


Babies are almost always born without visible teeth. The teeth will eventually erupt through the gums, and cause the baby to want to chew. Sometimes, there are complications. The baby will become irritable and cranky. Their mouths might be sore, or they could have stomach problems.

451 Questions

Can teething cause bleeding?

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At what age do hamsters go through teething?

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They have teeth when they are born.

Can your 3 month old be teething?

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There are molars in the primary set of teeth, and three year olds typically get them.

The permanent first molars appear in the mouth behind the primary molars, but that does not usually occur until years 5-7. It could happen at age 3, but it would be unusual. Have a dentist take a look to be sure.

There are molars in the primary teeth set, and the permanent teeth set as well. Primary molars can erupt as soon as 13 months old. Therefore a 3 year old child should have 8 primary molars in his mouth.

Like said above, permanent molars only erupt when the child is between 5 and 7 years old. Therefore it is highly unusual that a 3 year old would have permanent molars in his or her mouth.

What causes red hot cheeks on babies?

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this is usually caused by the baby teething, and may run a mild temperature.

Belladona found in baby teething medicine how could this be safe or legal?

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I am going to assume that you are referring to Teething Tablets which are a homeopathic remedy. There is 1 part Belladonna to many parts water. Maybe you should read up on homeopathy and how it works. A baby could literally ingest a whole bottle of the tablets with no adverse effects. Well, their teething symptoms may increase but not get sick or poisoned.

Does Baby Oragel harden the babys gums and make teething more painful and difficult please include a link from a doctor?

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The doctor sais, no it does not cause teething to be more difficult and it does not harden the gums, but if misused it can cause an allergy to bezacaine and other "caine" medications. And it can cause the baby to have a hard time breathing.

What can help with teething?

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Frozen Teething rings, soft toys... Pretty much anything as long as it isn't too small to swallow. I even know someone who used a dog toy for her baby. Just make sure it isn't too hard, it can cause damage and make the gums bleed.

What characteristics of 8month old baby?

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The characteristics of 8month old baby are quite varied. At this age most of them are quite curious and they try to move around. Some of them start teething at this age as well.

Is red and swollen cheeks a sign of teething babies?

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Yes bright rosy cheeks are a common indicator of future new teeth. You can also expect a sudden case of diarrhea, chapped mouth, chin and neck if excessive drooling is occurring. All will pass with the eruption of those first teeth. Just try and keep your baby comfortable while teething is occurring.

How is coffea cruda a remedy for teething babies?

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Homeopathic Coffea cruda can be used to help the achy feeling, however this ingredient is better known as a remedy to help one relax and sleep. A few common teething complaint remedies include: Calcarea carbonica, Chamomilla and Plantago major. There are a few popular homeopathic combination teething medicines that you can find at your local drugstore or natural pharmacy.

Why are you get the best teething necklaces?

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Asked by AlyssaMerrettgp9042

We have the most fashionable, newer design baltic amber products for babies, teens and adults such as necklaces, bracelets, rings, beads, pendants, etc. for every occasion.

Were Adam and Eve lucky enough to escape teething?

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The book of Genesis gave no information as the developmental stages through which Adam and Eve pass. But it seems that the couple was created in their adult forms. For example, Adam was mature enough to be able to care for the Garden of Eden. And Eve was mature enough to help. That sounds like way beyond the teething years for both of them.

Are drooling and fever side effects from teething?

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no that's a sign of Dave(from cov) grooming your kids

Why do babies dribble when they are teething?

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Quite simply, during the daytime, the baby is likely more engaged with and distracted by things going on around him or her. Even though the baby might still feel some of the discomfort or pain, there are enough other stimuli to shift the baby's focus. At night, those outside stimuli aren't present, and the baby has no distraction from the discomfort of teething. In addition, a baby who typically sleeps through the night but then wakes up from incoming teeth becomes frustrated over the inability to sleep and fall back asleep. This might make the pain more acute, the frustration may increase, and an unpleasent cycle of nighttime crying while teething might ensue.

Does a puppy drool when its teething?

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Some of the bigger breeds do, and some puppies do drool.

Is upset stomach or vomiting a side effect of a baby teething?

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No, that means your baby is sick. Babies cry and want to chew things when they are teething.

Can dog run fever while teething?

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It is possible that a puppy might have a temperature while teething due to the fact that it can be painful. The normal temperature of a dog is 37.5-39oC. If the temperature remains high for more than a day or 2 then take your puppy to the vets (in case an infection is the cause of the fever).

Why do chihuahuas ears alternate between floppy and erect while teething?

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When a chihuahua is young, the cartilage in its ears hasn't become strong yet. Depending on the day and the dogs behavior, the ears may or may not stand up. When the dog has reached a certain age (sometimes 6 months or more), its ears should permanentely stand up. Also if it has adopted a trait from one of its relatives, the ears might never stand up. So sometimes it's just genetics.

What can you do to help your pit bull puppy while she is teething?

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I bet you are hoping for a response with some great methods, but the best way to help is chew toys! They are going to teeth no matter what so providing a new supply is a great way to keep them occupied. Some dogs get bored with the same toys so adding some news ones actually helps. My Siberian Husky chews everything and to avoid the stuffing coming out and getting lodged in their throat, get some without!

My daughter's pitt bull pup enjoyed my good white dress sandals...just saying ...maybe an old shoe?