


Thunderstorms and Lightning

Also referred to as a lightning storm, a thunderstorm is a weather form wherein thunder and lightning are present. Thunderstorms, most especially if accompanied by heavy rains and downburst winds, pose hazards to people and the environment.

500 Questions

How small was the smallest hailstone?

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The smallest hailstone on record was about the size of a pea, approximately 0.2 inches (5 mm) in diameter.

Should you get off the toilet in a lightning storm?

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Yes, it is recommended to get off the toilet during a lightning storm as there is a risk of getting an electric shock due to the metal plumbing or water conducting electricity. It is safer to avoid contact with plumbing fixtures or appliances connected to plumbing during a storm.

Can you stop an electric storm?

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No, it is not possible to stop an electric storm. Electric storms are natural phenomena that are a result of the atmosphere's electrical discharge, usually in the form of lightning. One can take precautions to stay safe during a storm by seeking shelter indoors.

How is stationary Front form?

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A area between a warm and cold fronts that remains not replaceable is called a stationary front

What is it called when you are scared of storms?

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The fear of storms is known as astraphobia. It is a common anxiety disorder characterized by a persistent and irrational fear of thunderstorms. Treatment may involve therapy and medication to help manage symptoms.

Does thunder and lightning cause worms from coming up from the dirt?

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No, thunder and lightning do not cause worms to come up from the dirt. Worms surface during rain showers because they can drown in waterlogged soil. The vibrations from thunder may startle them, but it's the wet conditions that drive them to the surface.

Is it dangerous to be on the ocean in a lightning storm?

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Yes, it is dangerous to be on the ocean during a lightning storm. Lightning can strike the water's surface and travel through the water, potentially harming anyone in the vicinity. It's best to seek safe shelter during a storm.

How much faster does sound travell underwater?

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Sound travels faster in water than in air, with a speed of approximately 1,500 meters per second as opposed to about 340 meters per second in air. This is due to the fact that water is denser and provides a more efficient medium for sound waves to travel through.

What was your favorite part of The Lightning Thief?

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My favorite part of The Lightning Thief was when Percy and his friends went on their quest to find the lightning bolt. I enjoyed the action-packed adventures, humorous moments, and the strong bond that developed among the characters during their journey.

Is thunder the sound lightning bolts make i really need help?

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Yes, thunder is the sound produced by lightning. When lightning strikes, it heats up the air around it, causing it to expand rapidly and create a shock wave that we hear as thunder.

Is thunder the sound lightning bolts make?

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No, lightning and thunder are related but at not the same thing. Lightning is the very large spark that jumps from cloud to cloud or from ground to cloud when a static charge builds up.

When that spark jumps, it heats the air through which it moves. Thunder is the sound that results from that heating.
No, lightning is a large electrical discharge produced by a thunderstorm. Lightning is usually visible as a flash of light from within the clouds or a jagged, often branching line of flashing line of light.

Thunder is the loud rumbling, booming, or crashing sound made by lightning.

What colour was gabe's camaro in The Lightning Thief?

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In "The Lightning Thief," Gabe's Camaro is described as being sea green.

Our spring storms are usually bad but this is the earliest and fiercest storm we've had all year?

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It's possible that changing weather patterns contributed to the early and intense spring storm. Climate change can lead to more unpredictable and severe weather events, including earlier and stronger storms. It's important to stay informed and prepared for such extreme weather conditions.

In 6 seconds a light flashes once In one hour how many times it will flash?

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There are 3600 seconds in an hour, so in 1 hour the light will flash 600 times.

Why does Percy keep asking questions and thinking about the underworld?

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Because he wants to save his Mom from the underworld, and that haunts his mind, and plus, he thinks that Hades stole the master lightning bolt.

How does a thunderstorm turn into a tornado?

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A tornado can form within a thunderstorm when certain conditions are met, such as the presence of wind shear and instability in the atmosphere. The interaction of warm, moist air rising rapidly and cold, dry air descending creates a rotating updraft called a mesocyclone. If this rotation intensifies and tightens, a tornado may form.

How do storm cells form?

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Storm cells typically form when warm, moist air at the surface rises into the atmosphere, cools, and condenses to form clouds. This process can lead to the development of thunderstorms and potentially more severe weather events like tornadoes or hailstorms. The interaction of unstable atmospheric conditions, moisture, and lifting mechanisms like cold fronts or mountains can enhance the formation of storm cells.

Why is lightning a form of electricity?

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Some teachers will say that electricity is kinetic energy because it involves moving electrons. The problem with this is that the electrons' kinetic energy is not what provides energy to the light bulb or device. This is apparent when you consider that the electric current going into, say, the light bulb filament, is the same as the current going out of it. So that's not what's supplying the energy. The energy actually gets transferred by the electromagnetic field SURROUNDING the wires, not by the electrons IN the wires. So it's really misleading to say that electricity is a form of kinetic energy.

What is the difference between lightning and the electricity that you use at home?

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Lightning is a natural discharge of electricity that occurs during a thunderstorm, while the electricity used at home is typically generated by power plants and delivered through power lines. Lightning is much more powerful and occurs sporadically, while home electricity is a controlled and consistent source of power for our daily needs.

How does the weather lightning and thunder make a sound?

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Lightning produces a rapid expansion of air, creating a shock wave that we hear as thunder. The intense heat from the lightning bolt causes the surrounding air to expand rapidly and then contract, creating a sonic boom effect. The sound of thunder is the result of this rapid expansion and contraction of air molecules.

What is the upper height range for low clouds?

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Low clouds typically form at altitudes below 6,500 feet (2,000 meters) above ground level. The upper height range for low clouds is typically around 6,500 to 20,000 feet (2,000 to 6,000 meters) above ground level.

If a severe thunderstorm does not produce hail will it produce a tornado?

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Not all severe thunderstorms produce tornadoes. While hail can be a supportive factor in tornado formation, other conditions such as wind shear and atmospheric instability are also necessary. So, a severe thunderstorm without hail could still potentially produce a tornado if other conditions are met.

What are thunderstorms and what conditions are needed for one to form?

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Asked by Lildeja1998

Thunderstorms are severe weather events characterized by heavy rain, thunder, lightning, and strong winds. They form when warm, moist air rises rapidly in an unstable atmosphere, creating updrafts and cumulonimbus clouds. Additional factors like atmospheric instability, moisture, and a trigger (such as a front or a disturbance) are needed for thunderstorms to develop.

Does posiedon and Zeus go to war in The Lightning Thief?

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In "The Lightning Thief" by Rick Riordan, Poseidon and Zeus do not go to war directly with each other. They have disagreements and conflicts between them, especially regarding the protagonist Percy Jackson who is a son of Poseidon, but these disagreements do not escalate into a full-scale war between the two gods.