


Peace is literally the absence of war but can also mean a state of harmony in an individual person. The United Nations was formed in 1945 to promote international peace and security.

500 Questions

What is the most peaceful philosophy?

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Asked by Wiki User

One of the most peaceful philosophies is Buddhism, which emphasizes compassion, mindfulness, and the pursuit of inner peace. Buddhism teaches the importance of letting go of attachment and desires, leading to a state of contentment and harmony with oneself and the world.

What are different ways to maintain peace?

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Asked by NiharikaAgrawal

Some ways to maintain peace include promoting dialogue and understanding among conflicting parties, practicing empathy and tolerance, supporting conflict resolution mechanisms such as mediation and negotiation, and fostering a culture of non-violence and respect for diversity.

Is war the solution of peace?

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Asked by Wiki User

War is not the solution for peace. Peace can be achieved through diplomacy, communication, and mutual understanding. Resorting to war often leads to destruction and loss of life, making it counterproductive to the goal of establishing lasting peace.

Why is the importance of the peace symbol?

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Asked by Wiki User

The peace symbol is important as it represents unity, harmony, and the desire for a peaceful world. It serves as a powerful reminder of the need for non-violence and understanding in resolving conflicts. Its simplicity and universal recognition make it a symbol of hope and call for peace across different cultures and backgrounds.

How can you make peace on Earth?

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Asked by Wiki User

We can make peace on earth if only we realize that we are not the body that we wear, we are the ones who wear the body. The moment we realize we are all Souls, we are all one Divine Soul, part of that Supreme Soul, that energy, there will be peace on earth. Why are there conflicts, wars, battles? Because we think that we are different from each other. Therefore, we live with greed, we live with ignorance, we live with anger, hate, revenge, jealousy. If we let go of the ego, we can have peace on earth. If we overcome this ignorance that we are this body, we can have peace on earth. If we transcend our greed and be content with our need, there will be peace on earth. There will be peace on earth if we let go of our political and religious leaders and choose spiritual leaders who will teach us that we are the Divine Soul.

How can war bring peace?

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Asked by Wiki User

War may bring temporary peace by subduing the opponent, but it often leads to long-term consequences such as destruction, loss of life, and ongoing conflict. Genuine and lasting peace is usually achieved through diplomacy, negotiation, and reconciliation between conflicting parties. War should be a last resort, as the cost is usually too high.

What is metta world peace's real name?

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Asked by Wiki User

Metta World Peace's real name is Ronald William Artest Jr.

Can you show me the peace sign?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sure! The peace sign is made by raising your index and middle fingers in a V shape while keeping your other fingers curled into your palm.

How many types of peace are there?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are typically two main types of peace: negative peace, which refers to the absence of violence or conflict, and positive peace, which involves addressing the root causes of violence and promoting long-term harmony and justice. Other scholars may categorize peace in more nuanced ways, but these are the fundamental distinctions.

Why is it peace and order is important?

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Asked by Wiki User

Peace and order are important for societal stability, ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals, fostering economic development, and promoting a harmonious coexistence among members of a community. Without peace and order, there can be chaos, conflict, and insecurity, leading to a breakdown in social structures and hindering progress and growth.

Can you be a real pacifist?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, being a real pacifist means firmly adhering to nonviolent principles in all aspects of life, including in thoughts, words, and actions. It requires a commitment to resolving conflicts through peaceful means and promoting harmony and understanding among individuals.

What year did the peace sign come out?

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Asked by Wiki User

The peace sign was created in 1958 by designer Gerald Holtom for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) in Britain. It quickly became a widely recognized symbol for peace and anti-war movements.

What is the peace bertha?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no specific concept or item known as the "peace bertha." It is possible that there has been a misunderstanding or confusion with the term provided. Can you provide more context or clarify your question?

What is the message of peace and justice?

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Asked by Wiki User

The message of peace and justice promotes fairness, equality, and harmony among individuals and communities. It emphasizes resolving conflicts through nonviolent means, fostering mutual respect, and upholding human rights for all. Ultimately, it aims to create a world where every person is treated with dignity and has the opportunity to live in a just and peaceful society.

Who are some great politicians that are responsible for global peace?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some great politicians known for their role in promoting global peace include Nelson Mandela, who worked tirelessly to end apartheid in South Africa, and won the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts. Another notable figure is Mahatma Gandhi, whose nonviolent resistance played a significant role in India's independence movement and inspired peaceful movements around the world. Additionally, current leaders like Angela Merkel, who has been a key player in fostering unity and stability in Europe, and Ban Ki-moon, former Secretary-General of the United Nations, have also made significant contributions to global peace.

Was the peace symbol evil?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, the peace symbol is not inherently evil. It was created in the 1950s as a symbol for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and has since been widely used to promote peace and anti-war movements. Its meaning may vary depending on context, but in general, it is a symbol of hope for peace.

How do you do the peace sign?

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Asked by Wiki User

To do the peace sign, simply raise your index and middle fingers apart, while keeping the rest of your fingers closed. This gesture symbolizes peace and is commonly used as a sign of goodwill or greeting.

What was decided by the peace of antsburg?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Peace of Antsberg was signed in 1705 between Sweden and Saxony, ending the Great Northern War. It confirmed Augustus II of Poland as king, removed Augustus from the Swedish throne, and returned lost territory to Poland.

What do you do in the peace core?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the Peace Corps, volunteers work on various projects such as education, health, agriculture, and economic development in communities around the world. They aim to promote cross-cultural understanding and address the needs of the communities they serve. Volunteers live and work in these communities for a period of time, typically around two years.

Is peace and nonviolence outdated today?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, peace and nonviolence are timeless values that are still important and relevant today. In the face of conflict and unrest, promoting peace and nonviolence can help build understanding, resolve disputes, and create a more harmonious society. It is through peaceful means that sustainable solutions to global challenges can be achieved.

How the factors and conditions are needed to create world peace?

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Asked by Wiki User

World peace can be achieved by addressing root causes of conflicts such as inequality, poverty, and lack of resources. Cooperation, respect for human rights, diplomacy, and conflict resolution are essential factors to create a peaceful world. Building mutual understanding, promoting education, and fostering tolerance among diverse groups are also critical conditions for sustainable peace.

How do you achieve the world peace?

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Asked by Wiki User

World peace can be achieved through promoting understanding, resolving conflicts through diplomacy, and fostering cooperation between nations. It also involves addressing issues like poverty, inequality, and injustice that often fuel conflicts. Ultimately, it requires individuals, communities, and nations to work together towards common goals and mutual respect.

How will you promote peace unity on your barangay?

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Asked by Ryanlondob

I will organize community events that bring people together, such as cultural festivals or sports tournaments. I would also facilitate dialogues among residents to address conflicts and promote understanding. Additionally, I will encourage collaborative projects that benefit the whole barangay and foster a sense of shared responsibility and unity.

How can you participate in the peace of world?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can participate in world peace by promoting tolerance, understanding, and empathy in your interactions with others. Engage in peaceful discussions, support conflict resolution efforts, and advocate for peacebuilding initiatives in your community and beyond. Additionally, practicing kindness and compassion towards others can contribute to a more peaceful world.

Why did gandhi want world peace?

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Asked by Wiki User

Gandhi believed in nonviolent resistance to achieve social and political change. He saw violence as perpetuating a cycle of harm and believed that true peace could only be achieved through nonviolent means. Gandhi wanted world peace to create a more just and harmonious society for all.