

Potty Training

Potty training, or toilet training, is the process of teaching children to control their bladder or bowel movements so they can use the toilet and no longer have to wear diapers. The process of potty training usually begins when a child is between two and three years old.

456 Questions

What is the icd 9 code for potty training?

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Enuresis NOS, 788.30... closest I could find.

Why should a child not be punished for accidents during potty training process?

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Because a child will refuse to be cooperative if you punish them and they will begin to be afraid.

Learning something new have to be positive or it will turn into a trauma.You can't punish them for an accident and this is not something they are in control of yet. You don't put a 5yo to drive a car and then punish him when he crash. And you don't want a first-grader in diapers who's in therapy trying to get over his potty-training.

What is the best potty training technique?

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Asked by Icequeen82

Talk to your child while he or she goes to the bath room. Or you could read a book to her or him.

Where can you find a potty training puppy apartment?

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well they cost 100$ to go to a class so just take your dog outside after every meal

When should i start for potty trainning my baby?

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At 2 /12-3years of age

Is there a tall portable potty chair for adults?

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You can get them in many home improvement and department stores and they adjust with a typical range of 16-22 inches from ground to seat . I'm trying to find one that will adjust higher for my tall father, he needs about 25/26 inches.

Anyone know a model that goes higher than 22 inches ground to seat?

Is there a potty training song?

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Asked by Spmuzic7415

yes if u just go on youtube and type in potty training son it will come up

How do you potty train a 3 year old girl who is very resistive?

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My 3 year old son was/is very resistive. What worked for him was a full combination of the following:

- periodically (when you think it is time to try & use the potty) ask him if he wants a candy/chocolate. SHOW him the candy (because he often even resisted that and said he doesn't like candy!). Then when he switches from "no" mode to "yes" mode, tell him that he can have 1 candy for a pee-pee and 2 candies for a poo-poo.

- never ask him if he needs to go pee or use the potty etc. because that just makes him dig in.

- never force him to go.

- never give a timeout etc or anything negative during the event.

- when he is on the potty to do a pee, tell him that he gets another candy for "squeezing it out" - yes that much detail. What we found was that he would sit on the potty but not try to squeeze anything out, then 2 minutes later would have an accident when his pants were back on. He would say "I don't need to go" while he is sitting on the potty. So important to offer the candy for trying to squeeze it out.

- Initially, we needed to make the potty VERY easily accessible. It was in the living room/play room (wherever we were, the potty followed and was right there). This seemed to remove a barrier for him because he didn't have to go all the way to the bathroom (i.e. no situation change).

- Initially, it was crucial for him to have NO pants on at all - naked the whole day. This was another barrier - having to remove his pants before using the potty was too much effort. Also, being used to being in diapers and it being OK to pee/poo in your pants seemed to make him think it was ok to do it in underwear as well. Being naked made him not want to pee or poo on the floor (although he did a few times at first).

- Hygiene aside, we would provide him with the first candy while he is on the potty (not afterwards), so that association is there as part of the experience, not as a reward for after he is done.

- We also found that part of the reason why he didn't want to go is because he didn't want to stop playing or stop watching a show etc. So we kept showing him and explaining that you can "pause" the activity or show and come back to start right where you left off with no loss.

Hope this helps a bit. It was frustrating to us, but eventually everyone becomes potty trained (to various degrees :) ).

Do they have potty training pants for teenagers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes. There are youth and adult-sized disposable diapers and "pull-ups" similar to toddler potty training pants (like Depends®) available at local drug stores and other retail outlets. You can also find a wider variety of products and sizes through specialty companies, such as Diapersite and eSpecialNeeds (links below).

For more information, see Related Links, below.

How much do Americans spend potty training dogs annually?

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If you do it right you won`t spend anything.

Potty training a 2 year old boy?

