

The Kite Runner

A novel by Khaled Hosseini, “The Kite Runner” tells the story of a Pashtun boy from the time of the Soviet invasion until the rise of the Taliban. Published in 2003, it was made into a film in 2007.

500 Questions

Why is flying a kite near a pylon dangerous?

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Flying a kite near a pylon is dangerous because the kite string can conduct electricity from the power lines, leading to electric shock or injury. Additionally, the kite may get entangled in the power lines, causing damage to the lines and potential power outages. It's best to fly kites in open, clear areas away from any overhead power lines.

In Chapters 21-22 of the kite runner the cruelty of the Taliban is clearly in evidence. Give two or three examples?

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In these chapters of "The Kite Runner," the Taliban's cruelty is evident through its strict enforcement of oppressive laws, such as public executions and amputations for perceived crimes. Additionally, they impose restrictions on women's rights, such as forbidding them from working or going out in public without a male relative. Furthermore, the Taliban's reign of terror is marked by their destruction of cultural heritage sites and suppression of any form of dissent.

Which country does he feel more connected toAmerica or Afghanistan in the book kite runner?

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In the book "The Kite Runner," the main character Amir feels a strong connection to both America and Afghanistan. While he is a citizen of America and has built a life there, his deep roots and childhood memories in Afghanistan also hold a significant place in his heart. Ultimately, his journey of redemption and self-discovery leads him to reconcile his dual identities and find a sense of belonging in both countries.

Why would amir wish he had some kind of scar like hassan?

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Amir might wish he had a scar like Hassan because scars can be a symbol of bravery and resilience. Hassan's scar was a physical mark of the sacrifices he had made, and Amir may envy that visible reminder of his friend's strength and loyalty. Additionally, a scar could serve as a way for Amir to connect more deeply with Hassan and their shared past experiences.

What does assef threaten foreshadow in the kite runner?

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Assef's threat to Hassan foreshadows a future confrontation between him and Amir, where Assef's violent and cruel nature will come to the forefront. It also highlights the deep-seated racism and aggression in Assef, which sets the stage for further conflict in the novel.

What page is the quote There is only one sin. And that is theft... when you tell a lie you steal someones right to the truth in the kite runner?

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The quote "There is only one sin. And that is theft... when you tell a lie you steal someone's right to the truth" can be found in Chapter 10 of "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini, on page 226 of the paperback edition.

How many years have passed between chapter 9 and 10 in the kite runner?

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In "The Kite Runner," approximately two years have passed between chapters 9 and 10. Chapter 9 is set in the winter of 1975, while Chapter 10 takes place in the summer of 1977.

Why did Amir and Soraya forget Shirini khori?

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Amir and Soraya forgot about Shirini khori due to the excitement and rush of their wedding day. The event was not a significant part of their cultural tradition, so it slipped their minds amidst the festivities.

What is the only sin according to Amir's father Baba?

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According to Amir's father Baba in the novel "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini, the only sin is theft. Baba considered theft to be the ultimate betrayal of trust and integrity.

Where does it say baba sold his car in the Kite Runner?

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Baba sold his car to pay for Hassan's lip surgery in "The Kite Runner."

What are some of the features of a stair carpet runner?

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A stair carpet runner is a long and narrow carpet that runs along the length of a staircase. It typically has a non-slip backing to prevent slipping and tripping. It can add both style and protection to a staircase by reducing wear and tear on the stairs themselves.

What is the purpose of the flashback in the beginning of the Kite Runner?

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The purpose of the flashback in the beginning of "The Kite Runner" is to provide background information about the protagonist, Amir, and his complex relationship with his childhood friend Hassan. It sets the stage for the themes of redemption, betrayal, and guilt that will unfold throughout the rest of the novel.

Why do you think amir recalls this memory when he witnesses hassan tragedy in the alleyway?

