

Tylenol with Codeine

Tylenol 1, 2, 3, 4 are a drugs whose ingredients are acetaminophen (paracetamol) and codeine phosphate. This drug is used to relieve mild to severe pain. Some of the known side effects of Tylenol 3 are skin rashes, constipation, fainting, dry mouth and addiction.

500 Questions

How long does Tylenol 4 Codeine stay in your system?

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about 48 hours, although you should wait about a week before doing it again to keep your tolerance low so that you can still have the full effect, and you wouldn't want to get addicted to it like lil wayne....

Can you take Tylenol 3 and flexeril together?

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yes. Flexeril is a muscle relaxer used for spasms and may have some pain relief if the pain is coming from spasms. Advil is for pain and inflammation and can be taken safely together as long as there are no allergies to the medications. Flexeril causes quite a bit of drowsiness.

Does tylenol 3 and norco 10 325 show the same in a urine test?

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No, Tlenol 3 contains codeine, and Norco contains hydroconone, they are different types of opiods

What is the recommended dosage of butcher's broom?

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Available commercially as capsules, tablets, and tinctures for internal use and in ointments and suppositories for external use. Follow package directions or instructions from a medical practitioner.

What are a list of schedule 3 narcotics that can be call into the pharmacy?

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Schedule IV controlled substances are legally described, according to The United States Controlled Substance Act as the following:

(4) Schedule IV. -

(A) The drug or other substance has a low potential for abuse

relative to the drugs or other substances in schedule III.

(B) The drug or other substance has a currently accepted

medical use in treatment in the United States.

(C) Abuse of the drug or other substance may lead to limited

physical dependence or psychological dependence relative to the

drugs or other substances in schedule III.

Examples of schedule IV (CIV) drugs include both narcotic and non-narcotic drugs examples include the non-narcotic drugs: phenobarbital (Luminal), methohexital (Brevital), chloral hydrate (Somnote), meprobamate (Miltown), diethylproprion (Tenuate), phentermine (Adipex-P), modafinil (Provigil), chlordiazepoxide (Librium), diazepam (Valium), oxazepam (Serax), clorazepate (Tranxene), flurazepam (Dalmane), lorazepam (Ativan), alprazolam (Xanax), temazepam (Restoril), triazolam (Halcion), and include narcotics detropropoxyphene (Darvon), and atropine/difenoxin (Motofen).

Can you get a positive urine test for opiates from taking Tylenol 3?

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Tylenol 3 (codiene) will test positive for opiates on a quick panel urine test. But, on the detailed GC/MS test done in a lab, Tylenol 3 will show up as codiene. In otherwords, opiates show up as positive on the quick test. And, when sent to be tested in the lab, they show up detailed to exactly what medication caused the opiate positive.

How many Tylenol 3 equals 20 mg of hydrocodone?

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It just depends on how what dosage you are prescribed. If it is hydrocodone 5/325 then there is 325 mg of acetaminophen (Tylenol). If it is hydrocodone 5/500 then there is 500 mg of acetaminophen (Tylenol). The 5 is the milligrams of hydrocodone in the pill and the 10 is the milligram of the hydrocodone

Can you take Tylenol 3 and promethazine?

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you can, its not dangerous, it jus make the codiene less effective although its not recommended #asked my dr the same question

In what state is Tylenol with Codeine legal?

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In certain countries, such as Canada, you can purchase Tylenol 1 (with 8 mg codeine) over the counter. However, codeine is not allowed in the United States without a prescription. To purchase, own, or take codeine products that were not prescribed to you by a doctor would be illegal in the United States, even if purchased elsewhere. However, if they were purchased with a proper prescription and taken as indicated, they are legal anywhere in the US, as long as they are only being taken by the person they were prescribed to.

Will you fail a drug test if you take Tylenol 3?

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Yes. You will show positive for opioids if you are taking Tylenol 3.

Is Tylenol 3 addictive?

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No Tylenol PM is not addictive. I assume you are taking it to help you sleep instead of for pain? If so, consider just taking an over the counter sleep aid instead. Diphenhydramine is the sleep ingredient in Tylenol PM, so if Tylenol PM works well for you, look for a sleep aid with the same ingredient (Nytol, etc)

Can Tylenol 3 affect the liver and kidney?

