

Periods Exclamation Points and Question Marks

Periods, exclamation points and question marks are punctuation marks used to end a sentence. A period closes a sentence; an exclamation point conveys strong emotion; while a question mark states an inquiry.

500 Questions

What symbol goes first exclamation point or question mark when you are doing both?

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The symbol that comes first depends on the tone of the sentence. In general, if the sentence is more exclamatory, the exclamation point (!) should come first. If it is more questioning in nature, the question mark (?) should come first.

Can you put a question mark and an exclamation mark together. example too please.?

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Yes, you can combine a question mark and an exclamation mark to convey a strong emotion with uncertainty, surprise, or disbelief. For example: "What an incredible achievement?!".

Can you use periods and question marks with exclamatory sentence?

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Yes, you can use periods and question marks with exclamatory sentences to convey different tones or levels of emotion. For example, "What a beautiful day!" expresses surprise or admiration, while "What a beautiful day." could indicate a statement of fact or observation.

Do you use full stop in speech bubbles?

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No, speech bubbles typically do not include full stops at the end of sentences as it can disrupt the flow of conversation and make the text appear more formal. Instead, they rely on other punctuation or visual cues to indicate the end of a sentence.

What does an exclamatory sentence end with?

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An exclamatory sentence usually ends with an exclamation point (!) to convey strong emotion or excitement.

What is the sentence called with a question mark?

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A sentence with a question mark at the end is called an interrogative sentence.

Can you use exclamation mark for 'good morning'?

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Yes, you can use an exclamation mark for "Good morning!" to add emphasis or convey enthusiasm when greeting someone in the morning.

How will you answer this question?

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I am well informed on many issues. I will answer this question by stating that evolution is a process by which creatures that survive, thrive and procreate will evolve by virtue of survival of the fittest.

Do you put a period after Ave in a sentence?

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No, typically you do not need to put a period after "Ave" when using it in a sentence. However, if "Ave" is being used as an abbreviation for "Avenue" in an address, then a period would be used after it.

Should there be a period at the end of a tagline?

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In general, a tagline is a condensed statement meant to be catchy and memorable, so it is often written without a period to emphasize brevity and impact. Ultimately, whether to include a period at the end of a tagline is a stylistic choice and can depend on the overall design and presentation of the tagline.

What does it mean when you put double question marks at the end of a sentenace?

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Using double question marks at the end of a sentence is often meant to convey a higher level of surprise, emphasis, or disbelief than a single question mark. It can suggest heightened emotion or uncertainty in the speaker's tone.

To answer a question with a question is called what?

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In my opinion or in my town we call it avoiding the question, or trying to change the subject.


"Did you take my book?!"

"Why would I take your book?"

"You're avoiding the question!

Does the question mark go before or after the quotes at the end of a sentence?

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In American English, the question mark goes before the closing quotation mark at the end of a sentence. For example: "Is this correct?" In British English, it can vary depending on whether the question mark is part of the quoted text or not.

Does a sentence starting with Whether end with a question mark?

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No, a sentence starting with "Whether" typically does not end with a question mark. It functions as a conditional statement introducing two possibilities, not as a direct question.

What is the name of the punctuation sign in which the question mark is followed by an exclamation mark?

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The punctuation mark in which the question mark is followed by an exclamation mark is called an "interrobang." It is used to express a combination of interrogation and exclamation in writing.

Is there a fullstop at the end of sentence fragment?

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There may or may not be a full stop at the end of a sentence fragment. It is the grammatical content that determines whether it is a fragment. For example, 'She opened the' is a fragment, whether there is a full stop after it or not.

Does a question mark come at the end of topic that asks a question?

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Yes, a question mark should be placed at the end of a topic that asks a question to indicate that it is seeking a response from the reader or listener.

Do speech marks end after a full stop?

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No, speech marks do not end after a full stop. In British English, the full stop is placed inside the closing speech marks. In American English, the full stop is placed inside the closing speech marks when it is part of the quoted text, and outside when it is not.

When should you use an exclamation point in a sentence?

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Use an exclamation point when the sentence has a lot of emotion. Look out! Use the punctuation properly! Your teacher is right behind you! Most sentences with exclamation points are short an exciting.

Can you have question marks in the middle of sentences?

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Asked by Portugalowls

Yes, you can use question marks in the middle of sentences when using interrogative phrasing or to express doubt or uncertainty within a larger statement.

Do imperative statements have question marks at the end?

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No, imperative statements do not have question marks at the end. Imperative sentences give commands or make requests and end with a period.

What is used to mark the end of a sentence?

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A period (.) is typically used to mark the end of a sentence in written English.