


Pop-Up Adware

Pop-up ads are a notoriously annoying form of internet-based advertising which cause browser windows containing advertisements to “pop up” on screen. Questions about this type of advertising and how to avoid it belong here.

604 Questions

How is astragalus taken?

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Asked by GaleEncyofAltMed

Astragalus can be taken in various forms, including capsules, tablets, liquid extracts, and teas. It is most commonly taken orally, and the recommended dosage can vary depending on the specific supplement and the intended use. It is important to follow the instructions on the product label or consult with a healthcare provider for guidance on the appropriate dosage for your specific needs.

Is it safe to go camping in a pop-up camper in a thunderstorm?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is not safe to camp in a pop-up camper during a thunderstorm, as these campers are not designed to withstand severe weather conditions. Thunderstorms can create strong winds, lightning, and heavy rain, putting you at risk of injury or damage to the camper. It is best to seek shelter in a sturdy building or a designated storm shelter until the storm passes.

Why did many early settlements pop up near the fall like?

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Asked by Wiki User

Early settlements were often established near waterfalls because they provided a reliable source of power for mills and other machinery. Waterfalls also offered fresh water for drinking and irrigation, as well as transportation via rivers. Additionally, the steep terrain around waterfalls provided natural defense against potential threats.

If you think about a boy and they pop up in your face suddenly what does that mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Seeing someone in your mind's eye suddenly could mean that person is on your mind or holds some significance in your life. It could be a sign that you have unresolved emotions or thoughts about them. If the image is persistent, it may be worth exploring why that person is coming to mind.

How is lachesis taken?

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Asked by GaleEncyofAltMed

Lachesis is a homeopathic remedy made from the venom of the bushmaster snake. It is typically taken in the form of small sugar pellets that have been infused with the remedy. The pellets can be placed under the tongue and allowed to dissolve.

What is the end about in the uninvited?

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Asked by Wiki User

At the end of the movie, we find out that Anna has imagined that her sister Alex was alive, when she actually died in the fire that killed the mother. If you watch the movie again, you'll see that no one else actually interacts with Alex (did you see the "Sixth Sense?"). In flashbacks you see what actually happened months earlier on the day the mother and Alex died in the fire.....Anna was angry after seeing her father having sex with the nurse Rachel so she went down to the boathouse to get some fuel to set fire to the big house. Anna doesn't turn the valve off completely causing the fuel to leak out (which Anna didn't do that part on purpose) and Alex stumbles in and causes the lantern to fall, igniting the fuel and the boathouse. I don't quite understand why the sick mother was confined to the boathouse, except maybe so the father could have sex with the nurse, but why the mother was living there isn't really important anyway. So the mother and Alex die in an explosion that was pure accident. Though it appears that Anna did want to burn something that night, it wasn't supposed to be the boathouse, it was just a horrible accident. This event lead Anna to a psychotic break and to the psyche ward we see her in the beginning. During her time at the psyche ward, she met the murderer, Mildred Kemp, who shared her stories of murder with Anna. Anna is released and goes home to find the nurse sharing the home with the father and doesn't trust her. Anna must have repressed the memories of how the fire truly started that night, as no one realizes that Anna played any part in it (again, although accidental). So in order to cope, she IMAGINES her sister is still alive (watch again, no one else ever sees Alex) and she imagines the nurse planned the mother's death (I guess because it is to stressful to admit her actions caused it). This is where the Mildred Kemp murder stories come in--Anna IMAGINES that Mildred was never caught (though at the end we see she has been institutionalized all along), and that Rachel is Mildred's new identity. Therefore, Anna convinces herself, as she tries to convince the sherrif, that Rachel is Mildred, the murderer of the Wright children (the three kids that are haunting her). The sheriff obviously doesn't believe Anna's account of Rachel's identity, which he wouldn't if he knew the real Mildred Kemp was institutionalized. Rachel does sedate her, but we find out at the end, it is because she truly wanted what was best for Anna, not to murder her. Anna wakes up and believes Alex killed Rachel in self defense. Then the father comes along, snaps Anna out of her delusion and we see that Anna killed Rachel. I believe Anna killed her for two reasons: repressed anger from catching her having an affair with the father the night of the fire AND because she was delusional and truly thought Rachel was going to kill her. The boy Matt was just collateral damage because he saw Anna leaving the boathouse the night of the fire and tried to tell her the night he died (we see that in the flashbacks at the end). I believe the haunting from the mother's corpse and the children were trying to make Anna aware of her part in everything and trying to bring her to reality. Rachel did change her identity, but as the father said, I guess it was to escape an abusive relationship. And when Anna says at the end, that she finished what she started, I believe she means that she finally killed the woman that she originally intended to harm the night of the fire, the woman she caught having the affair with her father--Rachel.