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Amir recalls the memory of participating in a kite-fighting tournament with Hassan because it symbolizes the betrayal that took place between them, as well as the guilt and shame that Amir feels for not intervening when he witnesses Hassan's assault in the alleyway. The memory serves as a poignant reminder of the friendship they once shared and the choices that ultimately drove them apart. It highlights the complex emotions and internal conflict Amir experiences when confronted with Hassan's tragedy.

What happened after Amir won the kite fight against the blue kite?

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After Amir won the kite fight against the blue kite, Hassan ran to retrieve the losing kite for Amir. As he was running, he encountered Assef and his friends who brutally attacked and assaulted him. This event marked a turning point in the lives of both Amir and Hassan, fundamentally changing their relationship.

What are the clues in chapter 17 Kite Runner?

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In chapter 17 of "The Kite Runner," key clues include Amir's emotional turmoil and guilt over betraying his friend Hassan, his strained relationship with his father, Baba, and the revelation of new information about Hassan's true parentage. These clues foreshadow the impending resolution of the characters' conflicts and the unfolding of long-held secrets.

What did Baba and Amir do to supplement their income?

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Baba and Amir ran a flea market stand selling used merchandise to supplement their income. Baba also fixed appliances and did gardening work for others. Amir worked odd jobs, tutoring students and editing manuscripts.

Who rules the country in chapter 2 in The Kite Runner?

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In chapter 2 of The Kite Runner, the country is ruled by the monarchy of King Zahir Shah. He was the last King of Afghanistan before the monarchy was overthrown in a coup in 1973.

What is making baba ill in Kite Runner?

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Baba is ill due to lung cancer, likely caused by his history of smoking. His illness is a catalyst for the dynamics in his relationship with Amir, as it prompts both men to reflect on their past and strive for reconciliation before Baba's death.

How are Amir and his father Baba different?

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Amir is sensitive, artistic, and struggles with feelings of guilt, while Baba is strong, proud, and values honor and masculinity. Baba is traditional and prioritizes reputation, while Amir longs for his father's approval and seeks redemption for past mistakes.

What are amir and baba doing in san Jose on the weekends in The Kite Runner?

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In "The Kite Runner," Amir and Baba spend their weekends in San Jose playing cards and smoking with other Afghan expatriates. They socialize with their community and maintain their cultural connections despite being far away from home.

How would you market The Kite Runner?

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I would market "The Kite Runner" by emphasizing its powerful and emotional storytelling, focusing on themes of friendship, redemption, and the human experience. I would target readers interested in literary fiction, diverse cultures, and impactful narratives through book clubs, social media, and partnering with bookstores for group discussions and promotions. Highlighting critical acclaim and awards would also help attract readers looking for a profound and engaging read.

How the end oF chapter nine a turning point in the novel?

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The end of chapter nine is a turning point in the novel because it reveals a critical plot twist or development that significantly impacts the direction of the story or the fate of the characters. It often marks a moment of heightened tension or conflict that propels the narrative forward in a new direction. This turning point typically sets the stage for subsequent events and leads to a shift in the story's momentum.

What is the mustang significance in The Kite Runner?

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The mustang in "The Kite Runner" represents the freedom and independence that Amir and his father, Baba, seek throughout the novel. It symbolizes their desire for a life that is unconstrained by societal expectations and personal guilt. Ultimately, the mustang serves as a metaphor for Amir's journey towards redemption and self-discovery.

Why does Amir get so angry when his father refers to Assef as Assef Jan?

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Amir gets angry when his father refers to Assef as "Assef Jan" because "Jan" is a term of endearment in Farsi. By using this term with Assef, Baba is showing a level of respect and admiration for Assef that angers Amir, as Assef is actually a bully and a source of trauma for him. This highlights the disconnect between how Baba sees Assef and the reality of who Assef really is to Amir.

Is Khaled Hosseini dead?

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No, Khaled Hosseini is alive. He is a renowned author known for his books such as "The Kite Runner" and "A Thousand Splendid Suns".