

Morse Code

Although cellphones and SMS have pretty much made Morse Code moribund - its most popular current use is probably by amateur radio operators - this is a sub-category dedicated to the dots 'n dashes of the code that was invented by Samuel F.B. Morse in 1838. Find out "What is the most famous distress signal in Morse Code?" or "How do you communicate using Morse Code?

500 Questions

What do 4 dots in Morse Code mean?

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Three dashes in Morse Code mean the letter O. 3 dots, followed by 3 dashes, followed by 3 dots is Morse Code for SOS.

Was Morse code used on the titanic?

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Ambiguous question. (1)To call for help from other ships. (2)Morse code was the standard code used for radio communication from ships at the time.

Why is Morse code called Morse code?

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Samuel FB Morse devised both the telegraph system and the code. the mode of code- that is dots and dashes was more or less discovered accidentally, the code itself was not. They used printing telegraphs which were clockwork tape registers ( this being the l840"s) and these were tied into the power supply so the shortest interval was a dot, a longer one, a dash. So, this being understood the Code was worked out. There are differences between the original Morse Code and the modern International Morse Code on some letters and punctuations. Somewhat oddly, one of the best-known Morse ciphers- the code for Red Alert: - - - - Four longs, evenly spaced- is not in the original land line (Morse) or international ( Radio-telegraph) forms of the Morse Code, but it well known. Four Longs- Red Alert! Even Spector used it in some of his songs.

What instrument was used to send messages in Morse code?

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Not generally. Morse code is used very little these days, except by the military and the Boy Scouts, or in some kind of emergency where no other form of communication is available. When Morse code was more prevalent, the device used to transmit the "dots and dashes" was known as a telegraph. A very simple electrical switch that tapped the current on and off to transmit via overland wires, and later, by radio.

Are telegrams sent by using Morse code?

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no it is not the Morse code is something Samuel f b Morse invented to talk in private it was not a telegraph but he did invent a telegraph

How do you decode Morse code?

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You use dots and dashes.

A .-

B -...

C -.-.

D -..

E .

F ..-.

G --.

H ....

I ..

J .---

K -.-

L .-..

M --

N -.

O ---

P .--.

Q --.-

R .-.

S ...

T -

U ..-

V ...-

W .--

X -..-

Y -.--

Z --..

How many Morse codes are there in the world?

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there are two different symbols in Morse code: dots and dashes

for example Morse code would be (in international Morse code):

-- --- .-. ... . -.-. --- -.. .

Morse code who invented it?

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The land telegraph was invented by Samuel F. B. Morse, in the 1830s I think. He built this thing that when a button was pushed at one place, it could cause a clacker to go clack at the other end of a wire many miles long. In order to send information over it, he invented a code of clacks for each letter of the alphabet ... which he modestly called Morse's Code. The message sent as the first public demonstration was "What hath god wrought".

Was Morse code used in World War I?

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Morse Code requires less transmitter power and/or a less sensitive receiver to successfully send a given signal over a given path both of which can be an advantage, for example in mobile communications. Conversely, for the same transmitter power and receiver sensitivity, a Morse Code signal may be sent successively over a longer distance or under noisier conditions, for example when "Jamming" is in use. Finally, with the technology available in WWII it was much easier to send encrypted messages with Morse Code, since voice scramblers and computers were generally unavailable. That is, all that was necessary was to encode a text message with some encryption scheme, often by hand, and send the encrypted characters otherwise "in the clear" by Morse Code.

What happened to the Morse code operators when the telephone was invented?

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First of all; It would be "What happened after Morse code was invented" and Second of all; do your own stupid work.

When was Morse code used?

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Morse Code provides a letter-based method of communication by means of any type of signal that can be switched on and off ... light, sound, etc. As such, it can accomodate messages in any language that uses the familiar Roman (English) alphabet. While using the simplest possible transmitting and receiving equipment, it is highly immune to noise, and can succeed over very noisy 'channels'.

Who are Samuel F B Morse' living descendants?