Why do you put pop up ads that I can't close over your articles?

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Asked by Wiki User

I don't have any control over the ads shown on websites. It's up to the website owners or advertisers to display ads. You can try using an ad blocker to prevent pop-up ads from appearing.

Karen and Shelly poole where in which duo in the 1900s?

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Asked by Wiki User

Karen and Shelly Poole were part of the British sister pop duo, Alisha's Attic, which was active in the late 1990s and early 2000s. They were known for their harmonious vocals and catchy pop tunes.

What are Advertisements and pop ups examples of?

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Asked by Wiki User

Advertisements and pop-ups are examples of digital marketing techniques used to promote products, services, or content to a target audience. They are displayed on websites or in apps to generate awareness, drive traffic, and increase sales or engagement.

What is a pop-up book mechanism?

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Asked by Wiki User

A pop-up book mechanism is a physical design feature that creates 3D elements within a book when opened. It typically involves paper components that are folded and connected in a way that allows them to pop up when the page is turned, adding an interactive and engaging aspect to the reading experience.

How do you remove Gator GAIN Claria permanently from computer?

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Asked by Wiki User

How To Get Rid Of Gator


As of October 2003, Gator Corp., the original developers of Gator (GAIN; GAIN Network; IEGator; PDPPlugin; Gator/A; and variants, including Gator/Dashbar, Gator/GAIN, Gator/HDPlugin, Gator/PDP, and Gator/Trickler), officially changed its name to Claria. The most notorious Claria offering is the GAIN Network. In the words of Claria, the GAIN Network is a "behavioral advertising network" (which means it's adware) for delivering targeted pop-up ads to users of affiliated Web-based services and freeware. Some of that freeware is developed by Claria, including the Gator eWallet, which conveniently remembers a user's passwords, credit card numbers, and other personal information to simplify the process of logging in to frequently visited Web sites; Weatherscope, a weather-reporting utility that displays the current temperature in the System Tray; and Precision Time, a clock-synchronization utility.

You are most likely to acquire a component of Gator when you install freeware applications�including Kazaa (see our entry later in this article)�that are affiliated with the GAIN Network. Likewise, you may inadvertently link yourself to the GAIN Network simply by visiting affiliated Web sites or clicking one of the network's many pop-up ads. Claria claims that users receive fair warning before they download and install any program that has ties to the GAIN Network. This is true, but it's also true that the warnings are bundled with an EULA (end-user license agreement), which many users routinely ignore.

How To Tell If Gator Is Present On Your System

You'll notice the appearance of a pop-up ad or window that includes a reference to "Gator" or "GAIN" in its Title bar.

How To Get Rid Of Gator With Ad-Aware SE

Gator is among the most widespread of all spyware utilities. If you unwittingly acquire it, a popular anti-spyware utility such as Ad-Aware SE will help you recognize and remove it. Start by opening the program and clicking the Scan Now button to search your system for suspicious programs. When the scan is complete, choose the Critical Objects tab to view the list of identified components. The list should include one or more Gator components. Select all of the spyware-related items and click the Next button. Click OK to verify your decision to remove the selected objects. Ad-Aware will move the selected items to a quarantine folder. If Ad-Aware cannot remove an item, you can cancel its removal or defer its removal until the next time you reboot. Close Ad-Aware when the quarantine is complete.

