

Tokio Hotel

Tokio Hotel is a German pop rock band formed in 2001. Its members are the identical twins Bill and Tom Kaulitz, Georg Listing, and Gustav Schafer. “Scream” and “Rescue Me” are some of their most popular songs.

500 Questions

Does tom or bill kaulitz like cats?

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Yes.He owns a cat called Kasimir and a dog called Scotty and a little Dachshund I don't know the name of.

Does Tom Kaulitz has AIDs?

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Everybody gets sick once in a while, weither they have the flu, or a cold or something like that.

How many different languages can Tom Kaulitz speak?

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German and English. He might know a few words and phrases in other languages but that is not knowing a language. Same with Bill.

What is tokio hotel doing now?

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tokio hotel -- current status -- walking around your house going up to your door knocking to the scream album beat listening to death metal screamo music with Andrew Dennis biersack <3 :)

What does Bill Kaulitz's tattoo on his left arm say?

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One of them says "freiheit 89" which is German and it means "freedom 89" This means that when bill turns 18 he will be free cause in Germany when you're 18 you're finally an adult and you can drink and drive and do whatever you want and he was always looking forward to his 18th birthday. Another is the star on his hip and that is for the "star-life" and the other one that he has is on the back of his neck and it's the tokio hotel symbol.

the new one running down his rib cage says (vertically down) "wir hören nie auf zu schreien" - which translated mean "we'll never stop screaming" and the other one (winding down) - "Wir kehren zum ursprung zurück" - "we're going back to the origin"

Bill Kaulitz has got two tattoos that says something. The one he first got says: Freiheit -89" that means: Freedom -89. The other one he has that's with letters says: Wir hören nie auf zu schreien. Wir kehren zum Uhrprung zurück. That ones means: We never stop screaming. We return to the origin.

What is Bill Kaulitz and Tom Kaulitz's religion?

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He believes in spirits that life doesn't end after death but he doesn't believe in God.

As I know, he isn't. He doesn't believe in god.
Only Gustav is religious as in going to church on Christmas and says he believes in God. Bill and the others don't belong to any religion.

Is tom kaulitz dating ria sommerfeld?

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Tom never answered that question and no one has asked him to his face. The record company has not answered either. We have them holding hands in a pic but that's it. now they are broken up though.

What is bill kaulitz IQ?

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we can't know it, a QI test is private and confidential

Why did tom kaulitz get his lip pierced?

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Tom Kaulitz got his lip piercing at age 13. As you might have heard, he is quite the womanizer and he got the lip piercing to "attract women". But punk is also the band Tokio Hotel's image and it fits.

yea i know all about tom kaulitz haha but i just didn't know why he got his lip pierced. see i want to get my lip pierced but my mom won't me get it unless i give her a valid reason to.

What are facts about Bill Kaulitz's childhood?

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he was twelve when he got his eyebrow piercing and thirteen when he got the tongue peircing

Tom and Bill both got their first kiss from the same girl when they were ten but Bill got his a day later

bill and tom had shirts with their names on them in kindergaten so that people could tell them apart

at one point in school bill and tom got separated into different classes for pulling to many jokes and gags on teachers

What are tom Kaulitz's dogs' names?

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The Twins have a black Labrador/Dobermann mixed dog named Scotty

and I believe they have another dog that may or may not be a German Short-haired Pointer. (IF YOU LOOK UP GERMAN SHORT HAIRED POINTER, ONE OF THE DOGS LOOK QUIET SIMILAR AND POP UP AS A RESULT.)

Is Natalie Franz Bill Kaulitz's girlfriend?

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. This has been a rumor for years but she is not. They are good friends though since she have known him and others since he was 15yo. They share the interest of fashion and makeup.

Are Bill and Tom Kaulitz vegetarians?

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Yes he does. He likes to eat at McDonald's and order the Big Mac.

What would bill kaulitz dream girl look like?

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He always says age doesn't matter but he's said that for years now and at this age, 19, I don't think he would go for someone under 16.

I think the less 13 years old

he always says IT DOESN'T MATTER THE AGE!!

He'd probably date someone 14 and up but he won't sleep with them.He also said age doesn't matter

Did Tom Kaulitz ever have a girlfriend?