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according to the book "The Morse Genealogy 1903 & 1905 Editions" [pg. 217 Anthony Morse line, sixth generation]

Rev. Jedediah and Elizabeth Ann Breese had the following children

1. Samuel Finley Breese b. Apr 27 1971 m (1)Sept. 29, 1818 Lucretia Pickering Walker==m (2)Aug 10, 1823 Sarah Elizabeth Griswold

2. Jedediah Edwards b. Oct 4 1792 died July 31, 1793

3. Sidney Edwards b. Feb 7 1794 m. Catherine Livingston

4. Richard Cary b Jun 18 1795, died young

5. (Rev.) Richard Cary b June 18 1796 m (1) in 1828 Sarah Louise Davis, m (2) Aug 12, 1856 Harriet Messenger

6. Thomas Russell b. May 6, 1797 died July 19, 1797

7. James Russell b. Jan 26, 1801 died Sept. 13 1801

8. Elizabeth Ann b. Jan 27, 1803 died Jan 15 1804

9. dau. b. Mar 15, 1805 died at birth

10. Mary K b Jan 27, 1807 died June 15, 1807

11. Sarah K b and died in Dec. 1808

Who was the creator of Morse Code?

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Samuel Morse invented the Morse Code.

Why did Samuel Morse invent the telegraph?

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Samuel Mores did not exactly invent, but came up with the idea and was later named after him for he used a early version for the telegraph which he did invent

What are the letters and symbols for Morse code?

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There are 3 different kinds of Morse code, but the most common is international Morse code. There are only 2 symbols in Morse code (all 3 kinds of Morse code), dots and dashes.

The letters in international Morse code are:

A: .-

B: -...

C: -.-.

D: -..

E: .

F: --.-

G: --.

H: ....

I: ..

J: .---

K: -.-

L: .-..

M: --

N: -.

O: ---

P: .--.

Q: --.-

R: .-.

S: ...

T: -

U: ..-

V: ...-

W: .--

X: -..-

Y: -.--

Z: --..

How do you spell Morse in Morse code?

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-- --- .-. ... .

And I guess you would say it like;

dah dah, dah dah dah, dit dah dit, dit dit dit, dit.


Actually, you would say it, dash dash space dash dash dash space dot dash dot space dot dot dot space dot!!!

Did a telephone use Morse code?

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Morse code was used in the 1800s. It wasn't until the late 1800s that Morse code began to be used through radio communication.

Why was Morse code developed?

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Samuel Morse was a co-developer of the telegraph system. In its infancy, the telegraph was limited to electric and/or electro-magnetic impulses: clicks, so to speak. The Morse Code was developed to enable the transmission of letters and numbers via these impulses, in a series of 'dots' and 'dashes', which were originally recorded as such on a moving paper tape. Operators soon learned to interpret the clicks without looking at the tape.

What did Samuel Morse invent?

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The telegraph. Hence the name for telegraph code, "Morse Code." See the Related Link below for more information about Samuel F. B. Morse and the telegraph.

Why was the Morse code invented?

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It had been used to communicates

Morse Code allowed letters, numbers, and punctuation to be transmitted as long and short 'clicks' over railroad telegraph lines to quickly communicate information before the telephone was invented.

By RogerTango:

Also, the tone of a CW signal is much easier to identify with weak signals or a lot of interference. A Morse code tone only needs about 50 hertz of audio bandwith, a human voice requires about 1,000 hertz to be understandable. Morse Code is also a much more efficient mode of transmitting on radio when using limited RF power. HTH, Andrew

What the rules for Morse code?

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Morse Code provides a letter-based method of communication by means of any type of signal that can be switched on and off ... light, sound, etc. As such, it can accomodate messages in any language that uses the familiar Roman (English) alphabet. While using the simplest possible transmitting and receiving equipment, it is highly immune to noise, and can succeed over very noisy 'channels'.

What is the most famous Morse code phrase?

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The emergency code "SOS" was chosen not because it means anything, but because its Morse Code is very simple to remember and transmit: dot dot dot dash dash dash dot dot dot. This combination of letters was established in 1906 by the International Radiotelegraphic Convention in Berlin. It is still used as an international distress signal, especially by ships and aircraft. Many people have made up acronyms for SOS, such as "Save Our Souls," "Save Our Ship", "Sink Or Swim", "Send Out Sailors", "Save Our Skins", and "Send Out Someone", but these were invented after the fact. SOS is also the theme of the Song "Message in a Bottle" by The Police.