained.

Why did jack and his hunters go after piggy glasses instead of the conch?

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Jack and his hunters targeted Piggy's glasses because they needed the lenses to start a fire. They believed that having a fire would give them power and control over the group. The conch, on the other hand, represented order and civilization, which Jack's group was trying to rebel against.

How does the setting and atmosphere desribe in lord of the flies?

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"Lord of the Flies" is set on a deserted tropical island, creating a sense of isolation and vulnerability for the characters. The atmosphere is ominous and tense as the boys struggle to maintain order and sanity in the face of their deteriorating situation. The lush landscapes and changing weather mirror the shifts in power and morality among the boys.

In chapter 2 of lord of the flies what does the choir boys taking off their robes symbolize?

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The choir boys taking off their robes symbolizes their transition from the structure and discipline of their previous society to the chaos and savagery of the island. It represents the loss of civilization and the descent into primal instincts as they become more disconnected from societal norms.

What does lagoon in Lord of the Flies represent?

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The lagoon in "Lord of the Flies" represents a boundary or barrier between the boys and the unknown world beyond the island. It also serves as a connection to the civilized world they have left behind, emphasizing the contrast between the boys' savage behavior and the rules of society they have abandoned.

What is The love hate relationship with jack and Ralph?

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In "Lord of the Flies," Jack and Ralph have a complex relationship characterized by both competition and conflict, as well as moments of grudging respect and cooperation. Jack represents savage instincts and authoritarian leadership, while Ralph embodies reason, order and democracy. Their differing approaches to survival and power create tension and ultimately fuel their rivalry.

Who is missing when the boys kill their second pig?

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Simon is missing when the boys kill their second pig. He has wandered off into the forest, experiencing a hallucination that intensifies his feelings of isolation and fear.

Is there a beast in lord of the flies movie?

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In the Lord of the Flies movie, there is a representation of the "beast" in the form of a severed pig's head on a stake, named the Lord of the Flies. The beast symbolizes the darkness within the boys and the savagery that emerges as their situation on the island deteriorates.

What does Simon's death represent symbolically?

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Simon's death in "Lord of the Flies" symbolizes the loss of innocence and the destruction of goodness in society. It serves as a commentary on the inherent darkness within human nature when unchecked by civilization and morality. Simon's murder by his peers underscores the theme of the boys' descent into savagery.