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Tom has no official girlfriend. He prefers to play them rather than commit. If I remember correctly, he once said in an interview on German TV that he prefers one night stands. But then again, my German isn't that sharp. Therefore, he's seen with quite a few girls but he doesn't hang on to them. Bill on the other hand would like to have a girlfriend. He doesn't do one night stands like Tom, he prefers actual relationships. So no, Tom Kaulitz does not have a girlfriend. All the members of Tokio Hotel are, at the current time, single. But to argue this point, they are all probably told to at least appear single. ;) === === No he does not have a girlfriend at the moment.

What cologne perfume does tom kaulitz wear?

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tom doesn't wear cologne perfume but he uses axe deodorant

Do tokio hotel write their own songs?

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yes you can tell it's bill's voice if you listen

bill is the main voice for tokio hotel but also in some songs tom will join in on the chorus and even on occasion, georg and Gustav will even sing along. but there are only a handful of songs they will sing with.

How does Bill Kaulitz pronounce his last name?

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it's pronounced cow-litz, like a cow b/c it's german.

Do the members of Tokio Hotel speak polish?

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They are German so they speak German to each other.

What brand of eyeliner does bill kaulitz use?

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Asked by Alilli101

he doesnt wear cologne but he wears axe deoderant. im not exactly sure what kind but i have a pretty good idea of which one. --- ive stayed in the same hotel as tokio hotel and they stink up the whole hallway with axe white deodorant and shower gel. but it smells good
First, i believe when you're referring to a man, it's "cologne," and second, in an interview Bill said he changes it all the time, but never specified any that he's worn.

Did Bill Kaulitz kiss a girl?

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Bill Kaulitz, Tom's brother, are the core of Tokio Hotel. They may date fans, but they probably have to keep their distance from them. They get mobbed frequently by their fans, and their "people" work hard to keep the crowds at bay. It may be possible to meet one of them in a situation where they can chat informally, but it isn't going to happen a concert or fan event. There are a number of young ladies that want to get with them, and they all will make sure that no one of their number is allowed to get too close to the pair (or either one) - and that's if the security folks are all asleep on the job. (And they don't.) Will Bill or Tom date a fan? Doubtful. They may, but it would only happen if they happened to run into someone in a place "away" for the pressure of the media events that always accompany their shows and other appearances. And that would be a fluke. Something against which the odds are very, very long. It may be a bummer to have to accept this, but it is the reality. Bill says he wants to date someone who has no idea who he is. So if your a fan you might want to pretend to have no idea about him. So say you see him in sunglasses and his hair down in ummmmmmmm a bank in the summer. Stand in line like behind him and say like hi and he'll probably start talking. He'll say like "oh im in a band". You say "oh really i never knew that. So are you famous?" He'll be like "hell yeah im bill kaulitz from tokio hotel." And it'll go down hill from there!

Does Tom Kaulitz sing backup in Pain of Love?

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I heard that Tom does not sing at all on the Humanoid album, he only sometimes sings backup in live performances. Pain of Love is all Bill(they lowered his voice to do the low part).

Tom sings part of pain of love. Just look it up on google

Really?! I watched Pain of Love live on youtube and Tom wasn't singing at all..Or not that I saw anyway..
No he is not.

How many albums have tokio hotel sold?

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No one knows or will ever know. They have people become their fans every day!!! But i guess the real way to find out how many fans they have was to see how many people join their website, But they are a nationwide band and also have their website in English and German. I honestly don't know. I speak English, so i know they have an English one. But they are from Germany so of corse they have a German one. But they have a lot more to. The English site is And if you don't speak English or German, go to the German website and down at the bottom of the page they will have a globe and flags. Click on your flag and it'll take you to their website in your language. They are an awesome band and i think they have millions and billions of fans. It was said on their English website that they are one of they best bands that have been formed in the past 20 years in Germany. I know they are really big over in Europe, and their fame is rising rapidly in the U.S.

Has Bill Kaulitz had plastic surgery?

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no he does not, although he had to have a cyst removed on his vocal chords, he does not have cancer.

Many singers develop cysts on thir vocal chords, it is not unusual or cancer. Do not be alarmed. Thank you!!!!!

When was tokio hotel formed?

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2001 but the band was under the name "Devilish"(cuz they are devilish-ly cute! just kidding, well they are...) until they changed it to "Tokio Hotel" when they signed with Universal.BTW I looooooove Tokio Hotel!