



In the Family Vombatidae, wombats are solitary, marsupial animals that forage chiefly on grass, roots, and bark. Three species of wombat survive a much larger extinct group. Australia is where wombats live.

500 Questions

How does the northern hairy nosed wombat protect itself from its enemies?

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All wombats (including the Northern hairy-nose wombat) are herbivorous and live in burrows. They are the largest herbivorous burrowing animals in the world. They have a stout body, blunt head and broad paws with strong claws making it a powerful earth-mover, burrowing up to 2 metres a night. A typical burrow is about 50 cm high and 50 cm wide and can be up to 30 metres long with several chambers including nursery burrows. Burrows provide wombats with protection from predators, weather and bushfires. A predator following a wombat into its burrow can be crushed against the roof by the wombat's powerful rump, however, a wombat will abandon the burrow if a snake moves in. When wombats are resting in a burrow, their metabolism slows to two-thirds of normal to conserve water and energy.

What biome does the wombat live in?

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Common wombat current distribution is now between the Great Dividing Range and the coast from Stanthorpe in Queensland and right around almost to Adelaide and all of Tasmania. Prior to European settlement, the habitat would have been very much the same, but the population more dense and less patchy than currently. Northern hairy-nosed wombat current distribution is now almost exclusively in and around the Epping Forest National park near Clermont in Queensland. Prior to European settlement, the habitat would have extended down from Clermont through central NSW and into Victoria. Southern hairy-nosed wombat current distribution is along the southern areas of South and Western Australia, mostly along the Nullabor Plain and as far east as Murraylands, and away from population centres. Prior to European settlement, the habitat would have been very much the same, but the population more dense and less patchy than currently.

The hairy cloak of the fetus?

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Mowing the lawn, helps when it is raining outside.

What continent does a wombat live in?

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The wombat is only found on the continent of Australia.

Can a wombat growl?

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Yes, growling is one of the vocalisations of a wombat, and one of the ways it communicates.

How can wombats survive a bushfire?

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Often wombats do not survive if they are under attack, and this is why the Northern Hairy nosed wombat is endangered. Wombats in the immediate vicinity of their burrows stand a better chance of surviving an attack. Their burrow is only the size of their own body. They can then turn their heavy body and present only their back end, which is reinforced with extra thick skin and fur, to a would-be attacker. They have no tail for a predator to grasp onto. If an attacker is somehow able to climb over the top of the wombat while in its burrow, the marsupial has incredibly strong forelegs, with which it will push against the roof of its burrow, crushing the enemy.

Are there any animals similar to a wombat?

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While the early Australian settlers often referred to the wombat as a "badger", it is nothing like a badger. The closest relative to the wombat is the koala. Both creatures have short legs with very sharp claws. Both also share the very unique feature of a backward-facing pouch.

Why do men have hairy armpits?

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Humans grow hair under their arms during puberty. It is one of the symbols that proves that the person in question has grown mature. Other symbols are facial hair, change in voice, pubic hair etc.

Is it safe to lick a hairy vagina?

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It is indeed amazing to lick a vagina. They are delicious and always have a different taste than the last one; a sort of salty but yummy taste. For the licker, it's pleasurable because personally it turns me on even more. And obviously for the lickee, it feels very good when the other partner knows what he/she is doing. Take it from a lesbian who knows, it is most certainly good to lick a vagina...unless it's unclean. Then I advice you to STAY AWAY.

You got to "lick it" before you "stick it"

How far can a wombat smell?

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wombats can smell a 100 miles away from the tropical rainforest to greenland

How many Wombats are left in the world?

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Common wombat current distribution is now between the Great Dividing Range and the coast from Stanthorpe in Queensland and right around almost to Adelaide and all of Tasmania. Prior to European settlement, the habitat would have been very much the same, but the population more dense and less patchy than currently.

Northern hairy-nosed wombat current distribution is now almost exclusively in and around the Epping Forest National park near Clermont in Queensland. Prior to European settlement, the habitat would have extended down from Clermont through central NSW and into Victoria.

Southern hairy-nosed wombat current distribution is along the southern areas of South and Western Australia, mostly along the Nullarbor Plain and as far east as Murraylands, and away from population centres. Prior to European settlement, the habitat would have been very much the same, but the population more dense and less patchy than currently.