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Hi! Potty Training is something some parents think is easy, but others need advice to help them get along. Take me for example. I am the mother of two busy little tykes. I found it to be a challenge for my son. Aaron is three and (finally) potty trained. My daughter: Morgan is only 11 months, so she is nowhere close. How I managed to potty train Aaron is we bought him a plastic training toilet. I told him any time he felt like he needed to 'go potty' to go in his potty. Of course, a small child can't learn from word of mouth, so we had to help him. Pull ups are an easy way to help along, but of course you knew that. Some moms are against this but I found it to be helpful: let him run around in just the pull up and maybe a Shirt. That way you have less things to pull off when he needs to go. Each time your son makes it to the potty, give a small reward, may it be a small piece of chocolate or snack. The reward will get him to want to go more and more often. Also, if he just is refusing to say when he needs to go, about every hour - hour and a half take him to the potty and ask him if he needs to go. (90% of the time he will sit down and go for you) even though he didn't say he had to go, reward the toddler. The reward makes him want to go that much more. After careful training, you son will have it down. The hardest part is weening them off the sweets! Hope this helped. It was all I could remember doing . . . but if I think of anything else, I'll post. Good luck!

How do you potty train a child that has autism?

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My son is 42 now, but I still remember potty training him. I used a reward system. I had to make sure that he wanted the reward. For him, it was m & m s. First, he got an m & m for sitting on the potty for a short time, then longer and longer. Finally he peed when he was on the chair. Great cheers!! Lots of m & m s. Then the rewards got bigger and harder to get. For him, listening to a new record when he was successful. It took a long time and takes great patience. You have to start small: maybe just ten seconds on the potty. But it worked! I used the same system on my second son, who wasn't autistic, and it worked with him, too.

What is a potty training song?

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A potty training song is a song that helps kids learn how to use the potty properly.

Does anyone have any advice or methods for training a six month old Chihuahua puppy when you have tried potty training but it still does not do anything?

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I have 2 chihuahuas, both since they were puppies. This is how I went about training them:

Potty Pads work pretty good. When they poop or pee where they are not supposed to, scold them by putting their face in their waste telling them that they are very bad. Then put them on the potty pad. If you nice that he/she is sniffing around and acting like it needs to go, put him/her on the pad. If they use it, make a big deal out of it congratulating them.

Once they had the potty pad down, show them the outside. When i was first training them, i had gotten this liquid that comes in a small bottle and when you put little drops in the grass it makes them want to potty there. I must warn you, it smells pretty bad. I do not remember exactly what it is called but it can usually be found at a pet store. It does work. Once again, get excited when they go outside.

Once you feel they they are going outside consistently, you can start taking the pads away slowly. If you live where there are cold winters you may want to keep a few in the house because chihuahuas, being from a warmer climate, do not like snow or cold whatsoever.

I must admit that my chihuahuas are not completely potty trained and i don't think that they ever will be because chihuahuas are just not that kind of breed. I was warned by my breeder before i bought them that chihuahuas do not train well and its a possibility they they will never be completely potty trained, yet i still took on the challenge. since chihuahuas are so small, a house seems so large to them, and because of their size, they see it as a place they can do their business. I have a small penned in area in a part of my house where i will put them when i leave and sometimes at night (if i don't sleep with them). In there they almost NEVER poop or pee because their territory has been shorted dramatically.

My best advice to you is to not give up on you little dog! Because when you give up on him/her, she gives up too and looses the will to please you.

I wish you the best of luck and sometimes it helps to take obedience classes too.

hi! i thank u very much for ur answer to the question i posted! but i dont want to use potty pads,cuz i want her to use it outside... i spank her when she uses it in the house but she just prances off as happy as can be! lol... ive never had this much trouble training any other dog... especially my first dog i got when i was 5 years old... the vet said he cud have been a show dog if he wasnt fixed,but now i need to focus on training this chihuahua

How do you potty train a 3year old girl?

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Girls tend to be easier than boys.

Step 1. Buy her some 'big girls' pants. she will hopefully love them.

Step 2. Let her come into the bathroom with you to watch you have a wee. She will know that this is the right thing to do!

How do you potty training a 3 and a half year old boy?

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Asked by Wiki User

well you take him to the restroom and sit him then show him how to do pottie then tell him that he needs to flush,wash his hands and there it works!