WARNING: The following section includes step-by-step information on how to edit the Windows Registry, a large database containing system and program settings that are essential to how the OS (operating system) operates. Follow Registry-editing instructions to the letter and be sure to make a backup of your Registry before you begin. (Registry errors can render your computer inoperable if you don't have a backup.) This procedure differs depending on the OS you use. For more information on backing up and editing the Registry, see these articles: "Protect Yourself" and "Register Here."

How To Get Rid Of Gator Manually

Because Gator-related software can attack your PC under many different guises, we recommend using an anti-spyware utility such as Ad-Aware SE to find and remove all of them. If you prefer to do things the old-fashioned way, however, you should start by determining which GAIN programs are installed on your PC. Open the Start menu, locate the GAIN folder in the list of installed programs, and select the corresponding About GAIN option. Click the For A List Of GAIN Supported Products On Your Computer Click Here link in the resulting window. A list of Gator-related components will appear on-screen. Take note of each component included in this list.

Next, access the Add Or Remove Programs (Add/Remove Programs Properties in WinMe and Win98) dialog box and look for the names of the Gator-related components installed on your PC. Highlight the first GAIN-related component you find and click its corresponding Remove or Add/Remove button. Follow the on-screen instructions to uninstall it. Opt to delete user information if you get the chance. When the uninstall is complete, click the Details button (if provided) to identify any remaining folders, files, and Registry values that you must remove manually. Reboot if instructed to do so and repeat the process to remove other GAIN-related applications installed on your PC. Uninstalling these applications should sever all ties between your PC and the GAIN Network.

You aren't done yet, however. The next step is to clean out the Registry for good measure. Open the Registry Editor and track down the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CURRENTVERSION\RUN key. Peruse its contents for any values that refer to CME, CMESys, FSG_, GMT, or Trickler. For each one you find, right-click it and select Delete from the pop-up menu. Verify your actions by clicking Yes. Next, delete any keys or values that weren't removed during the uninstall. (These were identified to you when you clicked the Details button.) Close the Registry Editor and restart your system.

After Windows starts again, open My Computer and access the Program Files folder on the Windows drive. Locate and delete the WEBPT and WEBDM subfolders (if present). Likewise, open the PROGRAM FILES\COMMON FILES folder and delete the CMEII and GMT subfolders (if present). You also should delete the WINDOWS\TEMP\ADWARE folder (if present) and any files or folders that weren't removed during the uninstall. (These were identified to you when you clicked the Details button.) While you're at it, open the StartUp submenu on the Start menu and delete the shortcut that points to GMT.exe (if present). Use the Windows search function to locate and delete any files that refer to Fsg*.exe and Trickler.

Finally, return to the Registry Editor and delete the following key and values (if present):

� HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{21FFB6C0-0DA1-11D5-A9D5-00500413153C}



Close the Registry Editor and reboot your system to complete the process.

What brands of lollipops are there besides blow pops and tootsie pops?

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Asked by Wiki User

the best types of lollipops are poopy pops. i know, they sound gross, but they are very nutrisius! they are made from camel dung, which cures colds, hippo hair, wich make skin smooth, and a touch of coconut fat! yum.. i had one in tha;kh

Is freezer jam safe to eat after being thawed and refrozen?

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Asked by Wiki User

I was wondering the same thing ... Because I just bought a pint of ice cream at the store, and we had a power outtage from 5:30 pm to 2:00 am ... I seriously doubt they restocked the ice cream ... I'll let you know.

How do you remove grease from a window in a house?

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Asked by Wiki User

You take a wet cloth of warm soapy h20, let the rag soak in the soapy h2o for about 6.5 to 11 minutes, then take out cloth and rub on windon perpendicular, it shall come off. if not repeat step until it is gone.

What is a pop up toy?

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Asked by Wiki User

Amusing wooden toy with 4 color peg figures which bob up and down on concealed springs. Pegs are removable. Toy is designed to encourage eye/hand coordination and introduce color awareness.