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advil is only bad for the liver if you consume too much, taking it occasionally is ok, but as with any medicine it can destroy the liver over a period of time

Ibuprofen, under all its titles, is hard on the kidneys. It is also hard on the stomach, and you can develop ulcers from overuse. It's acetaminophen that's hard on the liver.

Where can you buy Tylenol 3?

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You can not buy Tylenol 3 it needs to be prescribed by your physician, you can however buy Tylenol #1 at the pharmacy (just ask the pharmacist), 1 Tylenol 3 has 30 mg of codeine in it as Tylenol #1 only has 8mg of codeine in it so basically taking 4 Tylenol #1 would equal 1 Tylenol #3 (however you would not want to take 8 #1s to equal 2 #3's.

What is Tylenol 3 shelf life?

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Tylenol with codeine is a form of medication that is used for pain relief and to reduce fever. The shelf life of Tylenol with codeine will depend upon the conditions in which it was stored and the printed expiration date on the outside packaging.

What is the chemical name for Tylenol 3?

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Depending on which kind of Tylenol it's either Paracetamol or Acetaminophen

Well... Tylenol 3is a compound medication that consists of 30mg of codeine and 300mg of acetaminophen (paracetamol). The active substance of Tylenol is N-acetyl-para-aminophenol, APAP. In the US it is generally known as Acetaminophen. In Europe the medication is mainly known as Paracetamol.

Is Tylenol with Codeine legal in Mexico?

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If it has been prescribed to you and you really do need it. Also, don't take more than what is necessary.

Can you take Tylenol 3 with an NSAID?

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No it is not. Tylenol is an analgesic or antipyretic and the codeine present in it is considered an opiate.

How does Tylenol 3 get you high?

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No. It can kill you, though. When you take a high dosage of Tylenol, your liver cannot process it, and therefore shuts down. The antidote is called Mucamyst, and the taste is extremely unpleasant. If you don't take it within somewhere around 24 hours, during which time if you try to eat you will vomit and feel pretty much dead anyway, your body will slowly kill itself over the course of two weeks. Seriously, don't even think about trying this. If you're going to drink cough syrup, think about how desperate that is, but if you're going to do it anyway, read the ingredients. If "acetaminophen" is one of the ingredients, do not take it. Acetaminophen is the generic for Tylenol, and if you take the required dose to get high off cough syrup, you'll also take enough Tylenol to either kill yourself or cause severe liver damage.

Can you take meloxicam at night and Tylenol 3 in the day?

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I take mobic (meloxcam) with Benedryl and Tylenol. The Benedryl (to help control my allergies) I take 2 capsules x 3 a day and the Tylenol for the headache (regular dosage of 2 tablets). My doctor said no problem when he issued the mobic. Hope this helps.

Can Tylenol with codeine 3 and ibuprofen be taken together?

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Yes, but do not take them in excess. If you have cirrhosis or liver problems, simply take the Tylenol with Codeine 3. Tylenol and Ibuprofen have the same effects and mechanisms of action, so there is no reason, unless explicitly instructed by your physician, to take them both together.

DON'T DO IT. Use of Tylenol with other pain relievers (such as aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen sodium, ketoprofen or prescription pain relievers) is not recommended, unless directed by your doctor. Don't take Tylenol(acetaminophen) with other acetaminophen products. You can exceed the daily recommended limits and cause liver damage. Dosage is different for kids and adults. A five year old took four Tylenol and had irreparable liver damage.

research it at Don't listen to message boards. Talk to your doctor.

Can you take Tylenol PM with Tylenol 3?

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No, this would exceed the recommended dose of acetaminophen. However, you could take just a Benadryl (diphenhydramine) with the Tylenol 3. It is the ingredient in Tylenol PM that makes you sleepy, without the extra acetaminophen.

Tylenol PM contains 500 mg of acetaminophen and 25 mg of diphenhydramine.

Tylenol 3 contains 300mg of acetaminophen and 30mg of codeine.

Recommended doses for adults are:

  • 300-500 mg of acetaminophen every 4-6 hours, or up to 1000 mg every 6 hours; not to exceed 4000 mg of acetaminophen during a day
  • 25-50 mg diphenhydramine every 4-6 hours, not to exceed 50-100 mg every 4-6 hours