

Osama bin Laden

An infamous terrorist, Osama bin Laden was the mastermind behind the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States. It was announced ten years later on May 1, 2011 that he was killed.

500 Questions

What is the name of bin Laden's organization?

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Before his capture by US Navy SEALs and his death, Osama bin Laden was in charge of the terrorist group al-Qaeda.

When was Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US created?

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Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US was created in 2001.

When did America kill Osama Bin Ladin?

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Osama Bin Ladin was killed on 2 May 2011, shortly after 1am (Pakistan Standard Time).

When did Death of Osama bin Laden happen?

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Death of Osama bin Laden happened on 2011-05-02.

When did Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden die?

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Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden died in 1967.

What nicknames did Osama bin Laden go by?

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Osama bin Laden went by The Emir.

Has anyone been paid the reward for Bin Laden?

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No. The United States government found Bin Laden, so, since the discovery was in-house, there was no need to pay any reward.

What do osama bin laden actions reveal about his beliefs and values?

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Well,i have heard from my school class people....

that he was very rich absolutely very rich!

He was in CIA

means he knows many things of westernn..

he helped them in a War or something(more like rivlries cases...)

as he was rich he was somehow told about jihad and went to afhgnistan living in caves etc.

He knew secrets ..Cia.. so millitry after him,



i think he had at first no intention of doing something with Us

But jihad encouraged him so mabye he started and once

and then we know is 9/11

He was for only one mission spread Islam but i myself agree that he should spread it in peace but not kill us

if you have a free mind(means on no side)

then Osama was not bad neither us

osama's afghanistan attack od us so next thing we know is they attack

Neighbouring country inocent ppl sometime killed,so he in his mind felt that they are cruel

He was a Muslim,and i think he is a true muslim but foreigners have demoralized him by face videos,pics,attack on other countries etc.

sucide bombing and killing educated children was not their task i think as he was not cruel

but other countries did that making them face the music,

once every country against ,

us gets hands on afghanistan etc

where mabye they want minerals and other resources

this is all the information i know

Why was Bin Laden Mad At us?

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He wasn't mad at us, it's just that the terrorist group that he was associated with was a sworn enemy of the U.S. and wanted to make plans of destruction in populated areas of the U.S. He wanted to destroy the White House, but for a so called "not-being-able-to-sight" it, they moved onto the Pentagon and the Twin Towers to give us a sign that they wanted death to America. Obviously, you don't mess with America unless you want to die.

What day did they find out osama bin laden die?

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The US sent in an attack to take him out. They were the ones who killed him, he never died, he was killed, and everyone knew about it. He died May 2, 2011.

Why did osmama bin laden die?

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He was shot.

Did Osama Bin Laden go to hell?

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Osama believed that fighting against non-Muslims would get him into Muslim heaven. According to his beliefs, he should be in Muslim heaven. However, the Bible (and common sense) tell us that nobody gets rewarded for murdering innocent people. He is in hell.

//Hell is the domain of the devil and those that reject Jesus Christ. I think we can safely assume that Bin Laden did not embrace the truth of the saviour Jesus Christ, that He died for our sins as payment for the sins of the world. There is no other way to avoid eternal torment in hell. If Bin Laden did not call on the name of the Saviour, then we can safely assume he is in hell with other non-believers.

Why was Osama bin Laden an ally to us?

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Osama was never an ally to the US. He was a terrorist coward who lied to young men and women and convinced them to murder innocent people in the name of his god.