

The Scarlet Ibis

"The Scarlet Ibis" was published in 1960, and written by James Hurst. The short story is about a selfish boy, who is always pushing his sick brother, Doodle, past his boundary points.

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Who are the minor characters in Chasing Vermeer?

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Some minor characters in "Chasing Vermeer" include Petra's classmates Calder and Tommy, their teacher Ms. Hussey, and professor Greengrove. Each of these characters plays a role in helping solve the mystery of the stolen Vermeer painting.

Who is the Main characters in Daddy says?

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"Daddy Says" is an experimental novel by Zohar Atkins that centers around the concept of God and religion, rather than having a traditional main character. The narrative explores different perspectives and voices on faith and spirituality.

Who is the antagonist in 'The Scarlet Ibis'?

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The antagonist in "The Scarlet Ibis" is indirectly portrayed as the harsh realities of nature and the environment rather than a specific character. It is the struggle against these forces that ultimately leads to the tragic outcome of the story.

Who is narrating the story The Scarlet Ibis?

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Doodle is the most dynamic character in the story, since he provides most of the plotline. The narrator (brother) would probably not be considered the dynamic character, although he has an important role.

What did doodle do when his two brothers raced home to beat the STORM?

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Doodle tried to keep up with his brothers as they raced home, but he couldn't match their pace. Despite his efforts, he fell behind and struggled to keep up due to his physical limitations.

Does doodle and or his brother remind you of anyone real or in other stories you have read or films you might have seem?

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Doodle and his brother from "The Scarlet Ibis" can be compared to characters from other stories who show loyalty, sacrifice, and love between siblings, such as Huck and Tom from "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" or Fred and George Weasley from the "Harry Potter" series. Their relationship highlights themes of protection, responsibility, and the complexities of brotherly bonds.

Why does the narrator pull Doodle in a cart?

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The narrator pulls Doodle in a cart so that they can spend time together and bond since Doodle has physical limitations that make walking long distances difficult for him. It also allows them to explore the world around them at a slower pace and allows Doodle to feel included in outdoor activities.

What truth does the story reveal about choices that people make in the scarlet ibis?

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The story "The Scarlet Ibis" illustrates the consequences of pride and a lack of acceptance for others' differences in the choices people make. It shows how the protagonist's desire for a "normal" brother leads to regret and tragedy when he pushes his sibling beyond his limits. Ultimately, the story highlights the importance of accepting and loving people for who they are rather than trying to change them.

Are the themes in The Scarlet Ibis implied or stated?

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The themes in "The Scarlet Ibis" are primarily implied through the characters, events, and symbolism in the story. The author uses these literary devices to convey messages about pride, acceptance, and the complexities of sibling relationships without explicitly stating them.

What are some allusions in 'The Scarlet Ibis'?

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"It was too late, for we had both wandered too far into a net of expectations and HAD LEFT NO CRUMBS BEHIND." The allusion was "Had left no crumbs behind" It's like Hansel and Gretel how they left crumbs behind to mark the way. Hope this helps :).

How is doodle a round character in 'The Scarlet Ibis'?

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In the short story "The Scarlet Ibis" by James Hurst, Doodle is considered a round character because he is fully developed and exhibits a range of emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Throughout the story, we see Doodle's vulnerabilities, dreams, fears, and growth, making him a complex and multidimensional character.

How old was the narrator when Doodle was born in 'The Scarlet Ibis'?

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The narrator was six years old when Doodle was born in 'The Scarlet Ibis'.

How does doodles reaction to the dead bird compare to those of his family members in the scarlet ibis?

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Doodle is compassionate and upset by the dead bird, while his family members are mostly indifferent or annoyed by it. This contrast emphasizes Doodle's sensitivity and empathy, showing that he is more in tune with nature and the world around him than his family members.

The Scarlet Ibis indirect and direct characterization?

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"The Scarlet Ibis," written by James Hurst, is a story told through the narrator's perspective, focusing on the relationship between the narrator and his younger brother, Doodle. Indirect characterization is evident in the narrator's actions, such as pushing Doodle beyond his physical limits, while direct characterization is seen through the narrator's feelings and thoughts towards his brother's disabilities. The complex dynamics between the brothers are revealed through both direct and indirect characterization, shaping the emotional depth of the narrative.

Who is the flat character in 'The Scarlet Ibis'?

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Doodle is the flat character because he remains essentially the same person he started out as in the story. His character never develops beyond being dependent upon his older brother. In contrast, Brother goes from proud and selfish to loving and protective.

What is the motif in the short story 'The Scarlet Ibis'?

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The motif in the short story "The Scarlet Ibis" is the idea of pride. The protagonist's pride leads to tragic consequences for his brother, who is unable to live up to his expectations. The motif highlights the destructive nature of pride and its impact on relationships.

What disability did doodle have in The Scarlet Ibis?

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In the short story "The Scarlet Ibis," Doodle is the younger brother of the narrator. He has an unnamed heart condition that leads doctors to think he will die in infancy. As it is, he is never able to function like a normal child, having major issues with walking and many other health problems.

What might the coffin scene foreshadow scarlet ibis?

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The coffin scene in "The Scarlet Ibis" foreshadows the death of Doodle, the younger brother. It symbolizes the fragility and vulnerability of Doodle due to his disabilities, hinting at his tragic fate. The image of the coffin also serves as a reminder of the family's fear that Doodle might not survive for long.

Can someone write a eulogy for Doodle in The Scarlet Ibis?

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Certainly! A eulogy for Doodle in "The Scarlet Ibis" can focus on his resilience, his ability to find joy in life despite his challenges, and the impact he had on his brother's life. It could touch on how he taught his brother the power of love and acceptance, and how his spirit will live on in the memories of those who knew him.

What is the book that you read in high school about a scarlet bird and two brothers?

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The book you might be referring to is "The Scarlet Ibis" by James Hurst. It tells the story of two brothers, one of whom is born with physical disabilities, and explores themes of love, pride, and the complexities of sibling relationships. The significance of the scarlet ibis in the story symbolizes the fragile beauty and tragic fate of the disabled brother.

What are some plants mentioned in 'The Scarlet Ibis'?

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In "The Scarlet Ibis," some plants mentioned include the bleeding tree, or the flame tree, which is described as looking like it's on fire, and the storm approaching causes the leaves to move and appear scared. The vines, like the wild grapevines that grow in the surroundings, are also featured in the story as a symbol of resilience and adaptability.

What do you think modivates doodle to treat the ibis as he does?

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Doodle's motivation to care for the ibis despite its fragile state may stem from his empathy and desire to nurture a helpless creature. Doodle's own experiences as a vulnerable individual who is dependent on others for support could influence his compassionate actions towards the ibis. Additionally, Doodle's longing for companionship and connection could drive him to form a bond with the bird.

Why does the narrator of The Scarlet Ibis teach doodle how to walk why does he cry when his family congratulate him for his effort?

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The narrator teaches Doodle to walk because he is motivated by his own pride and desire to have a "normal" brother. He cries when his family congratulates him because he realizes that his intentions were selfish and driven by his own vanity rather than a genuine desire to help Doodle. His tears represent his guilt for pushing Doodle beyond his limits and not appreciating his brother for who he is.

What horror does the narrator witness on the regular walk to his brother house?

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The narrator witnesses a ghostly figure of a Beryl every night during his walk to his brother's house. The figure seems to be following him and causes him great distress and fear.

Which story is Doodle in?

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Doodle is a character in the short story "The Scarlet Ibis" by James Hurst. The story follows the relationship between two brothers, with Doodle being the younger one who faces physical limitations.