

Poison Ivy, Oak, and Sumac

Poison oak, poison ivy, and poison sumac are all plants that can cause painful and itchy reactions when they come in contact with skin.

500 Questions

How do you remove poison ivy from your tools?

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Asked by Ap0ught

Use rubbing alcohol on your tools, wash them down (using your rag) with the alcohol and then dry and oil your tools so they don't rust. For your clothing or gloves use fels-naptha soap (it's an old fashioned wood ash lye soap)

Is there poison ivy in the redwood forest?

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Asked by Wiki User

Poison ivy and its close relatives, poison sumac and poison oak exist in all parts of the United States and in the southern parts of Canada. If the redwood forest that you are referring to is within these boudaries, there is a good chance of one of these irritating plants being in it.

What time of the year can you get poison ivy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Summer tends to be the season that people identify as the 'worst' for poison ivy [Toxicodendron radicans] allergic reactions. But that's just because there are greater chances for human contact with the plant. In fact, urushiol oil, which is the cause of the reactions, is present in all plant body parts year round. Indeed, a fence against which poison ivy brushed may bring on an allergic reaction as much as 1-1/2 years later.

What is a good link to see pictures of poison ivy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Poison ivy has three leaves together. Each leaf has three leaflets. It can grow as a vine or a bush.

Poison oak is harder to identify because the leaves have a variety of shapes but it always has them in threes.

There is a site called that has many pictures and will furnish pictures free to newspapers, magazines and book publishers as long as they are credited.

Why are the leaves of poison ivy oily?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes. Poison ivy has an oily look and feel. You can get poison ivy touching the leaves,stem or roots. BUT you could be some of the lucky people who immune to the oil. But I wouldn't want to find out

Can rock salt kill poison ivy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes it makes it go away faster

Why is poison oak poisonous?

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Asked by Wiki User

no cause it is dead

Is it safe to drink poison ivy as a tea?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, but it can give you a nasty case of internal poison ivy. Don't do it!

The person who wrote the answer above has no idea what they are talking about! The correct answer IS No, you wont become immune to it BUT you also wont develop any irritation internally!! I have been drinking poison ivy as a child and still am very fond of the tea. Also the irritation caused by poison ivy is not contagious, the irritation only occurs when the person comes into direct contact with the plant. As a child i picked poison ivy with my mother for tea and often "burned" myself. An easy and quick way to relieve irritation is to not disturb the effected area. If you don't touch it the irritation will pass in a few minutes. If irritation persists simply dab some tea tree oil over the effected area.

How much leaves does poison oak have?

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Asked by Wiki User

poison oak has five leaves....i think

What batman movie had poison ivy?

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Asked by Wiki User

I think it was Batman & Robin (1997)

Is poison oak a bacteria or a virus?

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Asked by Wiki User

Poison oak is a green plant, not a bacteria or virus.

Can bleach kill ivy?

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Asked by Wiki User

NO never ever out bleach on poison oak or ivy. My brother put it on his case, and it did not help in any way. It makes it puff up, sting, burn and be the worst thing ever. And also you are never supposed to put bleach on your skin anyway.


How do you prone ivy geraniums?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cut them back to about eight inches, stop watering them and store them in a cool, dry place like the cellar. You can also keep ivy geraniums (actually they are pelargoniums) in a sunny window throughout the winter. Once again, cut them back, but in this case just reduce watering. Let the top inch of soil dry out between waterings.

What is a description of the poison oak plant?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

Poison ivy can be a climbing vine, shrub or bush. It has leaves that are elliptical in shape and grow in groups of three on a stem.

Does poison ivy and poison oak have the same adaptations?

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Asked by Wiki User

It can adapt and survive almost anywhere, even in human environment and global warming.

What medicines treat the rash caused by poison ivy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Poison Ivy oils often start a dermatologic reaction once contact with skin has been established. There are numerous over the counter options for poison ivy, including Ivarest, Ivastat and calamine lotion, and in severe cases, an antihistamine or even prescription steroids may be necessary.

Could you use mometasone furoate cream on poison ivy?

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Asked by Wiki User

I have athlets foot bad and was wondering if Mometasone furoate ointment can be used for athletes foot?

What does poison ivy look like when you get it on your skin?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is usually shinny with 3 leaves. Do not mistake poison ivy with the red vine you see sometimes. 7min itch is a ivy but not poison so don't mistake with that either. It can also look like a tree with a brown root climbing up it. It look much like when you get scratched hard and that place swells up.

How do you get ride of poison ivy?

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Asked by Wiki User

An application of a pesticide such as Roundup that contains the active ingredient glysophate may kill poison ivy [Toxicodendron radicans]. A severing of the plant from its roots may be effective. Forest and park services often do that to control poison ivy as a thick vine growing up trees. A smothering with heavily weighted-down newspaper and black plastic or cover may work while the plant is young and still grows very close to the ground.

Generally, any weed can be controlled by assiduously applying at least two of three controls: controlled burning, regular spraying, repeated cutting back.

But there may be problems with that approach in terms of poison ivy. Burning is out of the question. The urushiol oil particles become airborne and constitute life-threatening conditions for humans so exposed.

The oil is present throughout the entire plant. So any cutting likewise must be carried out with care. The oil can cause an allergic reaction as much as 1-1/2 years after it has spilled somewhere.

Roundup is not a pesticide it is a herbicide. Pesticides kill life. Herbicides kill plant life .