


Quidditch is a sport that originated in the Harry Potter book series, in which wizards fly around on broomsticks trying to score points by catching a small gold Snitch, or beating a Quaffle into one of three goalposts. In 2007, the International Quidditch Association was formed and real college Quidditch teams were formed and 'muggles' began to play.

221 Questions

What are the four types of players on the Quidditch team in the harry potter series?

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The Seeker - Has to catch the snitch.

The Keeper - Has to guard the goals to stop the Quaffle from getting through.

The Chasers - Have to pass the Quaffle to each other and score.

The Beaters - Have to use their bats to hit the Bludgers either to the other team or away from their own team.

What are the terms used in Quidditch?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Quidditch, there are two teams that compete against each other wile flying on broomsticks to score goals.

There is the Quaffle-a large red ball which is passed around from player to player and is used to score goals.

There are two bludgers which are used by the two Beaters of each team in order to try and knock players of the opposite teams off of their broomsticks. The bludgers are medium sized black balls that are hard and are "beaten" with a bat in order to send them flying around the field.

There is also a Golden Snitch, a small, winged, golden ball that flies around the Quidditch pitch. The game does not end until the Snitch is caught and the team that catched the Snitch is awarded 150 points.

There are three 'goal-posts' that are high off of the ground, and for every time the quaffle is thrown through the 'hoop' the team that scored is awarded ten points.

Each team consists of two beaters, who control the bludgers; seven Chasers, who try to score goals with the Quaffle; and there is one Seeker who seeks for the golden snitch.

What is the best way to organize a Quidditch tournament consisting of the four house teams with the same rules and number of players as in the movies?

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Asked by EMWHVK

The magic in the books/movies is fictitious, and without such magic (or advanced technology) it just won't be the same. For a start, you won't be able to fly. More relevant, it will be difficult to make a ball like the snitch move around, to be caught by the players.

But to organize it anyway, you would probably start with a group stage, where each team plays each other team twice (once "home", once "away"). The team with the most wins is seeded first, and so on down. In the event of a tie, points scored should be the tie-breaker. If points are also even, then points scored "away" count double. If it's still tied, have a playoff.

Once the order is set, make it a single-elimination tournament, 1v4 and 2v3, with the winners of each game playing the in the finals, and the losers playing for third place. The resulting championship order can be used to determine the team which will represent the school in the Quidditch World Cup, or in the following season to determine certain privileges.

How do you make goal posts for Quidditch?

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For us muggles, the best goal posts I've seen have been created using a large bucket, a plastic pipe, and a hula hoop.

The bucket was upside-down on the ground with the pie sticking out of the top through a hole. The hula hoop was then duct taped on to the pipe.

How many goal posts are there on a quidditch field in Harry Potter?

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There are three goal posts on each side of the quidditch field so there are six goal posts altogether on the quidditch field.

What type of equipment do you need in quidditch?

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Asked by Wiki User

two teams of seven players

broomsticks four balls

six elevated ring-shaped goals

What are the names of the players on the Montrose Magpie's Quidditch team?

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A full team is unknown but the following are known players;

  • Hamish MacFarlan - Team Captain
  • Eunice Murray - Seeker
  • Lennox Campbell - Seeker
  • Alasdair Maddock - Chaser
  • Angus Campbell - Chaser
  • Fabius Watkins - Chaser

What must happen to end a Quidditch match?

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The seeker must catch the golden snitch.

Why isn't Ireland in quidditch world cup?

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Asked by Wiki User

They are... Ireland actually won in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

What is so funny about the old man Archie who Ron Hermione and Harry see at the Quidditch World Cup?

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Asked by Wiki User

He doesn't know about Muggle clothes, so he puts a womens nightgown on and looks ridiculous. when someone tells him off, he says "No thanks, I like a healthy breeze round my privates" that's pretty funny

When does a Quidditch game end?

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The game only ends when the Seeker catches the Golden Snitch. This means games can go on for weeks, sometimes even months.

Is the word 'Quidditch' in the Oxford English Dictionary?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it was added in 2017.

How did JK Rowling come up with the game Quidditch?

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Asked by Wiki User

She had an argument with her boyfriend! She marched out of the house and went to the pub. To take her mind off the quarrel, she started to think about Harry Potter. She decided that sport was a uniting factor in every society, so she would invent a wizarding sport. She spent the evening working out all the rules for the game, then spent ages choosing a name for it. She knew the word had to begin with Q, and she says "Quidditch" is the best word she ever thought up.

In her own words: "I don't really know what the connection is between the row and Quidditch, except that Quidditch is quite a violent game, and maybe in my deepest darkest soul I would quite like to see him [the boyfriend] hit by a bludger."