

Wonder Woman

This category is for questions about the Wonder Woman [] comic books, created by William Moulton Marston.

456 Questions

What are some characteristics of groundwater?

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Asked by Wiki User

Groundwater is found beneath Earth's surface in saturated zones within rocks and soil, and it moves slowly through these porous materials. It is a vital source of drinking water for many communities, supports ecosystem functions, and can be replenished through the water cycle. Wells are typically used to access groundwater for extraction.

What are some some characteristics of a nucleus?

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Asked by Wiki User

The nucleus is the control center of a cell, containing genetic material like DNA. It is surrounded by a double membrane called the nuclear envelope that regulates what enters and exits the nucleus. The nucleus also contains the nucleolus, which plays a role in ribosome production.

What are wonder woman's bad physics?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wonder Woman's bad physics include unrealistic strength and the ability to defy gravity. Additionally, her indestructible bracelets and ability to deflect bullets with them go against the laws of conservation of momentum. Her speed and agility also often stretch the limits of physics.

What are some characteristics of a cypriniformes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cypriniformes are a diverse order of freshwater fish characterized by having toothless jaws, a single dorsal fin, and a homocercal tail fin, where the upper and lower lobes are of equal size. They are known for their diverse shapes and sizes, and many species have barbels around their mouths.

What are some characteristics of Australia?

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Asked by Wiki User

Arid, hot, lack of water. Prone to droughts and flooding.

What are some characteristics of innuitian region?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Innuitian region is located in the northernmost part of Canada, characterized by cold temperatures and a vast expanse of ice and snow. It consists of rugged mountain ranges, glaciers, and frozen tundra landscapes. The region is sparsely populated, primarily by indigenous Inuit peoples who have adapted to its harsh environment.

What are some of the characteristics of the austronesian migration?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Austronesian migration was one of the largest in history, spreading across the Pacific and Indian Oceans. It was driven by seafaring skills, leading to the colonization of remote islands. Austronesian languages are spoken by over 386 million people today.

What are some characteristics of postformal thought?

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Asked by Wiki User

Postformal thought is flexible, pragmatic, and open to complexity and ambiguity. It involves the ability to consider multiple perspectives, engage in problem-solving with creativity, and recognize that not all problems have clear-cut solutions.

What are some characteristics of a responsible student?

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Asked by Wiki User

A responsible student is punctual, completes assignments on time, actively participates in class discussions, takes ownership of their learning, and communicates effectively with teachers and peers. They also prioritize their education, maintain organization, and seek help when needed.

What are some characteristics of a successful student?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some characteristics of a successful student include being organized, having good time management skills, being proactive in seeking help when needed, staying motivated and focused, and being open to learning and adapting to new challenges.

What are some characteristics of a anthropologist?

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Asked by Wiki User

Anthropologists study human behavior, cultures, and societies to understand diversity, similarities, and changes across different groups. They often conduct fieldwork to collect data, analyze social structures, and interpret cultural practices. Anthropologists also apply their findings to address social issues and promote cross-cultural understanding.

Who is stronger She hulk or Wonder Woman She hulk because she's hulk's cousin?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wonder Woman is typically considered to be stronger than She-Hulk. Wonder Woman is an Amazon warrior with superhuman strength, speed, and durability, as well as various other powers. While She-Hulk is indeed the cousin of the Hulk and possesses similar abilities, Wonder Woman is a powerful superhero in her own right with extensive combat training and experience.

What is the meaning of your stepmother was a wonderful woman in the too soon a woman by Dorathy M Johnson?

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Asked by Wiki User

In "Too Soon a Woman" by Dorothy M. Johnson, the phrase "your stepmother was a wonderful woman" suggests that the character of the stepmother was kind, caring, and well-loved. It indicates that she had positive qualities and made a positive impact on those around her.

How many children are there on earth?

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Asked by Wiki User

As of 2021, there are approximately 2.2 billion children (individuals under 18 years old) on Earth. This number can fluctuate due to factors such as birth rates and mortality rates.

Who is the shortest woman alive?

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Asked by Wiki User

As of 2021, the shortest woman alive is Jyoti Amge from India, who stands at 2 feet 1 inch tall.

Who was DC Comic's first female superhero?

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Asked by Carmella Mosciski

Published exclusively for DC Comics, that would be Red Tornado.

Abigail Mathilda "Ma" Hunkel debuted as the Red Tornado in November 1940.

What is Wonder Woman's last name?

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Asked by Marcella Predovic

Wonder Woman's last name is Prince.

What are some characteristics of Anarchism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Anarchism is a political philosophy that emphasizes the abolition of all forms of hierarchical authority, including the state, capitalism, and social norms that oppress individuals. It promotes decentralized forms of organization, direct democracy, individual autonomy, and cooperative decision-making. Anarchists strive for a society based on voluntary cooperation, mutual aid, and the belief that individuals are capable of governing themselves without the need for external authority.

What are the colors in wonder woman's outfit?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wonder Woman's outfit typically consists of red, blue, and gold colors. The top is red with gold accents, and the bottom is a blue skirt or shorts with white stars. She also wears golden cuffs and a tiara.

Was wonder woman first created before superman?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, Superman was created first in 1938 by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, while Wonder Woman was created in 1941 by William Moulton Marston.

What brand of hose did Wonder Woman wear?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wonder Woman's iconic lasso is known as the Lasso of Truth and is made from a fictional material called the Golden Perfect. It is not a typical garden hose or brand.

Who controlled a married English womans propetey?

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Asked by Wiki User

In England, laws known as coverture restricted married women's control over their property. Under coverture, a woman's property became her husband's upon marriage, and he had legal control over it. This practice began to change gradually in the 19th century with reforms that granted married women more property rights.

What is the Invisible Womans Weaknesses?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Invisible Woman's weaknesses include overexertion of her powers leading to exhaustion, vulnerability to certain types of energy attacks, and being unable to turn invisible while wearing visible clothes or accessories.

What are some characteristics of something that is cyclical?

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Asked by Wiki User

Cyclical things exhibit regular patterns of repetition or fluctuation, often following a specific sequence of events, such as seasons in nature or economic cycles. They typically have identifiable phases that repeat over time, moving in a continuous loop or cycle.