


Babies are almost always born without visible teeth. The teeth will eventually erupt through the gums, and cause the baby to want to chew. Sometimes, there are complications. The baby will become irritable and cranky. Their mouths might be sore, or they could have stomach problems.

451 Questions

How do you stop your puppy from teething?

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Asked by Catlady203

Teething is a natural process. You really shouldn't try to stop it. Furthermore, considering this is something the dog is compelled to do, negative reinforcement jsut won't work at all. Try rewarding the dog for teething on something you want him to use. I know this is a difficult solution, but hey -- what else can you do?

Sequence of teeth eruption?

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Asked by Wiki User

Primary (baby) teeth:

A. the 2 lower central incisors +4 upper incisors

B. upper and lower first molars (bicuspids)

C. upper and lower cuspids (canine)

D. upper and lower second molars

Secondary (adult) teeth:

A. upper and lower central incisors and first molars

B. upper and lower lateral incisors

C. upper and lower molars (bicuspids)

D. upper and lower second molars

E. upper and lower third molars (about 18 years old)


The theory is that the periodontal ligament provides the main way with the shrinking and cross-linking of collagen fibers.

Why have some baby teething toothpastes no fluoride when health visitors are recommending 1450 ppm of fluoride for baby toothpaste?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fluoride is extremely toxic. Babies will swallow the toothpaste, where adults spit it out and aren't poisoned. One tube of regular fluoride toothpaste can kill two small children. Do not purchase fluoride toothpaste for children ~ especially babies!


A tube of toothpaste will not kill two small children. It has never happened, and it never will. All research indicates that the amount of fluoride in toothpaste is known to reduce the incidence of tooth decay in children, that's all.

Like all household chemicals (soaps, detergents, furniture polish, etc.) use of toothpaste by small children should involve adult supervision. Read the label.

Is it normal for a 2 year old baby to still be teething?

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Asked by Wiki User

I believe so, they still are chewing on their toys more so than when they are older. Plus they are still pup like

Does vanilla essence help teething pain?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sorry, no.

What is the average age for a child to finish teething?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no real age for teething. Obviously when the child has their teeth, that's when they stop. Some kids are born with teeth, and some don't get teeth until there a year old. SO it really depends on your kid.

Is a one year old dogpuppy still teething or supposed to be finished cutting teeth?

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Asked by 905doglover

dogs should loose all their baby teeth by four months. that's how they often tell how old puppies are when they have no idea when they were born. sometimes not all their baby teeth do fall out. my dog had to have 3 pulled when they put him under to have him neutered and he was about eight months old then.

Is Hydrogen peroxide teething whitening?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hydrogen peroxide is a teeth whitener, google "hydrogen peroxide teeth."

How can I stop my cat from teething on my fingers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Toys that are soft and small enough to get his teeth around is a first easy step. Teething can be a frustrating and even painful time for some kittens, and constantly chewing will help ease the pressure in their gums.

When my cat was younger and teething, I found the best teething toys to be homemade - such as a scrunched up paper balls and cardboard. Leather is also a fantastic material to chew on as like paper and cardboard, it is soft enough for the kitten to really bite into!

If the teething is particularly bad, try winding up a dampened small towel or washcloth and putting it in the freezer overnight. Once frozen, it'll be nice and cold and will help ease any pain in the gums and generally be refreshing.

The last thing, is to try and refrain from playing with your kitten with your hands. Always use toys for him to chase and attack and bite. This is useful in later life as he will not be in a habit with playing with your hands (which does hurt once they are bigger). Teething generally stops when the kitten is six or seven months old.

Is a dogs mouth sore when teething?

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Asked by Amandatate

Puppies do teethe when they lose their baby teeth. If your dog is teething, he will likely also be chewing on everything he can get his mouth on. Try putting a peanut butter filled Kong (or similar toy) in the freezer and then give it to him frozen. It will help the pain of teething, while giving him something he is allowed to chew on.

How can you get a 2 month old Jack Russel to stop teething on you?

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Asked by Wiki User

punch him in the mouth and abussive start is the best! >:)

Can babies start teething at 6 weeks old?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes. Some babies are even born with teeth.

If a puppy is teething will it sleep a lot?

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Asked by Wiki User

More than likley yes because they are just like human beings so they will still sleep just not as much.

Does gum lancing relieve the pain of teething?

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Asked by Wiki User

You should consult your doctor or pharmacist for effective medicines to relieve swelling and pain.

What does matricaria have do to methadone users You tried to buy Ashton and Parsons teething powders for your godson but you were refused them because you are on methadone?

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Asked by Wiki User

Look at these two Google results:

Herbal medication -

by W Abebe - ‎2002 - ‎Cited by 333 - ‎Related articles

morphone, oxymorphone, methadone, fentanyl, ..... and the herb is available as tincture, extract and in ..... Interactions with chamomile (Matricaria recutita,.

Category list : Drug storage | Pharmaceutical Journal

Session 214 Presentation Slides - Nurse Practitioners of Oregon

Oct 2, 2014 - Liquid extract, or tincture, is a method of preserving ... tincture or liquid extract and often helpful when .... anti-inflammatory-matricaria, glycyrrhiza, .... indinavir, irinotecan, ivabradine, mephenytoin, methadone, midazolam,.

These are PDF files. When you open each, type Control+F to "Find" and copy in the word Matricaria in the small find box (right upper corner of the PDF).

You need to read up on herbal preparations. Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) has properties that act on the nervous system. The pharmacist likely thought you were a methodone user (and e.g. read that as the derogatory "drug abuser") who was seeking to potentate (make greater) the methadone effects to get an altered state of consciousness (e,g. "get high").

I do not know the dispensing laws pharmacists must uphold by law-- but it seems this was a bit of an over-reaction. The pharmacist should also be willing to explain why a product's ingredients could interfere with your other medications.

So, as far as your grandkids, play it safe and ask another relative to buy those products as long as you are on methadone treatment.

For yourself, talk to your methadone prescriber and ask them to give you a list of herbal preparations you should avoid while on methadone. That way, you won't face embarrassment when a well-intended pharmacist or pharmacy tech refuses to sell a product to you, brings up your methadone script in front of strangers in public, and then, not explain the reasons in clear language (not medical-ese). Also tell your prescriber about this incident and ask what other kinds of pharmacy products could raise eyebrows or get you in trouble if you tried to buy it-- because you certainly don't want trouble in your life. ALL physicians should be willing to educate methadone patients about herbal preparations, since herbs and even some foods DO interact with a variety of meds (for example: blood-thinners, like Coumadin).