How does a wombat survive the heat in Australia's deserts?

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Kangaroos do not live in the Australian desert. The Red kangaroo is found in semi-arid areas, not deserts. It can also be found in bushland and sparsely wooded areas. However, kangaroos do still need to keep cool, as Australia's climate is very hot.

  • Kangaroos have a network of fine veins just beneath the surface of the skin on their forearms. They lick this area, and the saliva evaporates, cooling down the blood vessels.

    Kangaroos are essentially nocturnal, being active during the night time. They are crepuscular, meaning they feed in the early morning, before it is too hot, and in the evening, as the earth cools down.

  • During the day, they laze around under trees, chewing their cud.
  • Their large ears help with heat dissipation.
  • Contrary to overseas opinion, kangaroos do not live in the barren, sandy desert. There is always vegetation for them to shelter underneath.

Is a wombat a vertebrate?

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No, A 'Monotreme' is a member of the order 'Monotremata' which consists of just two members, the Platypus and the Echidna, both of which are the only egg laying mammals.

What is the niche of a wombat?

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I don't think the niche of the wombat will be obvious because I've been looking for it too. research what the wombat does and how what they do affects the surrounding area. If they are getting government protection they must have some purpose. I know this doesn't help but i hope it gets you looking at it different.

How many common wombats are there in the world?

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The gestation period of a wombat is 30 days resulting in a single, bean-sized, 1 gram offspring. The joey is blind and crawls from the birth canal, following the smell of its mother's milk into the backwards facing pouch. For the next 7-8 months, the joey is completely dependent on its mother, even for warmth since it cannot control its own body temperature. The joey leaves the pouch permanently at about 10 months, but stays with its mother for a further 5-10 months.

How big is a wombat in length?

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The size of a wombat depends upon the species.

The Hairy-nosed Wombat grows up to 1 m long, and a height of 35 cm. Their weight may reach 35kg, and females are usually heavier than males.

The Common Wombat is usually around 91 cm in length and an average weight of around 26 kg, although those found in Tasmania tend to be smaller.

How deep is a wombat's burrow?

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The Common Wombat's burrow tends to be anywhere between one metre and eight metres in length.

The Southern Hairy Nosed wombat tend to dig a burrow between 10 and 20 metres in length.

The Northern Hairy Nosed wombat has a burrow of similar length to its Southern cousin, although some burrows in the Northern Hairy Nosed wombat's habitat of Epping Forest in Queensland have been measured at ninety metres in length.

What animal groups are Wombats in?

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Wombats are Australian marsupials. Marsupials are a type of mammal.

What is the difference between a wombat and a kangaroo?

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Kangaroos and wallabies are both herbivorous marsupials that are native to Australia. Differences include:

  • kangaroos have large, strong hind legs and small forepaws, and they move by hopping on their hind legs; wombats walk close to the ground on four legs.
  • kangaroos have a pouch in the front of their abdomen, with the opening at the top; wombats also have a pouch, but it faces backwards
  • there are over 60 species of kangaroos, and just three species of wombats

What is mother of joey?

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A joey is virtually any baby marsupial. So, whilst the mother is commonly a kangaroo, it could also be a wallaby, wallaroo, wombat, bilby, numbat, potoroo, quokka, phascogale, possum, glider, Tasmanian devil or one of many other different creatures.

Is a wombat a scavenger?

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No. Wombats are herbivorous marsupials, feeding mostly on grasses as well as other vegetation, such as herbs, bark, roots and sedges. Their strong teeth enable them to chew through tough vegetation.

Where can you find pictures of the life cycle of a hairy nosed wombat?

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You can find pictures of wombats by browsing the sites listed in the "Related Links" section of this answer.

What is a female wombat called?

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Asked by WriteClub

There is no particular name for either the female or male wombat.

What breed is hairy maclary?

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Hairy Maclary is a fictional dog, the hero of a series of children's picture books. Lynley Dodd has not stated what breed of dog Hairy Maclary is, but he has characteristics of a small terrier, and is possibly an Affenpinscher or a cross-bred.