

Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA)

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, is a bacteria strain responsible for a variety of difficult to treat infections.

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Does purell kill MRSA?

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I would buy a product that has "effective against MRSA" written on it. Some brand wipes have this but can leave a sticky residue. Rubbing alcohol, as told by my doctor, is not strong enough to kill MRSA

What is MRSA pneumonia?

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Assuming one already has a diagnosis of a bacterial pneumonia as opposedto viral pneumonia, the MRSA pneumonia is determined by testing, of course for the specific bacteria that is the cause of the pneumonia. MRSA, essentially stands for methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus. The bacteria is present on our skin but can be serious once entered into our bloodstream causing an infection. Most MRSA infections are systemic skin infections that are resistant to the antibiotics: methicillin, amoxicillin and penicillin. They can be treated once it is determined MRSA is present and appropriate treatment determined. MRSA present once inside an internal organ such as the lungs or any internal organ is much more serious and the risk for spreading the infection far greater, such as coughing, making the bacteria airborne in the droplets of the cough. This is one way you can contract MRSA pneumonia. If one has had a recent infection, or weakened immune system or works in a hospital with isolated MRSA patients without taking precautions, can contract a bacterial, staph infection that is antibiotic resistant (MRSA).

How do you clean MRSA from your house?

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There is a product called PureGreen 24 (just do a google search for it). which is supposed to be effective at killing MRSA. It says it works on non-porous surfaces, but perhaps if you saturated the fabric of the sofa it would at least help. The company will answer questions as well if you call them. I bought and use the product after my kids had MRSA.

How do you treat MRSA?

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Treatment for MRSA usually consist mixture of two or more antibiotics strictly targeted to eliminate specific germ (superbug) given orally or IV depends on severity of disease. MRSA is resistant to Beta-lactam antibiotics and it is not easy to choose proper therapy. Your medical adviser will prescribe targeted therapy after diagnosis results.

How does MRSA move?

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MRSA is usually spread through skin to skin contact

What is pre-existing condition mental illness?

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Most medical conditions that you've been diagnosed with prior to applying for the insurance will be considered pre-existing. If you've been seeing a psychiatrist before or during the application process, it will be considered pre-existing.

How long can strep survive on surfaces?

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It depends on what variables you are considering: host surfaces (skin, nose, wound) or non-host surfaces (bandages, clothing, bed linens, other common contact objects such as door knobs, light switches, commodes, tub, phones, etc.) In a host surface a person can be a carrier of MRSA (colonized) and not even be aware, therefore spreading contimination quite unwittingly. Unfortunately, a carrier can host MRSA indefinately. MRSA can live on non-host surfaces for days, weeks, months depending on the environmental circumstances. These circumstances can include what other interactions the MRSA may be in contact with such as other bacteria in which that it may compete against / with thus killing MRSA or cultivating / transfering the bacteria. Most studies suggest / show that MRSA can live up to 90 days / 3 months. Thusly, this becomes a never-ending battle. What HAS been subjected may be unnoticed until days or weeks later thus cycling back the bacteria into a sterile field. Suggestions: research all of the mechanisms to rid the body, the home, the hospital etc. of MRSA, start the regiment of cleaning / sterilizing, and never stop until one has two "clean" MRSA swabs. Even then you are not gauranteed that MRSA won't return.

Can mrsa get in your bones?

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yes if you let mrsa go for to long it will get in your bones and joints and spread throughout the body until proper antibiotics are given

Can you get rid of MRSA with honey?

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The is no study nor is there any empirical evidence that I have ever heard of or seen that implies honey has therapeutic properties against MRSA.

While there is some evidence that honey may have antiseptic properties, this would -- if true -- provide protection at the surface; not once the infection has set in. For this purpose we use soaps, alcohol, and other antiseptics available to us (but not to bees) that outperform honey.

Can you get mrsa from steroids?

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Im not sure if this is a man asking this question or not but I had a step dad that took steroids.... It cause him to be BI polar and he couldn't sleep so he had to take ambian! So if you really wanna F&^* your life up pop those pills, or take that shot ;)

What Percentage of people are infected with MRSA more than 2 Days after their arrival at Hospital?

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Reasonably high, which is why you want to get out of the hospital as soon as you safely and comfortably can. Surgical patients are far more susceptible than Medical patients. Bear in mind that MRSA is treatable -- it just requires different planning and treatment. Exact statistics on this are hard to come by, but I've heard as many as 30% (which I think is WAY high and very unlikely) may experience post-surgical MRSA. Don't worry -- it's treatable.

Do mosquitoes spread MRSA?

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MRSA or Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus is a bacterium responsible for difficult-to-treat infections in humans. It is said to be highly contagious. Although it is not justified by scientific research but it is said that it can be transmitted by a mosquito bite.

Can you contract MRSA from a spider bite?

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Yes you sure can. You can even get it simply by touching the skin of someone who is infected with it. However, it is generally not a threat to anyone who is healthy. It is only people with a compromised immune system who are normally at risk. If you get bitten, treat the bite with hydrogen peroxide and keep it clean and bandaged.

Almost 30% of people carry MRSA around in their noses and don't even no it.

If you are immune compromised, you should see your doctor as he may want you on antibiotics.

What does herpes look like when they start?

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Herpes doees not start with muscle soreness! It starts when the lymphnods in your pelvic area swell, you itch like crazy down stairs, you have diaper rash symptoms and a whitesh discharge. This could occur for several days before the actual sores break through the skin. THEY DO NOT CRUST OVER AND FALL OFF! That's genital warts! LOL! this procss can take up to a month to fully get over. It all depends on the severness of the situation. Remeber if you experience these things and are not sure talk to your doctor. Also, DO NOT SOAK IN A BATH, OR SHAVE YOUR REGIONAL AREAS! These things only make the infected area worse, and cause the lesions and sores to spread. Using a cool rag to sooth the area is what is rcommended.

Can one swim in a public pool if one has MRSA?

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Students can prevent the further spread of the disease by practicing good hygiene, maintaining a clean environment, covering wounds and properly disposing of used bandages. They should also avoid contact with the infected skin of others, not share food, drinks or personal care items, or visit public bathing facilities, such as saunas, hot tubs and swimming pools.

When is MRSA contagious?

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MRSA is an abbreviation for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. There is no particular time when it is contagious. It is spread like any bacteria through coughs, touching infected items, and more.

How many days does it take MRSA to kill you?

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The vast majority of patients with MRSA have simple, easily curable, non-lethal skin infections.