


Rules of the Road

The ability to obtain a license to drive is based upon knowing the rules and laws associated with the endeavor. Ask questions here about the laws and legal responsibilities of being a driver.

500 Questions

What do you have to do in California to get your learner's permit?

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Getting Your Learners Permit in Florida

When you turn 15 years old in Florida you are eligible to get your Learner License (AKA Learners Permit) - here are the steps:

· Complete the DATA course - this is required and can be completed online and

· Study your Road Signs and Rules to prepare for the written DMV Test

· You have the option of taking a Preparation Course for the DMV test

· Take the DMV written test

The DMV Test

Before anyone (regardless of age) can get their first drivers license or learner permit in Florida they must pass the DMV Test. Before you can take the DMV test you must complete the DATA course, which is the Drug, Alcohol, Traffic Awareness class.

The DMV test is comprised of 40 questions. 20 of the questions address road signs and 20 of the questions address road rules. You must get at least 15 answers correct in each section.

What are synonyms of directly?

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Synonyms of directly are immediately, straightaway, and promptly.

Can a speed limit sign have both a maximum and mininmum speed?

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No, a speed limit sign typically indicates the maximum speed allowed on a particular road or highway. It does not specify a minimum speed. However, some jurisdictions may have specific laws or rules regarding minimum speeds on certain roads for safety reasons.

A one-way street joins a main road and there is a give way sign The road markings at the junction would be?

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The road markings at the junction would typically include a solid white line along the center of the main road, indicating that vehicles must not cross it unless overtaking. There may also be a dotted white line on the approach to the junction, indicating the give way line where vehicles must yield to traffic on the main road before entering. Additionally, there may be arrows indicating the direction of traffic flow.

Can you drive a 18 wheeler at the age 16?

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In the United States, the minimum age requirement to drive an 18-wheeler or commercial vehicle is 21 years old. This is because operating large trucks requires a commercial driver's license (CDL), which has an age restriction set by federal regulations.

Is it legal to ride in the bed of a pick up on a highway?

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The legality of riding in the bed of a pickup truck on a highway depends on the jurisdiction. In some places, it may be legal as long as certain conditions are met, such as being over a certain age or having safety features like a seatbelt. However, in many jurisdictions, it is illegal to ride in the bed of a pickup truck on a highway due to safety concerns. It is important to check the specific laws in your area.

What is the penalty of driving on a learners permit in Alberta?

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If you are caught driving on a learner's permit without a supervising driver present in Alberta, you can face penalties such as a fine, demerit points, a possible suspension of your learner's permit, and a delay in obtaining your full driver's license. The exact penalties depend on the specific circumstances and any previous driving offenses. It's important to follow the rules and restrictions of your learner's permit to avoid these consequences.

What kind sign warns you that the highest safe speed?

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A yellow diamond-shaped sign with a black number inside indicates the highest safe speed limit in that area.

What is the meaning of no jay walking sign?

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The meaning of a "no jaywalking" sign is to inform pedestrians that they are not allowed to cross the street outside of designated crosswalks or at other non-designated locations. This sign is typically used to promote pedestrian safety and prevent accidents by ensuring that pedestrians use designated crossing areas.

Why is road rage a problem for especially teen drivers?

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Road rage is a problem for especially teen drivers because their lack of experience and maturity can lead to impulsive behaviors and poor decision-making under stressful situations. Teens may be more prone to aggressive driving, which increases the risk of accidents and conflicts with other drivers. Additionally, their emotional responses may be heightened, making them more susceptible to road rage incidents.

Are seat belts required in commercial trucks?

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Yes, seat belts are required in commercial trucks. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) mandates the use of seat belts for all commercial motor vehicle drivers. It is also for the safety of the drivers and passengers to wear seat belts while operating or riding in a commercial truck.

Under the basic speed law-you may never drive faster than?

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the conditions of the road and traffic allow. The basic speed law requires drivers to adjust their speed according to factors such as weather conditions, road conditions, and the presence of other vehicles. It is important to drive at a safe speed that allows for proper control and reaction time.

Why is the speed limit on a highway an example of a unit rate?

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How do you stop humping?

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To stop humping, it is important to first understand why you engage in this behavior. It could be due to stress, boredom, or sexual frustration. Once you have identified the trigger, you can try redirecting your energy towards other activities such as exercise, hobbies, or finding healthy ways to express your sexual desires. Additionally, seeking support from a mental health professional or therapist can help you explore underlying issues and develop strategies to stop humping.

Could an 18 year old teach a 16 year old to drive and if not can the 18 year get a ticket?

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The ability for an 18-year-old to teach a 16-year-old to drive varies depending on the jurisdiction and specific laws in place. Some regions allow 18-year-olds to instruct younger drivers, while others may require a licensed adult over a certain age or a certified driving instructor. If someone is caught violating the laws regarding who can teach driving, they may receive a ticket or face penalties depending on the jurisdiction. It is best to check the specific laws in your area.

Why doesnt the highway code include stopping distances greater than 70?

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The highway code typically includes information that is relevant to the majority of driving situations. Stopping distances greater than 70mph are less common and may be considered atypical. Additionally, including stopping distances above 70mph may give the impression that driving at those speeds is safe, which is not necessarily the case. It is always important for drivers to adjust their speed and maintain a safe stopping distance based on the road conditions and their vehicle's capabilities.

Can a first year driver have a sibling as a passenger?

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In most places, a first year driver typically has restrictions on the number and age of passengers they can have. It varies by location, but it's not uncommon for first year drivers to be limited to one non-family member passenger, or only immediate family members as passengers. It's important to check the specific rules and regulations in your area.

How many days you will get you license after passing g1 test?

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In most places, including Ontario, Canada, you will receive your G2 license 8 months after passing the G1 test, provided you have completed the mandatory driver training course. However, if you are over the age of 19, you can take the G2 road test after 12 months of holding a G1 license.

What happens if you are caught driving an 18 wheeler with a class b?

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If you are caught driving an 18-wheeler with a Class B license, it would likely be considered a violation of your license restrictions. Penalties can vary depending on the jurisdiction, but they can include fines, license suspension or revocation, and potentially other legal consequences depending on the severity of the violation. It's important to always adhere to the restrictions of your specific driver's license.

What should you do when you are behind a slow-moving farm vehicle?

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When behind a slow-moving farm vehicle, it is best to exercise patience and maintain a safe distance. Avoid tailgating or making risky overtaking maneuvers. Only pass when it is safe to do so and there is clear visibility of the road ahead.

When do you activate the strobe light on a school bus?

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The strobe light on a school bus is typically activated during conditions of low visibility such as fog, heavy rain, or snowstorms. It helps improve the visibility of the bus to other drivers on the road, alerting them to the presence of the school bus and encouraging them to exercise caution. It is important for drivers to follow local regulations and guidelines regarding the use of strobe lights on school buses.

What should you do if you get boxed in while driving on a one way street?

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If you get boxed in while driving on a one-way street, remain calm and try to find a way to safely exit the situation. Consider looking for alternative routes, communicating with other drivers if necessary, and using your turn signals to indicate your intent. If you're unable to find a safe way out, wait patiently until the situation clears.

Is it illegal to drive with a BCA of 06?

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In most countries, it is illegal to drive with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.06 or higher. It is considered a level above the legal limit for safe driving. It is important to always abide by local laws and regulations regarding alcohol consumption and driving.

How many feet wide is a driving lane on a us road?

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The standard width of a driving lane on a U.S. road is about 12 feet. However, lane widths can vary depending on the specific road design and location.