How can you get rid of advertisements on webkinz?

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Asked by Wiki User

you can try using the control delete to delete the adds but if it does not delete, then you have a very bad computer virus.

How do you get assembly instructions for a pop up leisure ways 10' x 10' gazebo?

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I lost my instruction book, can anyone help me

How do you remove putty from wooden windows?

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Asked by Wiki User

Vanishing Varnish First of all, if the varnish is dry, you could try to scrape it off with a razor blade.

Another method you can try is to use paint thinner or stripper. Apply the thinner/stripper to the varnish you want to remove from the glass, and let it sit for 30-45 minutes. Then wipe off the excess and finish by scraping the remaining softened residue with a razor blade. Follow that by cleaning the window with BonAmi (available for purchase online; see the Related link below) on a clean cloth, using a circular motion. Rinse, then mix 1/2 cup white vinegar to 1 gallon warm water, and finish cleaning for a sparkling clean window.

What is adware and how does it harm your computer?

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How do you get rid of a virus that pops up websites?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well first of all you want to do three things. install Zonealarm. Zonealarm is free software that controls programs access of the internet and the access of your computer to other computers. This will interfere with the viruses ability to comunicate with its creator or a.k.a. author. The next step is to install system mechanic which is made by Once you've have done this enable the pop up blocker. I personally can attest that it works. In one and a half weeks it block 1500 pop ups. You can even add titles of pop ups you want blocked. Then try scanning your computer with system mechanic to see if your virus is really spyware, adware or another parasite. Then, go to and run housecall. Housecall will scan everything on your computer and search for active malware. You might need to install the lastest version of Java. But don't worry about this know because housecall will give you an error message if this is so. good luck

You need to run these 5 essential steps to remove all the spyware on your computer.

1. Run Deckard's System Scanner (DSS)

2. Run Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

3. Run the anti spyware removal programs spybot

4 Run Superantispyware

5. Run a complete scan with free curing utility Dr.Web CureIt!

Install threat fire which will enhance your antivirus protection

To get rid of these pop up's use proper antivirus software , download and install it ,update it and scan the computer ,for virus or malwarebytes , it may resolve your issue .

--Clear cache(Temp,,prefetch) download and install malwarebytes in safe mode, update it and scan the computer, it may resolve your issue. --You can get rid of these pop ups by following these steps ,

1 Download and intall the Superantispyware on your computer .

2 Update your Superantispyware

3 Scan your computer for all the pop ups in your computer .

4 Remove all the malwares , found while scanning with the Superantispyware

5 Restart your computer .

How do you change your security setting on your PC?

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What version of a PC do you have? 95? 98? XP? The control planel is the best answer. But you would have to get more specific with your question to get a better answer. What exactly do you want to change?

How do you get rid of pop up ads without clicking them?

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Asked by Wiki User

look for a popup blocker. or download google chrome. go to options. click under the hood, click contect settings, and you can block popups from their. Hope i helped

What is adware virus?

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Asked by Wiki User

Adware is a type of Advertising Display Software. It will install on users' computers along with other program downloads without their authorization, aiming at releasing commercial advertisements that may be unexpected or unwanted by users. Annoyingly, normally users are forced to visit the frequently-appearing advertisements, making the computer perform extremely sluggishly or crash randomly if it is an old computer.

What are some precautions you may need to take while on the internet?

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Asked by Wiki User

World Wide Web enables users to access huge resources of Information & Knowledge.

While accessing WWW, two major precautions would be:

(1) Use good anti virus softwares - To prevent computer from Viruses & other attacks.

(2) Be aware of Phising & other social engineering tricks.

How do you get rid of Hot Deals by pricegong?

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Asked by Wiki User

PriceGong is a web browser add-on. While you shop online PriceGong recognizes what products you are looking for and brings you offers on the side of your window. If you would like to remove the 'Hot Deals' by PriceGong you should just click the link "Click Here" at the bottom of the Hot Deals window. If you want to stop all PriceGong services you can follow the instructions listed here: