



Metalloids are a elements that are somewhere between a metal and nonmetal. They can be used to form alloys, and they have a metallic appearance. They also have nonmetal properties such a being brittle.

500 Questions

What is unique about metalloids?

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Asked by Wiki User

Metalloids are a 'one-of-a-kind' element.

They contain a mix of chemical and physical properties from both metals and nonmetals.

Metalloids can act as either a metal or a nonmetal, which makes them a metalloid.

Describe an importance use of metalloids?

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Asked by Wiki User

Metalloids (or semiconductors) are important components of electronic devices. Metalloids have other uses as well. For example, antimony is used in alloys such as pewter and as a flame retardant in plastics. Boron is used as a bonding agent in magnets and other chemical substances.

What are metalloids on the periodic table?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are six elements commonly recognized as metalloids.

They are boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony and tellurium.

What property makes certain metalloids useful as switches to turn small electric current on and off?

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Asked by Pjoseph70

semimetal's conductivty as it increases and gets hotter.

What are the metalloids?

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Asked by Wiki User

Metalloid, or semi metal is a term used in chemistry when classifying the chemical elements. On the basis of their general physical and chemical properties, nearly every element in the periodic table can be termed either a metal or a nonmetal. However, a few elements with intermediate properties are referred to as metalloids. They are sometimes called (and confused with) semiconductors and semimetals.

The following elements are generally considered metalloids:

* Boron (B) * Silicon (Si) * Germanium (Ge) * Arsenic (As) * Antimony (Sb) * Tellurium (Te) * Polonium (Po) Inclusion of polonium is somewhat academic because all its isotopes are radioactive.

What are 2 uses for metalloids?

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Asked by Wiki User

computer chips, transistors, and lasers.

What percent of the periodic table is composed of metals while the rest of the table is made up of nonmetals and metalloids?

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Asked by Wiki User

More individual elements are metals than are either of the other categories given.

What are properties of mettalloids?

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Asked by Wiki User

their properties are in the middle of metals and nonmetals. they are semi conductive, semi metallic, semi malleable, semi ductile, and some give up electrons while some take electrons.

What are 2 properties of boron?

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Asked by Wiki User

Boron forms electron poor hydrides that can exist in many different shapes and formulas because of the hydrogen bridges it can form.

What elements are both classified as metalloids?

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Asked by Wiki User

Elements that are classed as metalloids are Boron (B), Silicon (Si), Germanium (Ge), Arsenic (As), Antimony (Sb), Tellurium (Te), and Polonium (Po).

Is metalloids solid at room temperature?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes they are.

Are metalloids dull or shiny?

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Asked by Wiki User

metalloids are very shiny because it has many atoms to reflect light which makes it shiny.

Characteristics of metalloids?

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Asked by Wiki User

Metalloids, also called semimetals, have the characteristics of both metals and non-metals. Three characterics of metalloids are insulate, conduct electricity, and its elements are Silicon and Boron.

What have both matallic and nonmatallic properties?

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Asked by Wiki User

I would describe Nonmetallic behavior as primarily being how nonmetals deal with electrons: nonmetals would either ACCEPT electrons from a metal to form an ionic bond OR SHARE electrons with another nonmetal in a covalent bond. So typically, nonmetals aren't going to donate electrons in ionic bonds, like metals do (metallic behavior).

What is the difference between metals and metalloids?

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Asked by Wiki User

Metals are the pure substances by and show only characteristic properties of metals while a metalloid is an element which show some properties of metals and some properties of non metals as Aluminium, Zinc and Tin.

What are elements of metals nonmetals and metaloids?

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Asked by Wiki User

Metals and non-metals:

Metals have many properties like they are lusterous and are hard. They are also very good conductors of heat and electricity. They are most of the time magnetic also. But this is not for every metal for-example Lithium is soft.

Examples of metals:

Cobalt, iron, copper, plutonium....

Non-metals also have many properties as well. Their properties are pretty much the opposite of metals. They are poor conductors.

Examples of non-metals:

Oxygen, hydrogen, neon.......

Any other questions just type them out and I'll be here.

What are properties of the Metalloids?

Are non-meatals with metallic properties, or metals with out metallic properties.

If you go on this website: you will see the periodic table of elements, the black line shows metals and non-metals (right non-metals also green) the purple are metalloids.