

Pens and Pencils

Even with the abundance of laptops, tablets, and smartphones in most offices and classrooms, the need to write is still ever present. Pens and pencils are still a main staple in the contents of most desks worldwide.

500 Questions

Why pencils are designed to have longer lengths than pens?

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Asked by Vetha1209

Pencils are designed with longer lengths to accommodate the eraser at the end and to provide a comfortable grip for writing or drawing. Pens, on the other hand, have a shorter length because they have a built-in ink cartridge that needs to fit within the pen casing.

What happens if you stab yourself with a pen?

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Asked by Wiki User

Stabbing yourself with a pen can cause pain, bleeding, and potentially an infection if the wound is not properly cleaned and treated. It is important to seek medical attention if the wound is deep or if there are signs of infection.

What atoms make graphite in pencil?

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Asked by Wiki User

Though the archetypal pencil was an artist's brush, the stylus, a thin metal stick used for scratching in papyrus or wax tablets, was used extensively by the Romans,[3] and for palm-leaf manuscripts.

Is a pencil a conductor and insolator?

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Asked by Wiki User

A pencil is typically considered an insulator because it is made of wood and graphite, which are materials that do not easily conduct electricity. However, graphite itself can conduct electricity to some extent due to its structure, so it can also exhibit some conductive properties under certain conditions.

How is carbon used in pencil sharpeners?

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Asked by Wiki User

Carbon is used in pencil sharpeners in the form of graphite, which is a carbon allotrope. Graphite is a soft material that easily shears off as pencils are sharpened, allowing for a new, sharp point to be exposed. The rubbing of the pencil against the inner blades of the sharpener grinds away the graphite, creating the fine pencil shavings that are collected in the shavings compartment.

What happens when you burn pencils?

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Asked by Wiki User

Burning pencils releases carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide gases, along with ash residue. The flames are typically small and produce smoke with a distinct scent due to the burning of the wood and graphite materials. It is not recommended to burn pencils indoors due to the potential release of harmful gases.

Are lead from pencils poisonous?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lead pencils do not actually contain lead; they are made of graphite. Graphite is not toxic to humans, so there is no risk of lead poisoning from using pencils. However, ingesting graphite or pencil fragments can cause mechanical irritation in the digestive tract.

Which forces are you using when you write with pencil?

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Asked by Wiki User

your using the force called muscular force.

Is a pencil sharpener a kind of pulley?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, a pencil sharpener is not a kind of pulley. A pencil sharpener is a tool used to sharpen pencils, while a pulley is a simple machine that consists of a wheel on an axle, used for lifting and moving objects.

How do you take a pencil out of a pencil case?

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Asked by Wiki User

Simply unzip the pencil case, reach in, and carefully grab the pencil to pull it out. Be sure to watch out for any sharp edges or other items in the case while removing the pencil.

Can eating pencil lead kill you in ten years?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, eating pencil lead (graphite) is not toxic and will not kill you even after ten years. It may cause gastrointestinal discomfort or blockages if consumed in large quantities, but it will not be lethal.

How do physical properties of the parts a of a pencil affect how the pencil is used?

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Asked by Wiki User

The physical properties of carbon vary widely with the allotropic form.

What is the pencil length?

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The standard length for a pencil is about 7 inches.

How do you make a pencil stop squeaking?

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Asked by Wiki User

To stop a pencil from squeaking, try rubbing the tip of the pencil on a rough surface like paper or a textured eraser to smooth out any rough spots that may be causing the noise. You can also try applying a small amount of graphite powder or wax to the tip of the pencil to reduce friction and noise. Additionally, make sure the pencil lead is securely inserted into the pencil to prevent any movement that could cause squeaking.

What is the mass of unused ordinary pencil?

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Asked by Wiki User

The mass of an unused ordinary pencil typically ranges between 5 to 10 grams, depending on the brand and type of pencil.

What is the use of ball pen?

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A ballpoint pen uses a small rotating ball at its tip to dispense ink onto paper, allowing for smooth and consistent writing. It is commonly used for everyday writing tasks due to its convenience, reliability, and versatility.

Is feldspar softer than pencil lead?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, feldspar is not softer than pencil lead. Pencil lead, which is made of graphite, has a higher hardness on the Mohs scale compared to feldspar. Feldspar is typically around a 6 on the Mohs scale, while graphite is around 1-2.

When the pen is hanging and you cut the string what happens to the pen?

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Asked by Wiki User

If the pen is hanging and you cut the string, the pen will fall due to gravity unless there is another force acting on it to keep it suspended.

Why was the first pencil sharpener invented?

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Asked by Wiki User

The first pencil sharpener was invented to simplify the process of sharpening pencils compared to using a knife. It aimed to provide a more efficient, consistent, and safe way to sharpen pencils in schools, offices, and homes.

What is the mass for a pencil sharpener?

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Asked by Wiki User

The mass of a pencil sharpener typically ranges from 20 to 100 grams, depending on the size and material of the sharpener.

What is the size of the mass in the pencil?

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Asked by Wiki User

The mass of a typical pencil is around 5 to 10 grams.

What effect does the pencil lead have on the brightness of the bulb in a circuit?

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Asked by Wiki User

The pencil lead does not have a significant effect on the brightness of the bulb in a circuit because it does not conduct electricity efficiently. In order for the bulb to light up brightly, the circuit needs an efficient conductor such as a metal wire to allow the current to flow easily and light up the bulb.

What is the weight of a lead pencil?

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The weight of a standard lead pencil is typically around 0.2 to 0.3 ounces (5 to 10 grams).

How much measures the mass of a pencil lead?

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Asked by Wiki User

A standard pencil lead typically weighs about 0.1 gram.

How much does a pencil lead weight?

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On average, a standard pencil lead weighs about 0.2 grams. The weight can vary slightly depending on the type and size of the pencil lead.